Memphis PMI® Chapter Board Meeting Minutes

Memphis PMI Chapter Board Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting: January 21, 2013

Attendees: Kenneth Watkins,Sidd Kunche, Sherry Gray, Chandy Littlejohn, Mike Fulton, Alicia Miller, Aimee Sufka, Ralph Sacharczyk, Sandy Hilliard, Karen Stewart

Note: All action items from the meeting are also copied into an ongoing board member action-items Excel sheet to be tracked monthly for closure.

Kenneth Watkins, President

General Business

  • Overview of the Vision for the Chapter
  • Discussed the need for a Strategic Planning Meeting
  • Reviewed Chapter Meeting and Board Meeting Calendar
  • Discussed Region 14 Meeting Date – May 3rd through May 5th
  • Discussed Global Leadership Institute participation – October 16th – October 20th in New Orleans, LA

Aimee Sufka, VP Membership

Membership Update

Membership: 462 (end December); net gain of two

  • 29 renewals
  • Seven new, one rejoin
  • Ten did not renew
  • January meeting stats:
  • Registrants – 65 for Chapter Meeting; 72 for New Member Orientation
  • Attendees – 48 for Chapter Meeting; 22 for New Member Orientation
  • Tabletop surveys : Comments from previous surveys
  • Suggested future topics: Portfolio Management, Critical Chain Project Management
  • “Good meeting” Would like coffee as part of dinner service
  • “Are monthly emails sent out to non-members?”
  • Additional topics: Risk Management / Resource Management
  • “Have ice breakers for attendees to help network”
  • Requested meetings during lunch time
  • Continuing to send “thank you” emails for renewals / new members, reminders to members who need to renew in the next 30 days, and surveys to lapsed members

Alicia Miller, VP Publications


  • Suggested a letter from the President to be included in January Newsletter
  • Requested all updates for the Newsletter to be submitted 4 days in advance for layout and design time

Lora Beth Matson, VP of Finance

Karen Stewart attended on behalf of the VP of Finance

Financial Reporting

  • All bill payment and reconciliation will be outsourced to Smith & Smith Accounting Firm as voted by the majority of the Board

Sidd Kunche, VP of Communications

PMI Memphis Website

  • The contract with CVENT has been terminated
  • The new chapter website has been submitted to the board for approval. The testing site is ready for feedback and requested by Friday, January 25th.
  • Discussed training links on the website

Mike Fulton, VP of Public Relations

  • 60 second video regarding PMP value
  • Discussed joining the Memphis Chamber of Commerce and adding the Board distribution list to the Chamber list-serve and mailing list

Sherry Gray, VP of Special Events

Upcoming Events

  • Discussed event fee for the upcoming PDD
  • The PDD proposal to be emailed to the President for approval then disseminated to the Board for review
  • Sponsorship targeted for April, 2013 timeframe; See Orange County Chapter site for an example

Ralph Sacharczyk, VP of Programs

Upcoming Events

  • Ralph broached the topic of changing the day of the week that the chapter meeting is held
  • Discussed the possibility of members attending chapter meetings for free
  • Promotion of chapter meetings in newsletter in advance for members to prepare to attend

Chandy Littlejohn, Past President

  • Discussed recruiting volunteers earlier and submitting bios to be entered on the website
  • VRMS system – need a dedicated volunteer to manage
  • Indicated speakers were identified for the next 6 months for VP of Programs

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