Regular School Board Meeting 5 May 18, 2004



Kirtland Board Room, Kirtland, New Mexico

May 18, 2004 - 7:00 p.m.



President, Randy Manning, called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

School Board Members Administrators

Randy J. Manning, President Dr. Linda Besett, Superintendent

Bernadette Todacheene, Vice-President Dennis Nicholson, Assistant Superintendent

Stanley King, Secretary Jay Mortensen, Assistant Superintendent

Gary Ray, Member Byron Manning, Ex. Dir. of Finance & Business Operations

Glenn Duncan, Member (absent) Marlene Frazier, Exe. Dir. of Curriculum & Instruction Patricia Emrick, Director of Exceptional Programs

Larry Tsosie, Indian Education Coordinator

Nancy Frazzini, Student Services Coordinator

Sheri Price, Director of Human Resources

Peggy Warren, Early Childhood Coordinator

Roy Waters, Construction Supervisor

Mr. Stanley King led the School Board and audience in the pledge of allegiance, and Mr. Gary Ray conducted a prayer.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the consent agenda of May 18, 2004 (Minutes of April 15, 2004 Regular School Board Meeting, Minutes of May 13, 2004 Work Session, Payment of Bills, Budget Adjustments and Increases, Proposal No. 05-02 – Propane Services, Proposal No. 05-40 – Occupational Therapy, Proposal No. 05-44 – Speech Language Therapy). Motion carried, 4-0.


The Superintendent and Board of Education recognized students, staff, and parents for their support and dedication to the District. Among the recognitions were the following individuals:

Ø  State and Regional Science and Engineering Fair Winners at Kirtland Middle School: Dawn T. Hamilton, Shandiin C. Copeland, Shawndon Jones, Kelcy Halvorson, Allison Young, Koda Yazzie, Carl Johnathan Schmitt, Nickole Yazzie, David James Lucero, Ms. Nicole Atencio, Keith Weiss

Ø  CCSD Parent Recognition: Ojo Amarillo Elementary School (Regina Price, Allen Cusenbary, Tina Mason), Parents as Teachers Program (Janice Bilagody, Chris and Christina Linn), Mesa Elementary (Gregory Lander, Natalie Beyale), Eva B. Stokely Elementary (Elvin Keeswood), Grace B. Wilson Elementary (Printha Scott, Alice Garnenez), Nizhoni Elementary (Vera Blackwater, Grace Chavez), Naschitti Elementary (Martina Hudson), Ruth N. Bond Elementary (Shalaine Badoni, Printha Scott), Kirtland Elementary (Sheri Eddleman), Nataani Nez Elementary (Carol Washburn, Sharon Dale), Newcomb Elementary School (Marlene Etcitty, Vicky Bryant), Newcomb Middle School (Zelma Bodie, Rose Nez, Suzie Wood, Melvin Joe), Tse Bit ‘Ai Middle School (Cecelia Lee), Kirtland Middle School (Stephanie Fourr, Carol King), Shiprock High School (Herb & Natalie Beyale, Joe & Cheryl Smith, Stanley & Leah King, Anthony Lee), Kirtland Central High School (Gary Ray, Thomas Grant, Jerry Stewart, Kathy Curtis, Becky Duncan, Bill & Conne Flack, DaWayne Whipple, Edwina Aspaas, Karen Guillory, Renee Pioche, Tammy Hossman, Tara Walraven), Career Prep High School (Lorraine Silas, Ned Hubbard), Newcomb High School (Rick & Nadine Begay).

Ø  Golden Apple Award Finalists: Mary Schumacher-Hoerner and Vicki Bruno

Ø  Planning the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Shiprock and Kirtland Performing Arts Centers: Garry Jay and Marsha Peter

Ø  Not all Power Standards Team Members were present to be recognized, so only those members who were present at the meeting were recognized: Scott Nicolay, Jennifer Miller, Don Hornbecker, Holly Stock, Marsha Peters, Vicky Chapman, Barbara Lukow, Caroline Snow, and Cindy Liess.

Ø  New Mexico School Boards Association 2004 Excellance for Student Achievement Award – Tara Kuehn from Tse Bit ‘Ai Middle School. Ms. Kuehn was not present, so President Manning recommended that Ms. Kuehn be publicly recognized at the June board meeting.

Comments from the Audience:

Pandora Bidtah, Principal at Mesa Elementary School, shared her appreciation of the remodeling construction that is on-going at her school, and also thanked the school board and Dr. Besett for allowing the principals to participate in the National Association Conference held in San Francisco, California.


