Report (Median theme)

My school digital strategy

To make the school as an innovating place

the school where I work:

In my school ( Ischia Primo Circolo) there is a group of teachers who teach English language for more than 10 years, but there is a great disparity among teachers for English language skills and new techonologies ( ICT). Our Institution has been active with projects PON for updating teachers using IWB and workshops for pupils with English native language. In the schools there are also Digital specialists that support teachers that are in trouble with internet or their PC. Since three years the digital journal is compulsory to be filled in but there is a small group of teachers that still can’t use it in propley way. In the school where I work technology is used as a Viagra that is a temporary boost to your performances ( 7 methaphors for impact of technology).

VISION: “Making the school a place of innovation, cultural and relational aggregation for families, associations and local institutions”

Our pedagogical aims are: to offer pupils possibility to get knowledge and action in order to increase abilities and competences; to increase the use of different language; to increase the motivation to learn; to contextualize knowledge; to stimulate the development of capacity, the upgrading of everyone’s skills and competencies; to convey a unified vision of knowledge.

Since the 2011/2012 the school has adopted a new methodology that is called : “ At school without backpack” : children go to school without schoolbag, they find at school all objects they need to study. With this methodology the learning environment ( the classroom) is a place where children share spaces, their own feelings and even school objects. Teachers don’t do frontal lesson anymore but their practices are founded on cooperative learning, problem solving, collaboration, interfacing one each other and workshops.

This methodology should be complemented by technology to reach an innovative way to study through the active participation of students.

Strategy to turn the school technological:

To turn the school where I work more digital we must follow the path suggested by Rogers in the phases of adopting technology:






Knowledge: as a first step in the school where I work is needed a teachers awareness campaign, as much of them still use computers only for applications such as: paint, power point, educational games or researchs.It will therefore be useful to learn how to use proprely platforms such as: Kahoot, edshelf, Sync, OER ( Other Education Resources). Furthermore it will be suitable the use of google applications (google folders, .doc, drive, slide) wich are simple and massive.

Persuasion: Change must involve all teachers.If you want to do something different, you also must involve the pupils with their families. In our area, parents use technology tools just to entertain children, like baby sitter.By doing so, they deprive their children of the great potential that technology offers. Parents should also be involved in the digitalization process. Even parents, in fact, should be confident that technology can be a value. In this way, pupils will also be able to approach the computer differently. Contrary to what is believed, the use of computer doesn’t isolate you, but rather fosters collaboration: just think about using google documents to write and share your work in real time with your colleagues or your classmates!

Decision: Until a few years ago if you wanted to become competent in digital skills, you had to buy the material.Today you can BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and work with it after you have download a specific app or specific free programmes like: you tube, video recordings and so on. On the other hand teachers can create platforms for sharing all material, lessons and experiences. They can also use platforms to planning lessons to share with students who can complete them. Also,pupil’s evaluation would become much faster with digital media creating survey, questionnaires and data graphics.

Implementation: first of all the technological devices must be proportionate to the number of pupils.Always ensure a wifi connection. The physical space changes because it needs of new structures and new materials. The learning environment changes and becomes larger because it is virtual too. Teachers will change working method and find new ways to support pupils' learning (Project Based Learning, Inquiry Based Learning, ect) and students will learn how to solve problems, plan their work and find useful things for their personal development through

the use of various sources and devices.

Confirmation: in the digital age we have to create a new kind of knowledge wich is trialogical.Technology is ubiquitous and it is useful to discover and master objectives togheter with students. Technology leads to a deeper study based on the ability to create and use knowledge in real life.

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