Summary of Restructure Efforts for the 2009–10 School Year
Schools identified as Restructure must submit this form no later than August 16, 2009.
Name of School: _Northside Elementary______
Superintendent’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Check the appropriate box(es) to identify which alternate governance action(s) defined in Section 1116 of NCLB are being implemented at the school designated as in the Restructuring Phase of School Improvement. A copy of relevant documentation should be attached to this form for submission.
Re-open the school as a public charter school;
Replace all or most of the school staff, which may include the principal, who are relevant to the school’s inability to make adequate yearly progress;
Enter into a contract with an entity, such as a private management company, with a documented record of effectiveness, to operate the school as a public school;
Turn the operation of the school over to the state department of education if this action is permitted under state law and the State agrees; or
Implement any other major restructuring of the school’s governance
that is consistent with the principles of restructuring. Please provide a
description for this option (use additional pages as needed).
Colleton County School District adheres to the research-based practice that school leaders and their constituents are the most qualified to make program and governance decisions for the overall success of a public school. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires that schools must attain specific levels of academic achievement in a time sensitive manner in order to comply with federal law. For schools in critical need of assistance to reach these mandated levels, the Colleton County District Oversight Committee (DOC), comprised of district level staff and school board members, has developed a plan for restructuring schools failing to meet mandated performance levels. The DOC will intercede in the usual school-based decision-making processes to provide technical assistance commensurate with the school’s academic gaps. At this most serious level of school improvement, restructuring, the DOC will function as the governing board of the school to make decisions directly supporting effective school’s research. The school principal, staff, and parents will work under the auspices of the DOC on all manners pertinent to academic achievement goals and overall school success.
v DOC members include: Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Elementary School Coordinator, Title I Coordinator and three School Board members.
The DOC will meet with the school’s Leadership Team regularly. Meetings will focus on monitoring the progress of student performance and reviewing/analyzing curriculum and instruction to target areas that prevented the school from meeting expected progress and exiting school improvement. In addition to Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), Dominie, and DIBELS, common grade-level assessments will be administered to students and frequent classroom observations will be conducted and analyzed. Both student performance and teacher performance will function as primary data sources.
Northside Elementary missed AYP in mathematics for African-American students. In response to test score results, the school has implemented several initiatives to address math, and these initiatives are grounded in scientifically-based educational research. The school is conducting active research in the utilization of single gender classrooms. In addition, teachers use “Math Out of the Box,” “Math Four Frames,” small group remediation, and a wealth of math manipulatives. Teachers function in professional learning communities and are provided targeted professional development. Teachers regularly collaborate with one another and with academic coaches to refine their efforts. Administrators meet with collaborative groups, as well. The DOC receives frequent and regular reports on the progress of students and teachers.
Note: Major restructuring of a school’s governance may include replacing the principal, so long as this change is part of a broader reform effort.
Return this form to the Office of Federal and State Accountability by mail, fax, or e-mail no later than August 16, 2009.
Steve Abbott, State Title I Director
Office of Federal Programs
South Carolina Department of Education
1429 Senate Street, Room 502-A
Columbia, SC 29201
Office Phone Number 803-734-0025
Office Fax Number 734-3290