Northview Elementary School Kindergarten Newsletter

December 18th - January 12th, 2018

Reminders/ Announcements
Thank you to those who have paid the K fee of $25. If you have not done so, please send the fee in as soon as possible.
Be sure to place any money sent to school in an envelope or baggie marked with your child’s name, teacher’s name, amount, and purpose. Please include lunch pin number if sending in lunch money.
Lunch Buyers: Please make sure to check your child’s account balance at for lunches. Lunch is $2.75 per day.
Please check your child’s backpack and folder daily for notices and work.
/ Dates to Know
●December 18th: Behavior Incentive- Magician
●December 21st: Polar Express Day
●December 25-January 1st: Winter Break
It’s Runny Nose Season
Cold and flu season is upon us!
We go through many boxes of tissues and bottles of hand sanitizer to stay well. If you can donate any boxes of tissues, bottles of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes or Lysol it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for helping us stay healthy!
Contact us!
Any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher at 301-218-1520 or feel free to email at:
Ms. Turner:
Ms. Gann:
Ms. Shack:
Ms. Pierson: / Reading/Language Arts
Essential Question: What can you learn by going to different places?
What do you know about the people and places in your neighborhood?
Guiding Question: What are the different sounds we hear? What do people use to do their jobs?
Focus Reading Strategy:
oMake Connections
oAsk and Answer Questions
Focus Reading Skill:
oText Features: Labels
oKey Details
Phonemic Awareness:
oPhoneme Isolation, Phoneme Blending
o n/n/, short o
oSentences, Adjectives
High-Frequency Words
oand, it, you, look
oList and Labels
oRoutine Writing
●Letter Nn, Oo
Social Studies:
Essential Question: How do people get what they need?
●Holiday Activities
●Review School and Classroom Rules
●How do we make choices? / Math Skills
oRepresent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), and acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
oStudents act out addition and subtraction situations using personalized information.
oStudents use manipulatives to demonstrate addition and subtraction.
oSolve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
oStudents use story mats and sets of manipulatives to solve addition and subtraction word problems.
oStudents use routine classroom situations to create, solve, & draw pictures of word problems.
oFluently add and subtract within 5. / Science:
Unit 3- Plants and Animals
● Where do plants and animals live?
●How do plants and animals change their environment?