Meeting summary

Benefit Bank Subcommittee Meeting

June 8, 2009

8:00 A.M.

In attendance

Michelle Taylor, Patricia Beebe, Charlie Copeland, Tyrone Jones, Kirk Wilborne, Debra Spence, Margi Prueitt, Bernice Edwards, Fred Sears


Judy Hurd

Welcome and Meeting Purpose, Michelle Taylor. Michelle called the meeting to order at 8:05 A.M. and noted that the Benefit Bank was being renamed “E” Solution subcommittee and identified the planning team: Mary Dupont, Bernice Edwards, Michelle Taylor, Patricia Beebe and Margie Prueitt, Project Manager.

Exploration of Vendors and “Due Diligence”, Margie Prueitt. Margi has been contracted by United Way of Delaware and Food Bank of Delaware to explore possible vendors and to work on the due diligence component. Margi stated that she was planning to explore at least 3 vendors. Right now she has two vendors that she is researching: Solutions for Progress – The Benefit Bank (TBB) and Single Stop – Benefits Enrollment Network (BEN).

All clients of state services are assigned a Master Client Index number. This number is used to access the case information throughout state government. Case management is defined differently depending on the department conducting the service. There is not a uniform strategy across state government for the type of information collected in case management.

Margi noted that all software will be web-based. The benefit software would have to push information through a portal that would house the information. The various programs, i.e., TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Child Support, Public Health, and WIC, would then reach into the portal and draw the data into their system, allowing them to process the application. When the information is deposited into the portal a signal would alert the appropriate case manager that an application has been filed. The case manager would then retrieve the application, and review it for processing.

Patricia remarked that the Assist Program currently being used has not been updated – it was purchased without a maintenance agreement written in. There are over 500 requests that the state is not going to be able to get to. That number is sure to grow when the auto worker’s unemployment benefits run out. Bernice Edwards from First State Action said that they are now seeing people coming through their doors for assistance that once used to be contributors.

Fred Sears noted that we need to have a champion at the state level to help get the “E” Solution up and running. Patricia has talked with Governor Jack Markell, Rita Landgraf and her Deputy, Henry Smith. Rita Landgraf will tentatively be our champion. Charlie Copeland also suggested Brian Selander, Jack Markell’s Communications Director – Michelle Taylor will contact him. Another contact is Jim Sills, Cabinet Secretary for Technology & Information – Patricia will contact him.

Michelle Taylor suggested the committee think about appropriate subcommittees. How much money it will save the state – the economic benefit. We need to identify someone that could work with us in obtaining stimulus money for this software and the ongoing maintenance.

Funding – Patricia Beebe. Patricia Beebe referred everyone to her handout “Problem Analysis”, which speaks to economic impact of increasing access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). We are submitting a SNAP Proposal for $1 million over two years. The proposal seeks to address the unmet needs for SNAP in Delaware, and seeks to utilize a comprehensive software program and case management delivery mechanism to enable streamlined access to SNAP benefits. Patricia noted that this proposal was being submitted today. The Food Bank of Delaware will be the administrator of this grant. Margi Prueitt remarked that the state has a job to do right now – we have to have a level of understanding in that this will be hard to implement, but that it is worth it in the long run.

Kirk Wilborne asked what role can USDA play in this? - Say yes to the grant! Margie asked Kirk to talk with his colleagues in Michigan and Ohio and ask them if the Benefit Bank works and how they like the program.

Bernice Edwards stated that the Community Actions in Ohio felt it was not as successful as they had hoped it would be, however, the Governor bought into it. Patricia and Michelle stated they will follow up with Brian Selander and Jim Sills as we need to have advocates from within the state. After we are over the due diligence hurdle we will be able to move on.

Michelle Taylor noted that we need to be thinking about a subcommittee around communications. Which audience are we going after? We need to get ahead of the curve. Tyrone asked who, legislatively, in the Senate and the House would be our advocates? Charlie Copeland suggested Senators Karen Peterson and Patricia Blevin, and Senator Gary Simpson downstate. In the House Charlie Copeland suggested Rep. Terry Schooley, Rep. Melanie Marshall and perhaps Rep. Joe Booth and Rep. Donald Blakey downstate.

Margi Prueitt also asked Debra Spencer to speak with her contacts in Ohio and Michigan to see how they feel about the Benefit Bank and how it is working.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 A.M.