Isaiah 58:13 & the CADG

By Charles Brown


If thou shall turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, doing thy pleasure on my holy Day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the lord, honorable; and shall honor him, not doing thy own ways, nor finding thy own pleasure, no r speaking thy own words Isaiah 58:13

This verse has been used by Mr. Camping and of course since by his followers, both of the CADG (cross a demonstration gospel) and the GISSG (god is still saving gospel) to be speaking aboutSunday the new testament first day Sabbath, and proof that it is aspecial day that believers should be observing in a special way, doing noor little work, and should be filled by spiritual activity strictly gospel related.My intent here is not to dispute that god has given us Sunday as a day in which we can receive the blessings of spiritual activity surrounding the gospel; because I think he has, but, I do not think or believe that Isaiah 58:13 is speaking about the new testament Sunday Sabbath, but instead is speaking about god's Sabbath/rest provided by god when heprovided himself a lamb for a burnt offering gen22:8 when the father sent the son a propitiation for our sins 1jh4:10 a propitiation thru faith in hisBLOOD/deathroms3:25the blood of the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom 1tim2:5 asthe lamb of god for a burnt offering for the elects sinsjh1:29 that god promised he would provide himself as gen22:8 who his own self (god emphasizing no one else but the man Christ Jesuscould)bare our sins in his own body on the tree/cross 1pet2:24 God emphasizing that the word/god indeed had become flesh/man jh1:14 when Jesus in drinking of the cup of the wrath of god on the way to the cross god tells us all,Behold the MANjh19:5 Jesus Christ, the son of man who is lord of the Sabbath mt12:8It is the Dayspring from on high who visited us lk1:78 god visited his people lk7:16and became Emmanuel, god with usmt1:28 What is man that thou ...visited him? ps8:4 heb2:6 when the word became flesh jh1:14 and thou shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. mt1:21 No one else but the word/god made flesh/man, the man Christ Jesus could save man, since by man came death by man also the resurrection of the dead. 1cor15:21God here in 1cor15:21 makes it indisputably clear that the idea of an atonement before the word/god became flesh/man jh1:14 isnot in harmony with his word.

Therefore those teaching and believing the cunningly devised fable 1pet2:16 the CADG, which is devised by Satan, the most subtle/cunning of all the unsaved of the world gen3:1 havewithstood and disputedagainst the word of god in JD, resisting the true gospel, that Christ died for our sins at the cross. 1cor15:1-5 They resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobated concerning the faith 1tim3:8&9 andhave departed away from Jesus of the bible, of the cross, who isthe narrow way, the straight gate mt7:14 the man Christ Jesus,Jesus of the bible, who is the man Christ Jesus, the wordmade flesh/man jh1:14 who isnot! a before/TFOTW another Jesus. 1cor11:4 Only the man Christ Jesus is theway the truth and the life jh14:6the door, the good shepherd, those who are trusting in an before/from/TFOTW atonement by another Jesus 1cor11:4 because that's who any Jesus before the word was made flesh jh1:14 is,he is an idol,a molten calf they have made them deut32:8 an another Jesus, and not Jesus of the bible, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of the cross. jh19:19They of the CADG who are saying their before/TFOTW another Jesus has atone for their sins, are not entering into the sheepfold by the door, the man Christ Jesus, but are goats in JD, who aretrying to climb up into the sheepfold bysome other way jh10:1 bythere before/TFOTW another Jesus, their molten calf they have made them deut32:8.They of the CADG are being declared in JD by god inhis word, thru their works1cor3:13 their work of iniquity mt7:23 abounding in JD mt24:11-13 the CADG, to be not sheep, but in fact are goats, and are being pointed out by the Lord Jesus to be goats in his JDwedding feast, without a wedding garment mt22:12 the robe of Christ righteousness, provided by the lamb of god jh1:29 the man Christ Jesus jh19:5 at the cross of Calvary, and a part/robe given tothe chosen/elected to be a soldier of Jesus Christ 2tim3:4 soldiers of the cross. jh19:23&24 This another gospel, the CADG, which features an imaginarydeath, resurrection and atonement by a before/TFOTW another Jesus 1cor11:4 is a work of iniquity mt24:11-13 acunningly devised fable 2pet1:16by Satan, which isopposition to, in rebellion against the true gospel, by which we were saved and are standing in JD,IF we have been cause to endure to the end in keeping/hold fast to the true gospel, that Christ died for our sins at the cross, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose the third dayaccording to the scriptures, and was seen of Peter and the twelve apostles. 1cor15:1-5 This true gospel is that the word made flesh jh1:14 made of the seed of David rom1:4 the man Christ Jesus, this Jesus act2:31 Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of the cross jh19:19 died for our sins according to the scriptures.

