Idle C.E. (A.) Primary School

School Prospectus



Welcome from the Head Teacher.

1. A message from the Head teacher.

Mission Statement


2. Basic School Information and Statutory Requirements

3. Admission and Transfer Information

4. Curriculum Organisation and Assessment

5. Pastoral Care.

Extra-Curricular Activities


SATs Assessment Tables

Attendance Data

Parents policy

Home/School Agreement

Glossary of terms.

Statement regarding child protection and the taking of photographic images.

Summary of Inspection Report January 2001

A message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents,

A very warm welcome to our school.

As a parent, I can appreciate that you will have a number of thoughts, anxieties and aspirations as your child starts school. Can I assure you that the Staff and Governors of our school strive to achieve increasingly high standards in all aspects of school life, with our genuine aim being to provide an education which we would be happy for our own children to undertake.

We recognise that the education of your child needs to be a joint responsibility between home and school, based on mutual trust and understanding. Your confidence in our school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. To that end, we aim to keep you fully informed about all aspects of school life and I hope that you will use our ‘open door’ approach to bring any comments or concerns to our attention.

A recent development to support this communication process is our school website. The website is regularly reviewed to ensure a wide range of up to date information and can be found at

We ask that you pay particular attention to the different elements of the Home-School Agreement, which outlines the school’s commitment as well as our expectations of you and your child.

The aim of this booklet is to provide you with some basic information about the aims and organisation of the school, the curriculum we provide, and some of the ways in which we can work together to help your child realise his or her potential.

You will be aware that there has been a major reorganisation of the education system in Bradford in recent years. Our school was no exception. The Key Stage 2 curriculum has been extended, new staff have been successfully integrated into our staffing structure and a number of organisational changes have been made. We have also undergone a major building programme that has seen the building of three new classrooms and a library as well as extensions to all the original classrooms and the playground, and a new pitched roof. This has been complemented, by the building and equipping of a new purpose built ICT suite containing 17, internet linked computers and the installation of Interactive Whiteboards into every classroom.

June 2006 saw our third, extremely successful OFSTED inspection. Summary and full copies are available on request from the school. The staff and governors of the school are committed to building on the many strengths identified in this report.

Thank you for placing your trust in us, we will do our very best to live up to that trust.

John Bowers.

Head teacher.


(Voluntary Aided)


Our School is one of the family

of Church of England Schools

in the Diocese of Bradford.

In addition to offering an excellent
foundation for all round education,
our School is distinguished by its

commitment to Christian education,

worship and values, including

teaching a respect for people of

other beliefs.

The Governors have identified

the following aims as being of

prime importance to the education

we provide for our pupil.

Mission Statement

Trusting in God, we aim to

¨  Ensure that each child realises his or her full potential

¨  Meet the needs of individual children in a caring Christian environment

¨  Develop supportive links between Home, School, Church and Community

¨  Develop confidence, independence, self esteem, together with respect for all people

¨  Provide high quality teaching and stimulating learning opportunities

¨  Provide exciting and extensive extra-curricular opportunities enabling children to fully enjoy school lie

¨  Establish high expectations of attitude, behaviour and attainment

¨  Prepare children for their responsibilities as good citizens and develop their awareness of their role in the wider community


Idle Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School was founded in 1847 and housed in a building adjacent to Holy Trinity Parish Church. There are still close links with the Church, even though the School transferred to its present site in Boothroyd Drive in 1975, when the old building was demolished.

We are a single form entry school with 210 pupils currently on roll. Children are organised in seven, age related classes. There are no mixed age classes.

The school is located on a pleasant elevated site, with a large playground and playing fields and has been extended to meet the needs of our new Primary School status. Children in reception class also benefit from a separate, enclosed outdoor and covered indoor play area adjacent to their classroom.

The octagonal shaped hall has an extensive range of apparatus for Physical Education.

School meals are cooked on the premises and there is a separate dining area where meals are served or children can eat their sandwiches.

