2004 IAS Technical Conference – October 4, 2004, Seattle, Washington

1.  The Gold Book Working Group meetings were held in the Whidbey Room on Sunday, Oct 3, 2004 between 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and in the Adams Room on Monday, Oct. 4, 2004 between 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 am at the Westin Hotel in Seattle, Washington.

2.  The members and guests of the working group were introduced. The following members were present:

Don O. Koval / Tim Coyle / Robert Schuerger
W. F. Braun / Bill Brumsickle / Patricia Gerdon
Robert G. Arno / Charles Heising / Spence Tacke

3.  The minutes of the 2003 I&CPS Meeting held in the Conch Room 6th flr , Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida, May 3, 2003, 11:00 a.m. - Noon were approved.

4.  The following reports on the working groups were discussed informally and are summarized below:

Equipment Reliability Working Group – Chaired by Bob Arno

The Equipment Reliability Working Group meeting was held in the Adams Room (8 a.m. - 9 a.m.)
·  Data limitations issue for a description of limitations of the data. Chapter 10 and appendix.
·  New Study in works for standby issues on equipment.
·  How to do an analysis in Chapter 2/ review chapter 4 for content and decide if there is sufficient information on concepts to do an analysis? Simple discussion indicates that the information is already in there, no issue. Comments please!!!!
·  Book designed to address plant engineer issues on their system.
·  Everyone to look at the definitions and comment! This is a major issue which is the foundation of the book.
·  FEMCA example to be included in Chapter 2
·  A section on “How to approach a Reliability Analysis?” will be presented in Chapter 2
·  Bob Arno announced the Brian Roczen will be the chairman of Chapter 2
·  Bob Arno, chairman of a new Chapter (i.e., Chapter 11) entitled: “Standard Data Collection Techniques” announced that the chapter is complete and available for review on the web.
·  A published paper containing detail equipment reliability data will be placed in the appendix.

Reliability Analysis Working Group Meeting - Chaired by Don Koval

The Reliability Analysis Working Group meeting was held in the Adams Room ( 9 a.m.- 10 a.m.).
·  Include the Gold Book Standard Network configuration and it reliability data and results from different published papers in Chapter 3 Planning and Design.
·  Examples of Reliability Analysis data will use Chapter 10 reliability data provided by Bob Arno.

Voltage Sag Working Group Meeting – Chaired by Bill Brumsickle

·  The Voltage Sag Working Group meeting was held in the Adams Room (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)
·  Include a discussion of equipment damage due to voltage sags.
·  Include survey data in appendices.
·  Discuss where other relevant discussions are contained in published standards.
·  Add to SLG fault example.
·  Add equipment susceptibility curves from EPRI-PEAC, if allowed, as appendix.
·  Refer to Emerald Book (P1100) for solutions.
·  Add ITI/CBEMA , F47 curve to chapter.
·  Add monitoring data – I-Grid, CEA EPRI DPQ, DPQII, and NPL voltage sag data if possible.
·  Elaborate on how to count sag events.
·  Spencer Tacke of Modesto Irrigation District indicated that he would provide data on the number of permanent distribution line faults per mile and the frequency of three phase, single line to ground and line to line faults that occur on three phase distribution systems. Don Koval also indicated that he will try and get similar data from Seattle Light and Power for Chapter 7.

5.  The Gold Book Working group defined a new time line for completion of the next edition of the Gold Book as follows:

Jan 31, 2005 / Final Drafts of Chapters to Bill Braun to put up on IEEE Gold Book Website for review by individual members of the Gold Book Working Group.
March 15, 2005 / Members of the working group are to review the chapters and send comments to both the appropriate chapter chairperson and Bill Braun who will put the comments on the web.
April 15, 2005 / Resolve comments and revise chapters if necessary. Submit Final Drafts to Bill Braun to put up on the IEEE Gold Book Website by April 15, 2005 prior to the I&CPS meeting held in May 2005 in Saratoga Springs, NY.
June – Aug 2005 / I&CPS Conference Saratoga Springs, NY / Final Drafts of Chapters and Balloting by Gold Book Working Group members. Create the Balloting Group for the Gold Book by IEEE Standards
Make sure the Balloting group has adequate representation from all sectors.
Send the Gold Book out for balloting. Then resolve negative ballots and send to REVCON for final approval.
Oct 2005 / IAS Annual Meeting
Hong Kong / all delegates indicated they could not participate in meeting and suggested an alternative meeting could be arranged (an alternate meeting place not decided to date)

6.  A summary of the new sequence of chapters for the next edition of the Gold Book are listed in the following Table.



1 / Introduction / Don Koval
2 / Basic Concepts of Reliability / Brian Roczen
3 / Planning and Design / Don Koval, Charles Heising
4 / Evaluating and Improving Reliability of Existing Plant / Tim Coyle
5 / Electric Preventative Maintenance / Peyton Hale, Jr.
6 / Emergency and Standby Power / Pat O’Donnell
7 / Voltage Sags Analysis / Willian E. Brumsickle
8 / 7 x 24 Continuous Power / Robert Schuerger
9 / Reliability and Maintainability Verification / Don Koval
10 / Summary of Equipment reliability and Availability Data / Robert Arno
11 / Standard Data Collection Techniques / Robert Arno
Appendices / Members of the Working Group

7.  The Power Systems Engineering Committee unanimously approved the continuation of the Gold Book revisions in its present format and the time line for its completion. This was necessary in order to avoid the confusion during the transition to the new Color Book structure where it was rumored that the drop-dead date was December 31, 2004.

8.  Bill Braun provided the website and passwords for the Gold Book Working Group Chapter Chairpersons

9.  The meeting was adjourned .