Michigan Association of Foster Grandparent & Senior Companion Programs

Operations & Policy Manual

Revised March 27, 2006

Revised October 16, 2006

Operations and Policy Manual


Purpose, Objective, Statement of PurposePage 3

Planning the Association Meeting, Sample AgendaPage 4

Executive Committee, Liaison GuidelinesPage 5

Officer Election PolicyPage 6



PresidentPage 6

Vice PresidentPage 7

SecretaryPage 7

TreasurerPage 8

Immediate Past PresidentPage 8

Standing Committees, Membership, Organization, DutiesPage 9

Bylaws/Nominating Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 9

Conference Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 10

Communications Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 11

Political Strategy Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 12

Welcoming Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 13

Staff Development Committee: Purpose, Duties, ProceduresPage 14

Sample Ballots; ElectionPage 15

Sample Ballot; Other IssuesPage 16

History and Criteria for Rita Katzman AwardPage 17

Nomination form for Rita Katzman AwardPage 18

Operation and Policy Manual


This manual is designed to provide in written form the procedures and methods by which the Michigan Association of Foster Grandparent/Senior Companion Programs officers and committees fulfill their responsibilities as described in the Bylaws


Its objectives are to describe in detail policies and areas of responsibility, to provide continuity in procedures, to orientate new or prospective members.

III.Statement of Purpose

The purpose and goals as declared in the Bylaws are as follows:

Section 1:Provide an opportunity to meet as an assembly to achieve our goals

Section 2:Provide a vehicle for communication between Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs and organizations and agencies serving them, including state, regional and national offices.

Section 3:Act as a state sounding board for the elderly poor in any matter of general concern.

Section 4:Promote and participate in activities and endeavors as are necessary to secure federal, state, local and private funds for Michigan Programs.

Section 5:Benefit from the experience and knowledge of other Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion staff.

Section 6:Encourage continued staff development for Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion staff.

Section 7:To conduct this association on a non-profit basis.

Planning Association Meetings

  1. In planning for a meeting, a few things to be kept in mind are:
  1. Meetings need a purpose, whether it is training, planning, information, or a decision-making meeting.
  2. Securing a place for the meeting.
  3. Setting a convenient time and date for the meeting.
  4. What physical arrangements are necessary; tables, number of chairs, how many rooms, smoking, non-smoking sections and handicapped accessibility.
  5. Notice of meeting, who will contact and how; by telephone, newsletter, e-mail or mailed agendas, notice of meeting place at the front of the building (lobby, etc.)
  6. Materials needed; sign in sheets, name tags, refreshments, video equipment, written information to be passed out, newsprint charts, pen, blackboard, chalk, tape recorder, microphones, etc.
  7. Agendas and/or program; items to be discussed, who will conduct meeting, purpose.

Sample Agenda

  1. Call to order

(The meeting is called to order by the Chairperson who also extends greetings and acknowledges guests)

  1. Roll called by the secretary
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting read by the Secretary and approved by Association members
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Other Committee Reports
  5. Old Business (Any unfinished business – list items)
  6. New Business (list items)
  7. Announcements
  8. Adjournment by the Chairperson

Executive Committee


To provide continuity between official meetings of the Association and to provide leadership and guidance to the Association.

  1. Duties

The Executive Committee shall have full authority to act on behalf on this Association between official meetings in both business and financial matters. A commitment will be made by the Executive Committee to provide to the membership two (2) training opportunities a year to assist members in their professional development. At least one of these opportunities will incorporate sensitivity training regarding racial, cultural, religious, gender concerns or other special needs. Executive Committee members will serve as a liaison to an appointed standing committee.

  1. Procedure

The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly, in special sessions and/or before regular meetings of the Association. The President shall chair these meetings and in his/her absence, the Vice President shall be Chairperson. The secretary shall keep minutes and they shall be kept on file with the regular meeting minutes and be available to the membership upon request. Executive Committee meetings are open to the membership, but input may be limited; an issue may be presented and guests may be invited for a particular purpose.

  1. Objectives

The Executive Committee shall consider any items which may be submitted to it, as well as the usual business of the Association.

  1. Liaison Guidelines
  2. The role of the liaison is a neutral entity and shall have no voting rights.
  3. The liaison acts as a representative of the Executive Committee at their respective committee.
  4. The liaison shall attend all standing committee meetings, or as often as possible.
  5. The liaison will bring significant concerns to the attention of the entire Executive Committee and may request a formal meeting.
  6. The liaison may also serve as a member on a standing committee of their choice in addition to the committee on which they serve as a liaison.

Officer Election Policy


To provide officers who are knowledgeable and experienced in the operation of this Association.


The President shall have been active members for at least two (2) years and must be Director of Programs, or equivalent.

The Vice President shall either be a Director of Programs, or equivalent, who has been an active member for at least two (2) years or a Program Supervisor, or equivalent, who has been an active member for at least three (3) years.

The President and Vice President must:

Be able to articulate the needs of the Association to (but not limited to) legislators, funding sources and community agencies. (It is recommended that those aspiring to the position of President or Vice President serve first on the Advocacy/Political Strategy Committee.)

