PTO Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2015
Jennifer Fisher, Catherine Smith, CarolAnnManiscalco, Kate Goyette, Candice Boyle, Jennifer Lafferty, Danielle Rownin, Jennifer Deloge, Trina Dizon, Jen Unger, Kathleen Giordano, Shannon Grumet, Alicia DeSanti, Jen Connolly, Amy Merriman, Tanya Lennon, Samantha Giugno, Lisa Pavia, NinelCusa, Pat Thornton, Jennifer Minicus, Liz Moretti, Lauren Orlando, Shauna Rogg, Charisse Saraco, Lisa Bishop, Kim Bunovsky, Colin Andrews, Becky Kosisko
President’s Welcome/Report: Lisa Pavia and NinelCusa both present
-Lisa Pavia and NinelCusa called the meeting to order and introduced themselves as well as the PTO Board.
- Ninel outlined the format for the meetings with the plan to be for shorter meetings followed by a social gathering after meetings. To achieve shorter meetings event questions should be directed to event co-chairs and certain events will have Sub/Committee meetings prior to events for the volunteers.
-Folders were out at the meeting again for anyone who missed signing up at Back to School Night.
-Fawn Hollow Community Garden – has been approved and Shannon Pinto has graciously volunteered to “chair”/lead this new project. This is a great opportunity for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts to volunteer, especially next summer to water the garden.
-The PTO Meet & Greet scheduled for September 29th needs to be postponed. Originally contacted Ben’s Bells to be at the meeting, but they no longer do group events. Discussed possibility of Kathy Vincent or Kim Henderson to do a directed painting activity. More info to follow.
Treasurer’s Report:Candice Boyle (reporting); Rob Giampe(not present)
-Budget was presented; Kate Goyette made a motion to call budget approval to a vote; Jen Lafferty seconded the motion; by a show of hands the budget was approved unanimously.
-Plan to possibly do some playground improvements, but these will be voted on when more details are available.
-There are approximately $1600 in unauthorized charges that were made with the debit card to Saudi Air; Candice is working with the bank to get these refunded since thye were definitely not made by the PTO nor were they authorized by the PTO.
-The PTO would like to purchase a laptop to primarily be used for financial software and accounting by the treasurers, but other documents could also be stored on the laptop. Some laptops have been looked at and the purchase price will likely be between $500-600. Motion made by Amy Merriman to vote on laptop purchase; motion seconded by Tanya Lennon. Secret ballot was collected and all present voted in favor or purchasing a laptop for the PTO.
1st VP Report: Alyssa Scalia (not present; emailed update)
-Genevieve’s Fundraiser deadline is tomorrow, but it has been extended to next Friday.
-Coupon books have arrived.
-Laps For Learning is scheduled for October 19-23rd; plan to use Sign Up Genius again for volunteers. Committee chairs are looking at prize options now. More info to follow.
-Book Fair dates as follows 11/23, 11/30-12/4, 3/28-4/1, 5/31-6/3); Tanya Lennon is looking for a new co-chair to work with her on this event.
2nd VP Report: Melissa Sternthal & Lauren Orlando reporting
-Trick or Trunk scheduled for 10/23. Gloria Ganino is chairperson and will be reaching out to volunteers soon.
-Veteran’s Day Breakfast is on 11/11.
-Holiday Breakfast on December 5th.
VOLUNTEERS needed for all, especially Holiday Breakfast.
Principal’s Report: Mrs. Kosisko
-Thanked all for attending and for attending Room Rep breakfast.
-Working toward keeping all better informed, especially with the School Scoop, which recently went out.
-CARE ceremony was Friday 10/18 to introduce the program to the kindergarten students and reiterate it for the older students.
Teacher Representative: TBA
Parent Council Representative Report: Jennifer Unger and Jennifer Lafferty reporting
-Jim Augustine was the special guest
-$250 donation was made to each school from the Wizards game last Spring
-Ad Hoc committee and improvements to schools was discussed
-RFP for fields at Masuk discussed
- SBAC results were discussed and Monroe schools were in the top percentiles.
-Next meeting is October 7th at 9:30am and Steve Vavrek and Dan Huntsberger will be guests. The following meeting is November 4th at 9:30 and Mike Ganino is the guest speaker and will be discussing accounting practices for non-profit groups.
Room Representative Report: GlennonKauke (reporting)
-Room Rep’s have been designated, just had the breakfast and all went well.
Box Tops for Education: Jennifer Lafferty (reporting) and Katie Mondo
-Package has gone out with remaining box tops from last year.
-Co-Chairs set to meet with Mrs. Kosisko to discuss display and prizes/contests for box tops this year.
School Store: Kate Goyette (reporting) and Erika Cross (not present)
-First school store went well; we made about $1200.
-Upcoming school store dates are 10/8, 11/12, 12/10, 1/14, 2/11, 3/10, 4/7, 5/12
Memory Book: Amy Merriman (reporting) and Lisa Pavia
-Volunteers forms are in and getting sorted and the list of photography assignments will be out soon.
Cultural Director:NinelCusa (reporting)
-Tere Luna and the 5 piece Mariachi band scheduled for 9/25. First author visit is David Schwartz on 10/8. Andrea Pinkney is scheduled for 1/29 and Bubblemania for the end of the year.
Communications: Jen Connolly and Karen Firda (both reporting)
-Facebook is being updated daily and the website has been updated with flyers and current calendar.
-Continue to send event forms and dates to Jen and Karen for them to post on Facebook and update website.
Corresponding Secretary: Jen Fisher and Jen Connolly (taking today’s minutes)
Membership Directory: Debbie Klittnick (not present)
-original due date for membership dues and directory submissions was 9/25 and this will be extended until next Friday 10/2.
Meeting Dates:
10/15 at 7:30pm; 11/19 at 7:30pm; no December meeting; 1/21 at 7:30pm; 2/18 at 7:30pm; 3/17 at 9:30am; 4/21 at 7:30pm; 5/19 at 7:30pm. No June meeting scheduled at this time, but may be added as needed.
New Business and Discussion:
-Michelle Parry volunteered for co-1st VP; motion to vote on this was called by Amy Merriman and Tanya Lennon seconded motion and this was voted on by secret ballot as well…approved unanimously by all present.