Student & Alumni
Ambassador Program
Tell Us About You
Best way to reach you: q email q phone q text Best time of day to reach you: ______
Who is your employer?
What is your title/function?
Are you military or a veteran?
Are you married? q yes q no Do you have children? q yes q no
Do you speak a language fluently other than English?
Tell Us About Your Stratford Education
What Stratford campus did you attend?
What is/was your degree program? q associate q bachelor’s q master’s
What year will/did you graduate?
Did you attend classes online? q yes q no If yes, how many? q all
Who was your favorite teacher?
Was there someone on staff who is/was very supportive?
If so, what department were they in?
Why A Stratford Ambassador
Why are you interested in participating in the Student & Alumni Ambassador Program?
What do you hope to contribute to the program?
What do you hope to gain?
What skills or experience do you have in relation to this position?
Stratford Sound Bites
The questions below are optional, please answer as many as you like. By answering the following questions, you give permission for us to quote you in Stratford University media and publications.
What has been the best thing about your Stratford education?
How has pursuing/earning your degree made a difference in your life?
What has been/was the most difficult thing about earning your degree?
How would you describe the quality of the faculty at Stratford?
What would you tell a prospective student to convince them to enroll at Stratford University?
What value do you think your degree will add/adds to your life?
Has pursuing/earning your degree changed the way people interact with you either at home or at work?
Did Stratford’s Career Services department help you find a job or internship?
Who inspired you to pursue your degree?
What obstacles have you overcome to pursue your degree?
Do you have an interesting personal story to tell?
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