APICS Central Indiana Chapter Board Meeting 22Mar 2017:
- Present: Peter Clonts, Erin Hervey, Tammy Lantz, Paula Hoback, Myles Watson, Kimber Rueff
- Phone: Karl Knapp, Pru Strain- Gamso, Jason Jackson, Jim Tilton
- Meeting called to order at 6:18 pm by Peter Clonts.
- Approved by Tammy Lantz, Paula seconded.
- Past Open Action Review
- Peter to check into scheduling the next QBR.– Chapter scorecard should have been completed. Peter has been following up with Kathy. Do not know chapter standing or when meeting will be scheduled. Look to April board meeting.
- Need separate strategic planning meeting for education - Open. Peter, Pru, Tammy. Pru to schedule.
- Student case competition was well attended. 22 schools, 24 teams. Loyola came in first. Highest Indiana team was Ball State in 4th place. This team will be sent to conference, but it needs to be communicated to them. The team coach/advisor should be the point of contact (Chai). Peter reached out to Chai.
- Marketing Update–Jason Jackson
- There will be a survey in the next few weeks for members.
- April 18th will be the next event at Traders Point Creamery, focused on recruiting with Ajilon. There are only a few people registered at this point. Please promote this event. Even if not looking for a job, this will be a good event. They are interested in having students attend. The event was sent to members and non-members. There is a good article in the APICS magazine to share with attendees.
- There will be a Toyota tour on April 7 at 8am. It is free. There are very few registrations left.
- We need to continue to work with the Indy Chamber. The upcoming events will be sent out. Education events can also be posted.
- Need to tap into TV channel – Inside Indiana Business. This helped with marketing in the past.
- Encourage members to like/share events on LinkedIn to increase visibility. Do the same within business social media sites, like Yammer.
- District Representative Update – Jim Tilton
- District meeting agenda received for May 5 – 6. Three districts meeting together. It will be a good opportunity to network with other districts and learn from their chapters. Encourage board members to attend. Sessions with officer training and best practices. We would like a strong showing at this event. The district website has a more detailed agenda. Offering AIS class the Thursday before. Pru will send this to instructors.
- Programs Update- Emily Bielefeld
- Looking for PDM in May
- Finance Update- Tammy Lantz
- Still in good cash position, slightly favorable to where budgeted.
- Taxes are filed
- No outstanding late invoices
- Education Update – Pru Strain-Gamso
- Congrats to Kimber, Tammy for wrapping up CPIM modules at Roche and Toyota and CSCP public class.
- Trying to do supplemental basic classes, per requests. Looking at public CSCP class in the next few months.
- Pru is looking for bulletins on certifications to hand out. Tammy will bring next week.
- CSCP for Bloomington has questions on instructor pay. We can interface directly, but how is the revenue handled? Preference that Ivy Tech pay instructor directly. Need clarity if to manage APICS process or just instruct. If they are buying the materials, then pay instructor directly.
- Should we offer train the trainer class through district? Tammy and Pru to discuss.
- Membership Update – Nolan Cockrell
- See board report
- President Update- Peter Clonts
- Elections will be done in May. If not interested in staying on board, let Peter know. Finding own replacement is recommended (succession planning).
- STUDENT CHAPTERS –Karl sent minimum standards out. Karl will finalize IUPUI joining as student chapter next week. Karl also reached out to Purdue. Peter will connect on Purdue. Peter will follow up with Chai on Ball State for Conference. Need to put together budget for students attending conference. Need to finalize board slate by next meeting.
- QUALITY – Paula reviewed first pass of C-bar and sent to all. Paula will reach out to each board member on areas where need clarification. In next board meeting, take 15 minutes and discuss open items that need to be closed out.
- Should look into recognizing companies at PDM’s throughout the year. Welcome new members, but certifications are private, unless chosen to be shared.
- Student Ambassador– No updates.
- PUBLICITY – No updates.
- IT/WEB –No updates.
- Strategic Development part 1: SWOT, Part 2
- ADJOURN – Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Board Updates:
Myles Watson- IUPUI update:
- Obtaining the interest of the school/university
- Jag blast events
- Semester on campus events to increase awareness
- Visiting freshman classes mostly, as well as upper classmen (with professional assistance to portray realism & passion)
- All our seminars promoting new members to join APICS (benefits of professional networking regardless of major)
- Promotional gifts for call out meetings promoting APICS & OSCM
- Forming a student chapter organizing committee
- I will hold a high interest & communication through APICS & OSCM (maintaining productivity & professionalism)
- Tyler will head all necessary meetings & proper documentation required
- Allowing freshman to hold a small roll to assist APICS (aka to be involved to maintain interest & passion)
- Conducting a first meeting with an APICS representative
- I would like to do this either prior to the semester ending with our executive council or after the first call out meeting inviting everyone depending on how dynamic the meeting will be
- Conducting a general organizational meeting
- Every month I would like OSCM to conduct 2 meetings every month
- Affiliated with OSCM & APICS ventures collaboration ideas & updates
- Allowing non-exec members to attend for creative collaboration & maintain interest
- These meetings do not include our mini seminars with professionals or tours (2 mini seminars a month in the same week & 1 tour)
- Personal Ideas for collaboration
- Group tours (Monarch Beverages & Sun King)
- Variety of Supply Chain positions (procurement, operations, logistics, etc)
- Mentoring for students
Notable facts & Questions
Dr Frohlich as faculty contact
The 15 members list is being populated (but is the most difficult part thus far) We have 15 members interested, but getting them all on the same page (literally & figuratively) bears a difficulty
I have a meeting with Karl Monday to go over any questions & paperwork
Other than the previously noted are there any questions for OSCM or me
I also am very interested in the Student Ambassador position