Tse Bit ‘Ai Middle School’s Poetry Club sponsored by Sarah Miller presented the School Board and Dr. Besett a booklet of poems written by the students at Tse Bit ‘Ai Middle School. Kelsey Tohdacheeny and Talia Francis shared a couple of poems written by other students in the poetry club; “The Gift of Living” and “Growing Pains”.

Patti Carr, Counselor at Ruth N. Bond Elementary, and Caroline Thomas, Counselor at Kirtland Elementary School gave a power point presentation on the Comprehensive Counseling Program.

Gary Ray gave a report on the Legislative Education Study Committee (LESC) meeting he attended in Albuquerque on May 13 and May 14. The LESC is comprised of senators and representatives and they study educational issues that are brought before them. Two items Mr. Ray presented on was the Special Education Gifted Programs and the Bilingual Education Programs. The next LESC meeting will be held in Las Cruces, NM.


Motion by Gary Ray, second by Stanley King to approve the 2004-2005 School Improvement Plans as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the Revised JOM Bylaws with minor revisions. The bylaws will be in effect on July 1, 2004. Comment: Mr. Manning reminded Dr. Besett and Mr. Larry Tsosie, Indian Education Coordinator, that the Open Meetings Resolution along with the 2004-2005 meeting schedule needs to be approved at the next Indian Education Committee meeting. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Gary Ray to approve the 2004-2005 JOM Application as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the Revised Title VII Bylaws with minor revisions. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the 2004-2005 Title VII Application as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Stanley King, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the unique trip request for Kirtland Central High School FFA to participate in the State Convention on June 1 – June 4, 2004 in Las Cruces, NM, Kirtland Central High School History Club to participate in the National History Day on June 12 – June 17, 2004 in Washington, DC, Kirtland Central High School Diné Club to participate in the United National Indian Tribal Youth Leadership Conference on June 24 – June 29, 2004 in Phoenix, AZ (with the stipulations (a certified employee go as a sponsor, male and female chaperone needed if male and female students participate, funding must be raised one week prior to the trip), and Newcomb High School to participate in the Skills USA Conference on June 19 – June 27, 2004 in Kansas City, MO. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the Facility Use Agreements for dances (Shiprock Agency Song and Dance on May 23, 2004 – Career Prep A Gym, Shiprock Agency Song and Dance on May 30, 2004 – Career Prep A Gym) with all subject to basketball scheduling with the Office of Diné Youth and scheduling with Career Prep. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the Open Meetings Act Resolution and School Board Meeting dates for the 2004-2005 school year as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Stanley King to approve the Carl D. Perkins Instructional Funds Application Grant as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the Elementary Arts Education Program Grant Application as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Stanley King to approve the 2004-2005 Operational Budget as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Stanley King to approve the Tax Compliance Certificates (2003-2004 Public School Capital Improvements - $47,083,465.00 and 2003-2004 Public School Capital Outlay - $76,065,000.00), as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Stanley King to approve the Textbook Funds Resolution as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the Burlington Resources Foundation Grant for Kirtland Middle School (Global Positioning System Fundamentals and Applications - $4,800.00), as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the two percent (2%) increase for 2004-2005 Salary Schedules. Discussion: Gary Ray would like to see job descriptions for department heads within the schools. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to allow ex-board members to present diplomas to their son(s), daughter(s), and grandchildren during graduation ceremonies, is requested. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Stanley King to approve a request to waive the New Mexico High School Competency Exam (NMHSCE) Graduation Requirement for Susana Zapata due to the unusual circumstances. Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gary Ray, second by Bernadette Todacheene to approve the Facility Use Agreement (Country Western Dance on June 5, 2004 at Career Prep A-Gym), as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.


1.  School Law Conference on June 4 – 5, 2004 at the Sheraton Old Town in Albuquerque, NM

2.  Tse Bit ‘Ai Middle School AVID Program

3.  Riverview Education and Recreational Center Report at the next meeting

4.  Board Member Reports

Mr. Gary Ray gave a report on his attendance at Kirtland Central High School’s Senior Awards Night and Riverview Golf Course belongs to CCSD and San Juan College and Riverview hosted the State AAA Golf Tournament and it was very successful.


Strengths (+): Changes (∆):

A lot of awards being presented Corner and cords everywhere

Large crowd

Bernadette present with what’s going on in her life


Motion by Bernadette Todacheene, second by Gary Ray to adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting at 9:26 p.m. Motion carried, 4-0.

Respectfully Submitted,


Stanley King, Board Secretary