Festival/Celebrations Project

You are going to work in groups of 2 or 3 in order to complete a presentation on a Spanish/Hispanic holiday or celebration. In your group, you are going to research a festival/holiday and present to the class as if you had gone to that festival/holiday. This will count as a project grade and is due on March 20th.

You MUST include:

·  General information about the country this took place in

·  Why they celebrate this holiday

·  Activities you participated in while you were there

·  Foods you ate during the festival (look up typical foods of the festival)

·  Pictures of the different events


·  Research different Spanish/Hispanic festivals and holidays. Once you have decided, be sure to tell Sra. Gancarz as she MUSt approve it!

·  Begin research what the holiday XXXsa ll about.


·  Continue researching activities and events to do at the festival/holiday.

·  Begin creating a PPT presentation with pictures and facts-IN SPANISH- about the festival/holiday.


·  Begin mapping out/preparing what you want to say for each slide.

·  Print out your PPT with 6 slide per page (ask Sra. Gancarz for help if you don’t know how to).


·  Begin practicing with your partner.


Task Completion
Did I include everything I needed to? / 8
Superior completion of task; content rich; ideas developed with elaboration and detail. / 6
Completion of the task; content appropriate; ideas adequately developed with some elaboration and detail / 4
Partial completion of the task; content somewhat adequate and mostly appropriate; basic ideas expressed but with very little elaboration or detail. / 2
Minimal completion of the task; content frequently underdeveloped and/or somewhat repetitive.
Could the class and teacher understand what I was saying? / 8
Content readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation; Pronunciation enhances communication. / 6
Content comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation; Pronunciation does not interfere with communication. / 4
Content mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation; Pronunciation may occasionally interfere with communication. / 2
Content barely comprehensible, requiring frequent interpretation; Pronunciation may frequently interfere with communication.
Level of Discourse
Did I use connector words and complex sentences? / 8
Variety of complete sentences and of cohesive devices. / 6
Emerging variety of complete sentences and some cohesive devices. / 4
Use of complete sentences, some repetitive; few cohesive devices. / 2
Predominant use of complete yet repetitive sentences; no or almost no cohesive devices.
Did I speak fluidly or were there long pauses? / 8
Speech sustained throughout with few pauses or stumbling / 6
Speech sustained most of the time; some hesitation but manages to continue and complete thoughts / 4
Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses; few or no incomplete thoughts; some sustained speech / 2
Speech halting and uneven with long pauses or incomplete thoughts; little sustained speech
Did I include a variety of vocabulary? / 8
Rich use of vocabulary with some idiomatic expressions. / 6
Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary for this level. / 4
Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary and too basic for this level. / 2
Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
Language Control
Did I use the correctverbs/verb tenses? / 8
Control of basic language structures with occasional use of advanced language structures. / 6
Control of basic language structures. / 4
Emerging control of basics language structures. / 2
Emerging use of basic language structures.
Visual Aid / 12
Superior completion of visual aid; 10 slides that are superiorly completed / 10
Adequate completion of visual aid; 10 slides that are adequately developed / 8
Somewhat inadequate completion of visual aid;8-9 slides / 6
Inadequate completion of visual aid; 5-7 slides / 4
3-4 slides / 2
1-3 slides that are not well developed