Be flexible to meet the demanding needs of the Association.

  1. Should be familiar enough with the Bylaws and with parliamentary law to inform members on proper procedure
  2. States each motion before it is discussed and before it is voted upon
  3. Puts motion to vote and announces result
  4. May vote when his/her vote would effect the outcome or in case when voting is by ballot
  5. Presides at all meetings of the Association and/or Executive Committee
  6. Keeps meeting to its order of business and handles discussion in an orderly way;
  7. Gives opportunity to every member who wishes to speak;
  8. Tactfully keeps all speakers to rules of order and to the question;
  9. Should give pro and con speakers alternating opportunity to speak;
  10. Does not enter into discussion
  11. Prepares agendas, arranges location, issues reports of all meetings; mails agenda to Executive Committee prior to all meetings
  12. Shall make appointments as directed by Bylaws and serve as ex officio member of all committees, except the Bylaws/Nominating Committee
  13. Makes arrangements for yearly retreat with the Office on Aging, including agenda, location, funding, etc.
  14. Approves payment of billings
  15. Monitors progress of the Conference Committee and signs all documents and contracts for the Conference
  16. Attends any other committee meetings that he/she wishes to attend
  17. Attends pertinent meetings with other agency organizations
  18. Keeps the membership abreast of current or upcoming issues, through memos, letters, e-mail, etc.
  19. Ensures that Michigan representatives to the National Associations are properly reimbursed for travel, etc.
  20. Maintains a working relationship with the Corporation for National Service and Office on Aging
  21. Keeps informed on CNS
  22. Serve as Liaison to an appointed Committee
Vice President
  1. Takes on the duties of the President in his/her absence
  2. Updates the Program Profiles in the Manual the first year in office and updated on a bi-annual basis.
  3. Represents the Association on the Executive Committee
  4. Assists the President in any way possible. Should the President be unable to perform duties, and the Vice President is a Director of Programs, or equivalent, the Vice President will assume the role of President for the remaining Presidential term. Should the President be unable to perform duties, and the Vice President is a Program Supervisor, or equivalent, the Vice President will assume, along with the ex-official President, the responsibilities of leading the Association until an election is scheduled within 45 days.
  5. Serve as Liaison to an appointed Committee
  1. Keeps minutes from each regular and Executive committee meeting in typed form
  2. Date, hour and place of meeting
  3. Name and title of officer presiding and presence of quorum
  4. Approval of previous minutes
  5. Records of reports
  6. Record of each main motion with name of person who made it
  7. Record of counted votes
  8. Time of adjournment
  9. Signature and title of Secretary
  10. Original must be signed and dated
  11. All minutes must be kept for government records
  12. Copies are sent to all members
  1. Keeps a clean copy of meeting notices and final agenda with the minutes to substantiate claim of meeting
  2. Provides ballot on non-election issues
  3. Keeps a copy of bylaws, together with all amendments with the minutes
  4. Keeps an up to date roll of members (from Treasurer)
  5. Keeps a record of all committees
  6. Provides a list of pending, potential and unfinished business for chairperson before each meeting
  7. Handles correspondence of organization
  8. Notifies members of all meetings
  9. Serve as Liaison to an appointed Committee
  1. Shall open a checking account, a C.D. or special account and if deemed necessary, a savings account
  2. Regular monies and dues go into the checking account
  3. Conference monies go into a special account
  4. Pays all bills as submitted by president or Executive Committee
  5. Keeps receipts for all disbursements; with date paid, check number and initials on receipt
  6. Sends notice of dues to all current members and all Michigan Programs in the fall.
  7. Keeps duplicate receipts of all dues paid
  8. Sends original to payer
  9. Proves statements when received from institution and notes outstanding checks and interest in check register
  10. Prepares treasurer’s report for each general meeting with copies for all paid members
  11. Prepares a paid member list for each general meeting
  12. Keeps original treasurer’s report for the records and signs it in ink
  13. Prepares an address list for the membership and corrects it at each meeting (may be done by secretary)
  14. Pays necessary Corporation charges and fills out forms for each year as they are received from the President of the Association.
  15. Keeps original “non-profit” letter and distributes copies as needed to officers or other purchasing agents.
  16. Serve as liaison to an appointed Committee.
Immediate Past President
  1. Shall serve on the Executive Committee for one year beyond their elected term of duty.
  2. Assist the President in any way needed.
  3. Advises State and Federal funding sources of any changes in Association Officer Positions.
  4. May serve as a liaison to an appointed standing committee as requested by the President.

Standing Committees


Membership to the committees shall be voluntary and/or assigned by the Vice President of the Association if so needed. The President is an ex officio member of all committees except the Bylaws/Nominating Committee.


Each committee shall elect its own chairperson. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and written copy shall be submitted to the President.


Each committee shall review and monitor its goals and objectives and educates its committee members as to their responsibilities. It shall establish a work plan for the committee based on its goals. It shall also suggest changes to the Policy manual in writing to the Bylaws/Nominating Committee. It shall notify the President of meetings as much in advance as possible.

Bylaws/Nominating Committee


To maintain, keep current and monitor the Bylaws

To submit a slate of officers to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.

