CRITERIA / Weight / SITE 1 / SITE 2 / SITE 3 / SITE 4 / SITE 5
Lot/building size / 5
Appropriate zoning / 5
Official City Plan / 5
Site serviceability / 5
Pedestrian links / 5
Road links / 5
Transit links / 5
Parking / 5
Site cost short term / 5
Site cost long term / 5
Visibility / 3
Future expansion / 3
Proximity bus/school / 3
Age and Density / 3
Functional linkages / 3
Impact adjacent uses / 3
Spin-offs / 1
Consistency / 1
Lot/building / 1
Lease/own / 1
Regional setting / 1


Note: multiply criteria score by weight factor

Sample Site Selection Evaluation Form Plan22 – June 2010


1. Lot/building size:

a. Lot size is large enough to accommodate building and appropriate parking.

3.0 acres or more = 5

2.5 acres = 4

2.0 acres = 3

1.5 acres = 2

1.0 acres = 1

less than 1.0 acres = 0

b. Existing building is large enough to accommodate the library.

40,000 - 45,000 sq. ft. usable space plus room

For expansion = 5

40,000 - 45,000 sq. ft. usable space no room

for expansion = 4

less than 40,000 sq. ft. usable space and room

for expansion = 3

less than 40,000 sq. ft. usable space no room

for expansion = 1

2. Appropriate zoning

Zoning is appropriate for library operations

zoning is appropriate = 5

zoning can be changed = 4

zoning can not be changed = 0

3. Official City Plan

The location selected is appropriate in the context of the Official City Plan.

appropriate = 5

not appropriate = 1

4. Site serviceability

The extent to which the site is serviced.

site has all necessary services (sewers. water, etc.) = 5

site requires services at a cost of less $50,000 = 4

site requires services at a cost of less $100,000 = 3

site requires services at a cost of less $150,000 = 2

site requires services at a cost over $150,000 = 1

5. Pedestrian links

on the intersection of two arterials = 5

on an arterial = 4

on a collector road = 3

on a local road = 1

6. Road links

on the intersection of two arterials = 5

on an arterial within 5 blocks of another arterial = 4

on an arterial more than 5 blocks from another arterial = 3

on a collector road within 5 blocks of an arterial = 2

on a collector road more than 5 blocks from an arterial = 1

7. Transit links

within 5 blocks of Pitt and Second = 5

on a bus route with 2 or more lines = 4

on a bus route with 1 line = 3

1 block from a bus stop = 2

more than 1 block from a bus stop = 1

8. Parking

15 staff and 70 public spaces = 5

15 staff and 60 public spaces = 4

15 staff and 50 public spaces = 3

15 staff and 40 public spaces = 2

15 staff and 30 public spaces = 1

9. Site cost short & long term

$250,000 or less = 5

$500,000 or less = 4

$750,000 or less = 3

$1,000,000 or less = 2

$1,000,000 or more = 1

10. Construction Cost

$85 or less per square foot = 5

$90 per square foot = 4

$95 per square foot = 3

$100 per square foot = 2

$105 or more per square foot = 1

11. Operating Cost (Current costs $30,000 for utilities and $36,000 maintenance)

$100,000 or less = 5

$100,001 to $120,000 per year = 4

$120,001 to $140,000 per year = 3

$140,001 to $160,000 per year = 2

over $160,000 per year = 1

12. Visibility

visible from an arterial = 5

visible from a collector road = 4

visible from a local road = 3

not visible from the street = 1

13. Future expansion

able to increase space by 51% or more = 5

able to increase space by 41% to 50% = 4

able to increase space by 31% to 40% = 3

able to increase space by 21% to 30% = 2

able to increase space by 10% to 20% = 1

not able to increase space = 0

14. Proximity bus/school

within 1 km of 10 or more schools = 5

within 1 km of 7 to 9 schools = 4

within 1 km of 4 to 6 schools = 3

within 1 km of less than 4 schools = 2

no schools within 1 km = 1

15. Age and Density

within 1 km of seniors citizen buildings and high

density residential = 5

within 1.5 km of seniors citizen buildings and high

density residential = 4

within 2 km of seniors citizen buildings and high

density residential = 3

within 1 km of high density residential only = 2

within 1.5 km of high density residential only = 1

16. Functional linkages

The extent to which a site can interact with other facilities and activities around it. Interaction may be in the combination of trips, (eg. shopping) or in co-programming opportunities (eg. other cultural facilities).

Well developed multifaceted linkages = 5

Opportunities for joint trips and some co-programming = 4

Some combination of trips = 3

Partial or limited linkages = 2

No linkages = 1

17. Impact adjacent uses

no impact on adjacent uses = 5

minimal impact on adjacent uses = 4

moderate impact on adjacent uses = 3

intermediate impact on adjacent uses = 2

substantial impact on adjacent uses = 1

18. Spin-offs

substantial spin-offs = 5

intermediate spin-offs = 4

moderate spin-offs = 3

minimal spin-offs = 2

no spin-offs = 1

19. Consistency

The impact any site may have on people's established travel habits. The level of interruption created by any site selected when tested against the current site.

No disruption of existing patterns = 5

Some disruption, but same travel patterns = 4

Same general area = 3

Poor relationship to existing = 2

No relationship to existing site or area = 1

20. Lease/own

own building and land = 5

lease to own = 3

long term lease (20 years or more) = 1

21. Regional setting

Good regional accessibility and visibility, near

other regional facilities = 5

On a major street = 3

Poor visibility, no regional context = 1

Sample Site Selection Evaluation Form Plan22 – June 2010