Have you thought about a new and creative way to share the gospel on campus, but you don’t have enough money to get it going?

IFES Innovation is all about learning together as we communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to students around the world. We want to provide space for you – IFES students and staff - to be innovative, and use your creativity as you communicate the gospel on campus. We are offeringgrants of approximately $2000 (from $500 - $7,500) to new and creative ideas for evangelism in the unique and local university context.

We are looking for ideas which fulfil the following criteria:

-Innovative – a new idea combined with a sense of passion to deliver it well

-Relevant- understands and connects with student culture in its context

-Replicable – potential to repeat, expand to other cities, and multiply impact within IFES

-Catalysing – the funding from IFES will be the catalyst not the sole funding source

Grants will be given to those applications with new,creative, sustainable ideas which hold a good balance of all four criteria.

About you

  1. Name
  2. Contact details

About your Christian student group

  1. Name of group: includinguniversity, city, country
  2. Contact details: email address (if different from above), postal address
  3. IFES National movement

About your idea / plan / project

  1. Name
  2. Summarise your idea in 400words. Please include what specific activities it will involve andwho you aim to reach with the idea.
  1. Give a detailed description of how this idea fulfils each of the following criteria:
  1. Innovative – What makes this a new idea?
  2. Relevant- In what ways is this specific to your local context/the student context/ your cultural context
  3. Replicable - What potential do you see for your idea to be used on campuses elsewhere – in your country, region, internationally?
  4. Catalysing - How might this project be a catalyst for other ideas?
  1. All national movements have the vision it to see students reaching students with the good news of Jesus Christ. How does this project fit with thestrategy of your IFES group over the next 12 months?

How does this idea have the potential to communicate the gospel with students, and has potential for sustainable impact on students’ lives - as they come to know Christ and grow as his disciples. In particular, please also indicate what plans you are making for follow up after the initial project

  1. How will this project help to build community:
  2. within your IFES group
  3. between your group and non-Christian students?
  4. When do you hope to launch the idea? Give further details of timeline if necessary
  5. How will you evaluate the project, and learn from it? How will this help you in the future?Please indicate at least 2 objectives you would like to achieve through this project.
  1. Has this (or a similar) project ever been implemented in your national movement or context before?

About the money you need

IFES is offering grants of between $500 and $7,500, averaging around $2000.

  1. How much do you expect this project to cost?Please include some detail of the different expenses you anticipate
  2. What contribution would you like to receive from IFES towards this cost?
  3. Where will you hope to receive other funding from?

In addition to this application please feel welcome to submit other resources that might help express your idea, such as videos, websites and pictures.

Deadline for applications:24April 2015. This won’t be the only opportunity to apply, but we can only give out grants whilst we have the funding, so the sooner you get your thinking caps on the better.

References: A request for reference will be sent to national movements for all applications.

Please submit applications to

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email.

We look forward to hearing from you!