The word made flesh jh1:14 Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of the cross bore our sins in his body on the tree/cross 1pet2:24in atonement.Not!an imagined vain thing ps2:1 Not! a molten calf/idol they of the CADG have made them deut32:who they saytheir another Jesus 2cor11:4died before/TFOTW. Not! strange fire/atonementlev10:1&2 Not! strange flesh jd7but only in the flesh and blood of the son of man is the eternal life. jh6:51-53 Not! the another Jesus 2cor11:4 of the CADG can save anyone from their sins, and with no question, that's who the Jesus of the CADG is, he's another Jesus, and not Jesus of the bible, the word made flesh jh1:14 and thou shall call his name Jesus. mt1:21 This is probably why when you hear, they(unsaved/goats in JD of the CADG, who) went out fromus (sheep of the true gospel, that Christ died for our sins at the cross 1cor15:1-5)but/cause they (being allwho came out of the church's) were not of us;for if they had been (saved/sheep)of us, they would have continuedwith us; but thatthey (goats of the CADG)would be made manifestthat they were not all of us. 1jh2:19 Us being the sheep who also came out of the churches. Their workof iniquity, the CADG being made manifest (by god)for the day (Jesus in JD, thru is word) shall declare it, as it (the CADG)has been revealed by fire (god's judgment in JD, to be another gospel, a work of iniquity. 1cor3:14 So when they of the CADGspeak of their savior's, their molten calf they have made them deut32:2 their imagined vain thing ps2:1atoning work before/TFOTW, which the bible does not speak about, because no atonement could have takenplace until Christ meant the requirement of the law, being made like unto his brethren a man, since by man came death, by man also the resurrection, both spiritual and physical 1cor15:21God had to become/be made a man to be man savior.

Therefore the bible does not speak about am imagined atonement before/TFOTW, because its Satan's, the most subtle/cunning beast/unsaved of the field/world gen3:1 cunninglydevised/imagined fable/vain thing, the CADG 1pet2:16 featuring an atonement by another Jesuswhich the bible does not mention, because its an atonementthat's strange fire lev10:1 offeredon an altar devised of their own heart 1ki12:33 as they of the CADG rage against god in judgment daywith their imagined vain thing ps2:1 their CADG, their another Jesus.Probably why when they speak about an imagine atonement for sin before/TFOTW , they say Christ did this and Christ did that, instead of Jesus,because it could not have been the man Christ Jesus, who the bible insist over and over again is the saviorthe father sent, the lamb of god, the propitiation for the elects sins. They no longer can and don't use rom 1:4 as proof of their imagined death and resurrection before/TFOTW, as it has been clearly shown that roms1:3&4 is speaking about thedeath and resurrection of the word made flesh jh1:14 Jesus Christ our lord, made of the seed of David, death on the cross and his resurrection the third day according to the scriptures. 1cor15:4 They no longer can do violence zeph3:4they have done for so longto rom1:4to unsuccessfully try and make the bible harmonize with their non-biblical Jesus death and atonement before/TFOTW. For the bible is clear but only the word became flesh in 7bcjh1:14and thou shall call his name Jesus,Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of the cross jh19:19 shall save his people from their sins mt1:21 This Jesus has god raised up acts2:31 This Jesus acts2:31 died for our sins according to the scriptures at the cross, was buried, and has god raised upfrom the dead the third day, according to the scriptures. 1cor15:21 This Jesus act2:31 is god's Holy Day. This Jesus is god's Sabbath, when god provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering gen22:8 when god gave hisonly begotten son jh3:16 the Lamb of god jh1:29 the man Christ Jesus 1tim2:5 the lord of the Sabbath mt12:8 the lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Christ. rev11:15 & 12:10when he bore our sins in his on body on the tree/cross. 1pet2:24 when god took the law of ordannaces that were conrtrary to us, took them out of the way, (as far as the east from the west) nailing them to his cross. col2:14 This verse in numerous points makes it clear that the atonement and payment of sin took place at the only place it could have and that the Bible insists, and that is in this world, on this earth, when in the appointed fullness of the time was come, when god sent forth his son, made of women, (the word made flesh)made under the law, to redeem them who were under the law eph1:10 when Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the tree/cross in 33ad. 1pet2:24Where the man Christ Jesushanged on a tree to be made a curse for the elect, and as our high priest after (so it couldn't be before/TFOTW huh?) the order of Melchizedek, ps110:4 heb5:6made like unto his brethren heb2:17 offered himself up as the lamb of god without spot or winkle, who his own self bore our sins in hisown body on the tree, to make reconciliation for the sins of his people. heb2:17 Col2:13&14 makes it indisputably clear that the atonement could never have taken place before the law, before sin, stating that we were dead in our sins and theuncircumcisionof our flesh, whenJesus blotted out the handwriting of ordinances, (the already written law) that was contrary to us, and Jesus took it away(represented by when Jesus hung on the cross the Vail of the templewas rent from top/heaven/god to bottom/earth/man) nailing it to his continue to believe that the cross was a demonstration in light of col2:14 all by itself is to usurp the authority of the bible for ones own gospel. When Jesus bore our sins in hisown body on the cross, he became god's Sabbath,god's provided rest, God's Holy Day. This Jesus act2:32 is the dayspringfrom on high who hath visited us. lk1:78this is the day that the lord has made ps118:24 when the word was made flesh jh1:14 made a little lower than the angels ps8:5 made like unto his brethren for the suffering of death heb2:17 even the death of the cross phi2:8 making it possible for the day star (the man Christ Jesus)to arise (in the resurrection of a spiritually dead soul, the new birth, salvation) in our heart. 2pet1:19

