School Council
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Building 5 Conference Room
· Welcome and Introductions
- All members introduced themselves
· Review September 18, 2012 Minutes
- Reviewed minutes and made correction to spelling of Ed Welch’s name under the Rocket Boosters update
· Data Review
- MVHS was recognized in the US News and World report as a top school in the nation.
- MVHS has been recognized in the top 5% of schools in the nation since 2005.
- AIMS fall testing was completed Oct. 23-25
§ The testing targeted 11th and 12th grade students who had not passed AIMS
§ Students attended various tutoring session. Session held included: after school, 8th hour boot camp for reading and writing, Saturday math day and pull-out tutoring.
- Reviewed Quarter 1 success rates (handout)
§ Teachers and administrators are monitoring students who are failing one or more classes to ensure students’ success in passing classes.
§ Senior success rates are down from the 2011-2012 school year. It was discussed that the seniors are the first class that have to take four years of math and three years of math for graduation requirements which could account for the lower success rate.
· AdvancED Accreditation
- Accreditation of the district and schools happens every five years
- The accreditation process began on Nov. 13 and will be complete Nov. 15.
- AdvancED met with parents on Nov. 13 and lead panel discussion about parent and student involvement and campus operations.
- Members of AdvancED visited the MVHS campus on Nov. 14.
· Young Life
- Young Life is a Christian based organization that looks to connect with high school students and see how life is going for them.
- The organization does not operate on campus nor is endorsed by the school.
- The organization has approached Moon Valley about coming on to campus to connect with students.
- The School Council decided that there would be nothing wrong with allowing the organization to come on campus to connect and check up on students.
· 301 Unclaimed Funds
- There is currently $1,200 in unclaimed funds
- The School Council decided to use the same process as last year to have clubs and groups seeking funds to submit a letter describing why and how they would use the funds.
· Student Council Update
- Lenina Madril, student body president, went over Student Council’s latest activities:
§ Nov. 9 Blood Drive was a success
§ Hype Night: Every other Friday night the Student Council is hosting a positive and safe atmosphere where students can hangout. Nov. 16 is ZUMBA night.
§ Link Drive: Over $400 was raised for Adopt-a-Family
§ Spirit Lunch: Will take place on Nov. 21 in an effort to celebrate Moon Valley’s success. The theme will be “’A’ Day of Excellence”. Students who received straight “A”s during Quarter 1 will be given a “coupon” for a free cookie during their lunch.
§ Hoopcoming and Winter Formal: In an effort keep spirit going after football season, Student Council is hosting a basketball homecoming on Dec. 14 with a formal dance the following night.
§ Winter Sports Assembly: The Dr. Seuss themed sports assembly will showcase winter sports and hype Hoopcoming.
§ Adopt-a-Street: the students in Student Council have adopted 39th Avenue between Cactus and Peoria to clean once a month.
§ Currently working with clubs on campus to maintain the beauty of the campus.
§ The students will be attending a district convention in January to wrap up a community drive they’re doing for homeless teens. Moon Valley is responsible for collecting water and ramen.
· Rocket Boosters Update
- As of Nov. 14 there are 132 members
- Fundraisers:
o Fresh and Easy night took place on Nov. 7 with 5% of the receipts collected from 4 p.m.-8 p.m. going to the Rocket Boosters. The group is waiting to find out how much money was raised.
o Swensens at Metro is hosting Moon Valley night on Nov. 16 with 20% of receipts collected from 6 p.m.-11 p.m. going to the Rocket Boosters.
o Swensens is looking to hold a Moon Valley night once a month. Ed Welch has set up dates and will be looking for clubs and groups to sign up for the scheduled nights.
- The group is looking for more people to sign up for Fry’s Cool Cash
· Future Items
- Tax Credit money
- Email Principal Mussi with any future agenda items.
· Good of the Order
- College Day, led by Beverly Ducey and the counselors, took place on Nov. 9 and was a success with 35 schools represented.
- The superintendent will be visiting the campus on Nov. 20.
- Winter sports games will begin Nov. 19
- Many group on campus have been doing well including the marching band who won captions at a recent marching festival, the cross country team who went to state for the first time in over 10 years and the badminton team who had an undefeated season.
- Dawn Harman was recognized for her efforts in keeping the web site updated.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 @ 7:30 a.m.