Southern California Swimming

Metro Committee

Minutes of September 21, 2010

Pending Approval

Present: Tom Mirabella (Chair), Don Garman (RMDA), Gyongyver Sovago (SMT), Sheri Stoddard (Sr. Rep), Ruth Anatalio (Jr. Program), Lucy Moore (LKWD), Claudia Rutter (Treasurer), Teresa Pascuzzo (BSC), Mark Johnson (CERR), Ellen Whalen (DWNY), Federico Ricketts (DWNY), Oliver Pena (Sr. Program), Michael Schicora (BAC), Kadi Miramontes (Athlete Rep), Rebecca McArthur (Secretary)

Call to Order:

Agenda / Item / Discussion / Action
Rebecca McArthur
Present / Approval of Minutes from July 20, 2010 / M/S/C
Thomas Mirabella
Present / Minutes Procedure / Send Minutes to Mary Jo and post to website within two weeks of meeting – prior to Metro Committee approval. / M/S/C
Congratulations / Age Group Coach of the Year – Lucy Moore / None
Overpayment to Downey / Downey will forego $400 reimbursement for Champs Meet, pay back $3000 now, $3000 in October and pay balance in December. / None
2011 Meeting Schedule / Motion to approve as proposed. / M/S/C
Vice Chairperson
Federico Ricketts
Present / Electing Officers / Federico will send information within one week. All positions except Coach Rep and Sr. Program will be available. / None
Athlete Rep / Existing Rep will continue until June 2011 / M/S/C
Treasurer Report
Claudia Rutter
Present / Account Balance / $5210.08.See attached report. / None
Coaches Rep
Mark Johnson
Present / Two new teams / Viking at Long BeachCityCollege and
FROG at Palmdale. / None
Rough Water Swims / LKWD & WAC participated at Oceanside,
Commerce participated at San Diego / None
Senior Representative
Sheri Stoddard
Present / Higher level meets / SCS was well represented at Pan Pacs, as well as Junior and Senior Nationals. / None
USA Swimming Convention / Coaches should READ info on USA Swimming web page. Lots of discussion regarding athlete protection issues. / None
Scholastic All American / Well represented by both SCS and Metro Committee / None
Age Group Rep
Don Garman
Present / SCS Fall Clinic / There will be age-group pertinent presentations. Don recommends going. / None
Officials Rep
Ellen Whalen
Present / Officials / Three new officials have been certified. Tom is working on meet referee certification. / None
Senior Program Chair
Oliver Pena
Present / Ballot / First round meet bidding – see attached schedule. / Voting
Junior Program
Ruth Anatalio
Present / Beach Swim Club / Has sanction form for upcoming meet. / None
Athlete Rep
Kadi Miramontes
Present / No Report / None
Board of Review
Teresa Pascazzo
Present / No Report / None
Old Business / Releasing Beach Swim Club / Teresa would like Sr. swimmers to swim at same meets as her younger swimmers. If Metro grants waiver – fine. If not, she’ll petition to go to Orange. Ensuing discussion regarding who can visit outside committee, section, etc… Motion to release Beach / M/S/Withdrawn
Motion to allow BSC West Coast swimmers to attend Metro Committee meets / M/S/C
New Business
Announcements / CPR Training / At October meeting, George will present dates. Metro Committee pays for renewal for all coaches who attend. / None
Diving Certification / Annual requirement – each swimmer need to be recertified. / None
Meeting Location / La Mirada is offering facility for future Metro meetings. Tom will work out details by next meeting. / None
Adjournment / 9:21 PM / M/S/C