Therefore, I don't believe or think in the slightest way that Is58:13 is speaking about the Sunday Sabbath, or any day of the week, especially since the only Sabbath week day god commanded to keep holy was the seventh day Sabbath, which was fulfilled by the lord Jesus Christ death on the cross in atonement for sin, god's provided rest from trying to get right with god by the burden of keeping the law, as Jesus said, come unto me all ye that are heaven laden and I will give ye rest, (cause he/Jesus isgod's provided rest, god's Sabbath day) take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto to your souls; for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.Therefore Jesus is god'sholy day spoken of in Is58:13 and not! any day of the week, neither the seventhnor the first. The nation of Israel was commanded by god tokeep the seventh day Sabbath holy, by not doing any work therein, any one that defiles it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever does any work therein,that soul shall be cut offfrom among the people. The Sabbathday was a sign ex31:13-17 pointing to the rest god would provide by providing himself alambfor a burnt offering for sin gen22:8by giving his only begotten son jh3:16 in the person of the word made flesh/man jh1:14 and thou shall call his name Jesus math1:21 the lamb of god who bared the sin of the world jh1:29 as his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree/cross. 1pet2:24 The Sabbath day was a sign between god and his people (all elect) that it is LORD who does all the work that sanctify (make holy) them ex31:13 The Sabbath day, really we could say, the rest day or day of rest, was a sign between god andhis people, we're notto work toget right with god. This was also illustrated or demonstrated by god resting from all his works of creation done in six days, and resting on the seventh day.God clearly told us this: Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made/created (god repeats this so we don't miss it) and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made/created gen2:2And even again god says in vs3: And god blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because that in it he rested from all his work which god created and made. So what god rested from was from his work of creation, there was no work of atonement. That was yet to come, thus, that's why signs were needed, to point us dummies to the work of atonement to come, to be accomplished and finished by the promise messiah, the word made flesh jh1:14 called Jesus, for he (the man Jesus Christ) shall save his people from their sins. mt1:21 We also know! that my holy day in Isaiah 58:13 is not any day of the week, Saturday or Sunday, by what we read about what god will do if we keep his holy day, we read: Then shalt thou delight thou self inthe LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high place of the earth, and feed thee the heritage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Is58:14 This is god saying if we keep his holy day, he will give us salvation. Since we know! we are not saved by our works, or by any keeping of the law, weknow the holy day god is speaking about is the LORD salvation lk2:30 the lord's Christ/messiah/savior rev12:10 the LordJesus Christ, LORD's holy day.