Children learn in response to the environment in which they find themselves and to the adults whom they encounter. At Idle Primary School we offer classes in attractive surroundings, led by a highly professional and dedicated team of teachers and support staff, who are all deeply committed to the care and development of each individual child. The school's aims and objectives for the education of the children in our care can be found in the Mission Statement on the previous page.

Class Assemblies



Name of School: Idle Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School.

Address: Boothroyd Drive, Idle, Bradford BD10 8LU.

Telephone: Bradford 410111.

Fax No. Bradford 410984

E mail


Classification: The school is a co-educational, Church of England,
Voluntary Aided Primary School, for children aged 4 - 11 years.

Head teacher Mr. J.T. Bowers. .

Deputy Head teacher Mr. A. Manley

Teaching Staff Mrs N. Bigger (maternity leave until May 2009)
Mrs. J. Clough

Mrs. K. Moore

Mrs.R. Elwell

Miss R. Williams

Mrs R. Ford

Mrs. C. Lax

Mr K. Hickson

Mr P. Sheppard

Business Manager: Mrs. S. Ayre.

Admin Assistant Mrs. L. Hatfield

Nursery Nurse Mrs. D. Steane (HLTA)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. J. Bardsley (HLTA)

Mrs. H.Bracken.

Mrs A. Craven (HLTA & PIO)

Mrs. J. Dresser (HLTA)

Mrs. M.Fletcher (HLTA)

Mrs. C. Hargreaves

Mrs. L. Link (HLTA)

Mrs. P. Main

Mrs P. Sinclair

Mrs. W. Sykes

Mrs D. Dowling

Mrs L. Wiggins

Site Manager: Mr. K. Clapham

Domestic operative: Mrs C. Stevenson

School Governing Body:

Chair: Mrs. E. Walsh

Foundation Governors: Mrs. A. Craven

Miss C. Garnett

Mrs H. Whitcombe
Mrs E. Mayo-Smith

Mr. A. Brown
Mrs T. Milne


Parent Governors Mr. R. Tarr

Mrs M. England Mrs Carling.

Staff Governors: Mr. J.T. Bowers

Mrs. M. Fletcher
Mr. A. Manley

L.E.A. Governor: Vacant

L.E.A. Inspector: Mr S. Hughes

Clerk to Governors: Mrs T. Peacock.

All correspondence to the Governing body should be made via the school.


Parents of prospective pupils are welcome to visit the school by arrangement with the Head teacher. Please ring the office to make an appointment. Alternatively parents are always welcome to bring their children to Friday commendation assemblies which begin at 9.05am.

An open-evening is held in June each year for parents of children who will be starting school in the following September. Details of pre – school visits will be announced at this meeting.

Class work in the ICT Suite


The 2000 Freedom of Information act requires Head teachers to make the following documents available on request to Governors and Parents. Most of these documents may be viewed in the school office by making an appointment with the Head teacher. A charge may be made for making copies of the documents at the discretion of the Head teacher.

The documents referred to are as follows:

a)  The school prospectus

b)  Governors annual report to parents

c)  The instrument of Government

d)  Governing body minutes

e)  The home-school agreement

f)  Curriculum policy statements

g)  Sex education policy

h)  Special Educational needs policy

i)  Accessibility Plans

j)  Race equality policy

k)  Collective worship policy

l)  Child Protection policy

m)  Pupil discipline policy

n)  Last OFSTED report

o)  Post OFSTED action plans

p)  Charging & remissions policy

q)  School session times & term dates

r)  Health & Safety policy - including risk assessment procedures

s)  Complaints procedure

t)  Staff Performance Management policy

u)  Staff Conduct, Discipline & Grievance policy

v)  Curriculum circulars & statutory instruments

The school is also happy to provide on request copies of any of the policies identified in this prospectus.


Parents or Legal Guardians may view their child's curricular records by making an appointment with the Head teacher. As from September 1990 it is a statutory right that all pupil records have open access. When a child transfers to another school, their records will be sent on to that school.