To make recommendations to Executive Committee regarding Rita Katzman Award


A. To interpret the Bylaws when called upon

B. To assist with wording of any new provisions or changes

C. To initiate and prepare amendments

D. To determine if the Association is acting in conformance with the adopted Bylaws.

E. To review all Policy manual changes presented by other committees

F. To prepare and maintain the Operations and Policy manual to meet all provisions of the membership and Executive Committee.

G. To Collect and preserve all adopted policies and amendments

It shall be the duty of this committee to solicit all paid members to ascertain if any wish to run for office, and then submit a slate with at least two (2) people for each office, whenever possible, in the form of an official ballot to the secretary of the Association.

Submit recommendations for the Rita Katzman Award to the Executive Committee.


A. The Bylaws/Nominating Committee will meet annually to review the current Bylaws and Policy Manual to determine if any revisions are warranted.

B. It shall determine if the Association is operating in conformance with the Bylaws and report its findings to the membership

C. A written committee report will be sent to the MAFG/SCP Secretary at least two weeks in advance of each Association meeting and a verbal report will be presented at each Association Meeting.

D. The Bylaws/Nominating Committee Chair will meet with the MAFG/SCP Executive Committee and other Association Committee Chairs on a quarterly basis.

E. A summary of the Bylaw/Nominating Committee’s activities will be provided to the MAFG/SCP Executive Committee at the end of the year.

Ballots must be mailed by the Secretary to each voting member of the Association at least three (3) weeks prior to the meeting in question, along with the notice of meeting. The Chair of the Bylaws/Nominating Committee conducts the election procedure and appoints non-running members to count the ballots. If this Chairperson is on the ballot, the President may appoint a disinterested member to handle the procedure. Sample ballots follow on pages 15 and 16.

A. Collect and review all nominations for the Rita Katzman award and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee.

B. At least annually remind/review with Association membership the criteria and opportunity to submit nominations for the Rita Katzman Award.and have nomination forms available. Criteria and sample nomination form can be found on pages 17 and 18.

Conference Committee

I. Purpose

Plan and execute all aspects of a biennial conference

  1. Duties
  1. Chair/Co-Chair

1. Shall make physical arrangements, agendas, notify members, and preside at all meetings.

2. Shall appoint sub-committee chairpersons and serve as an ex-officio member on all committees.

3. Shall be available to the MAFG/SCP Association to hear comments and concerns, which will be presented to the Conference Committee for discussion and resolution.

4. Shall assist in the development of a Conference budget and may have check signing privileges.

B. Secretary

1. Shall be responsible for taking attendance, keeping accurate records, and preserving these records, signed and in typed form which shall be open to inspections of any MAFG/SCP members’ at all reasonable times.

2. Shall give notice of all meetings in a timely manner and send minutes within 30 day following such meetings.

C. Treasurer

1. Shall either open up a new checking account or maintain past accounts from prior Conference Treasurer or Association Treasurer.

2. Shall receive all funds, deposit such funds, disburse funds and keep permanent records of all transactions.

3. Shall provide Treasurers report to the MAFG/SCP Association and said books shall be open for inspection for MAFG/SCP members’ at all reasonable times.

III. Procedures

A. Establish officers of the Conference Committee.

B. Establish meeting guidelines.

C. Establish sub-committees, each with its own chair

D. Review timeline, adjust as needed.

E. Research potential conference locations.

F. A written Committee report will be sent to the MAFG/SCP Secretary at least two weeks in advance of each Association meeting and a verbal report will be presented at each Association meeting.

G. The Conference Committee Chair/Co-chairs will meet with the MAFG/SCP Executive committee and other Association Chairs on a quarterly basis.

H. A summary of the Conference Committee’s activities will be provided to the MAFG/SCP Executive committee at the end of each year.

Communications Committee

I. Purpose

Maintain a system of communication connecting association members.

II. Duties

A. Assist in the on-going maintenance of the association website.

B. Work closely with other Association Committees to ensure successful communication between all members.

C. Provide a committee report to members at each MAFG/SCP Association meeting.

D. Communicate regularly with the MAFG/SCP Executive Committee.

III. Procedures

A. The Communications Committee will gather necessary information from programs to be included in the website and assess needs on a regular basis.

B. The Communications Committee will meet as needed.

C. A written committee report will be sent to the MAFG/SCP Secretary at least two weeks in advance of each Association meeting and a verbal report will be presented at each Association meeting.

D. The Communications Committee Chair will meet with the MAFG/SCP Executive Committee and other Association Committee Chairs on a quarterly basis.

E. A summary of the Communications Committee activities will be provided to the MAFG/SCP Executive committee at the end of each year.

Political Strategy Committee

I. Purpose

To assist in the development of and to coordinate delivery of advocacy and educational information to federal, state and local political entities in order to ensure appropriate levels of knowledge of Senior Corps programs among lawmakers.

II. Duties

A. Maintain accurate list of state and federal legislators

B. Maintain current Appropriations Committee rosters for legislatures, including contact information.

C. Determine dates and times of appropriate legislative committee meetings in order to plan testimonies – notify Executive Committee.