Minutes of Monthly Meeting March 14, 2016

CALL TO ORDER Paul Stanley called meeting the meeting to order at 07:15 p.m.

ROLL CALL Amin Bahrour, Kevin Emery, James Roberge and Paul Stanley (Trustees); Bethany German, Office Manager, Tom Harmon, Administrative Assistant; Skip Clough - Superintendent; Absent: Tobin Yager (Trustee)


February 1, 2016 Regular Monthly Meeting

Kevin Emery made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 1, 2016 meeting as presented. Paul Stanley seconded. All in favor to accept minutes.

PUBLIC AUDIENCE Albert (Jr) Roberge, Dennis Fontaine, Holly Malloy (BA)


·  20160310 John Douglas (Berwick Academy CFO) to SBSD Trustees re: September 16, 2015 bill. Discussion regarding billing. Determination to go thru a season to have a proper comparison with the deduct meters in place.

·  20160222US Bankruptcy Court re: Jessica M. Mayo and Duncan Travis Raeside Hearing Notice Information only.

·  20160229 Donald Blanchard et al Motion for Discharge. Information only


Amin made a motion to nominate Paul Stanley as the Chair, Kevin Emery seconded, all in favor.

·  Paul Stanley made a motion to nominate Kevin Emery as clerk; Amin Bahrour seconded, all in favor.

·  Kevin Emery made a motion to nominate James Roberge as treasurer, Amin Bahrour seconded, all in favor.


Motion, second and approval to adopt the proposed new rate schedule – Base service fee established at $200 per year, with a flow rate of $0.009 per gallon.


·  Odor Control - Per Skip all is well; no issues presented.

·  Septic Billing Accounts – as of 03/14/2016: G&F called and left a message to follow up in regards to their balance

·  Personnel Handbook review – revise the “leave/sick time” language, moved to April meeting

·  BA update

o  Longer time period proposed to assess the irrigation issue in regards to the readings.

o  Assess the billing back pay versus the deduct meter irrigation readings; determine whether the rates can be adjusted per reading

o  Discussion regarding whether the billing for BA was comparable to other schools in the district; comparison of per student usage about three times higher than area schools.

o  Board proposed to meet with BA to discuss research of the readings extension.

o  Scheduling a workshop discussed for the beginning of April with BA

·  I&I Study – update in progress; discussion presented regarding the flow and infiltration from public sewer lines


Amin Bahrour made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $96,708.50, Kevin Emery seconded. All in favor.


·  Next meeting April 4, 2016


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by James Roberge, seconded by Kevin Emery. Meeting adjourned at 7:49 PM

J:\SBSD\minutes\2016\20160314 Monthly Meeting Minutes.docx