The Education Reform Act 1988 states that there is no statutory requirement to charge for any form of educational activity. The principal is that of free education for all children.

The following are the main points of the Charges and Remissions Policy appropriate to Primary Schools, as laid out in the Act:

1. Residential Visits.

1.1 Schools may charge parents for the costs incurred for board and lodgings for a residential visit.

1.2 Schools may only charge for travel costs and other expenses incurred if they take place outside school hours.

1.3 Schools may not charge parents who are in receipt of family credit or income support, for board and lodgings. Parents must be informed of this requirement.

2. Non-residential Visits.

2.1 If the visit takes place outside school hours, schools may charge parents for travel and other expenses.

2.2 If the visit takes place during school hours, school may not charge for travel and other expenses.

Year 4 Educational visit to Saltaire

3. Practical Subjects.

Schools may charge for materials used in practical subjects, when the end product is to be taken home, i.e. sewing, baking etc.

Baking in Class R

The Governing Body of Idle C.E. (A.) Primary School is sympathetic to the letter of the law, as described above, but clearly wishes to support the school in its policy of providing the type of educational visits and extra curricular activities, which extend children’s life experiences.
Unfortunately, the finance received by schools is not sufficient to provide for these types of activities. The Governing Body, have therefore instituted a policy of requesting voluntary contributions from parents to enable such a valuable part of the pupil’s education to take place.

These points should be noted:

1. No child will be discriminated against if parents refuse to make a voluntary contribution. However, if there are not enough contributions made, the visit may not take place at all.

2. In cases of financial hardship, please apply to the Vicar, Rev. P. Mayo-Smith via school, who may be able to give assistance from a special fund.

A full statement of the Governing Body Policy on Charges and Remissions may be viewed at school.


Education Officers who deal with school admissions, pupils' welfare etc, can be contacted at Education Bradford.


From April 1990, the primary funding mechanism for the school has been a formula-based budget, largely determined by the number of pupils on roll. The Governors meet each half term to plan and monitor the allocation and expenditure of this budget.

As a Voluntary Aided Church of England School, the Diocesan Board of Bradford, Holy Trinity Church Idle and the School Governors are required to contribute 10% of all capital building costs. Another extremely valuable financial contribution comes through funds raised by school and P.T.F.A. activities. This money is specifically used to enhance the educational opportunities of all pupils. All financial records are externally audited on a regular basis.


We recognise the significant responsibility and contribution that parents can make to the education of their children. Children thrive on the support and encouragement that parents make both at home and within the school environment. Homework is an integral element of our school practice and we hold regular, after school meetings, to help parents understand some of the ways that they can support their children’s learning.

Parents are also welcome to support curricular activities in school, such as reading and ICT work as well as extra curricular activities such as sewing and games clubs.

To reduce traffic congestion and promote a healthy lifestyle among our pupils, the school established a Walking Bus in 2003. This involves a number of parents escorting groups of children to school every morning, and currently leaves from Ley Fleaks Road at 8.25am, travelling down Town Lane to school. If you would like to be involved in this bus or are interested in establishing a new route, please contact school.

Parents and toddlers are invited to join us for Daily Worship on occasional Thursdays and each Friday. On Tuesdays, Key Stage 1 children meet at 9.05am. Thursday Daily Worship is led by Visiting speakers or individual classes. Parents are informed of the programme of assemblies through regular newsletters and via the website. Parents and toddlers are invited to stay for coffee after the Friday morning commendation assembly .

A copy of the schools ‘Parent Policy’ is included in appendix 1d


It is a legal requirement that all schools have a ‘home/school’ agreement. This sets out the schools expectations of parents and children as well as your expectations of the school. Our agreement, which is attached at Appendix (a), has been written after consultation with parents. I would ask you to read, sign and return this document when your child starts school, a signed copy of this agreement will then be returned to you.