Select one.

Due Date: January 4

9 weeks grade and midterm grade

Must have two sources

  1. Conduct research on your selected parallel

Create 5-10 slide PowerPoint explaining who or what your historical reference is and how it applies to the novel. Must provide specific examples to the text and the historical parallel.Include photos and appropriate bulleted information. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphed information on your slides.

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected parallel. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism of your topic. Include information in a Works Cited page.

  1. Conduct research on propaganda in the novel. Must include at least three types of propaganda

Create 5-10 slide PowerPoint explaining who or what your propaganda examples are and how they apply to the novel. Include photos and appropriate bulleted information. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphed information on your slides.

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected topic. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism of your topic. Include information in a Works Cited page.

  1. Explore Fable/Allegory in the novel

Create 5-10 slide PowerPoint explaining who or what your examples are and how they apply to the novel. Must include at least three specific historical/political references. Include photos and appropriate bulleted information. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphed information on your slides.

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected topic. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism of your topic. Include information in a Works Cited page.

  1. Explore Satire in the novel

Create 5-10 slide PowerPoint explaining who or what your examples are and how they apply to the novel. Must include at least three specific historical references. Include photos and appropriate bulleted information. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphed information on your slides.

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected topic. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism of your topic. Include information in a Works Cited page.

  1. Create a character biography

Create 5-10 slide PowerPoint explaining who or what your examples are and how they apply to the novel. Must include at least three specific references. Include photos and appropriate bulleted information. Do not use complete sentences or paragraphed information on your slides. Include information such as the characters actions in the text, how they change/if they change, may reference the parallel but should not focus on parallel

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected topic. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism or importance of the character. Include information in a Works Cited page.

  1. An important, universal theme of the novel is that power corrupts

PowerPoint. Trace this desire for power in one character, illustrating how it leads to character’s corruption.

Include the following: name, place/title on the farm,two actions by the character, one quotes said by the character or about the character, how the character changes (if they change), one picture, who or what the character represents (if anything).

Write a minimum of 2 pages on your selected topic. Explain in detail the connection or symbolism of your topic. Include information in a Works Cited page.