Minutes of ElyriaTownship Board of Trustees Public Meeting

Held: at 41416 Griswold Road, Elyria, Ohio, 7:00 p.m., May 20, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. byChairman Rick Hutman.The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Elected officials present were, Chairman R. Hutman, Vice-Chairman B. Holtzman, Trustee R. Scheithauerand Fiscal Officer Robert J. Repas.


The minutes of the Elyria Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on May 6, 2013 were reviewed. A motion was made by R. Hutmanto accept the minutes as corrected. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.



We received confirmation from Denise Nail at Rowland Enterprises the $2,000.00 down payment on the “Rowland Nature Preserve” sign has been sent to Ritter Signs.

We are in receipt of a donation of $181.87 for 13 flats of flowers from Schuster Greenhouse.

We are in receipt of a declaratory letter from the Lorain County Board of Commissioners indicating the Board’s wish to share the cost of funding the Lorain County Soil & Water Conservation District by matching township funds dollar-for-dollar. We have not officially received cost projections to date.

We have received another Technical Release from the U.S. Department of Labor that must be distributed to all employees. The subject deals with provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Obama care, that come due in 2014.

I have a copy of the Brownhelm Township Solid Waste Disposal Letter of Engagement from Eastman & Smith.

Eastman and Smith have been retained by a Consortium of Lorain County Townships to develop bid documents for services that would collect, transport and process solid waste and recyclable materials generated in the Consortium participating townships.

The initial retainer is $2,000.00 of which $1,500.00 will supposedly be reimbursed to the townships by the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District. However, there is also identified an estimate of $10,000.00 per township.

I request the Board’s position on the Battery Zone request for payment that is past due.

Rick Hutman will explain the need to create another land parcel on the Murray Ridge 25 acres.


Juanita Weaver-Duff’swritten complaint was forwarded to the Elyria Township Zoning Inspector.

May 17, 2013 Legislative Alert.

Invitation to have pizza with Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan on May 30, 2013.

A request from OPERS to participate in the nomination and election of members to the OPERS Board of Trustees.

Ohio Department of Public Safety April 2013 license tax statistics.

Notification the Lorain County Brownfield Coalition Grant request was not selected for funding in fiscal 2013.

May 16, 2013 ElyriaTownship E-News.

Ohio Department of Public Safety April 2013 permissive tax statistics.


Minutes of May 20, 2013 continued, page 2/3

A cautionary note from the State Auditor dealing with the need for timely and accurate financial statements and audits as they apply to the issuance of municipal debt.

Lorain County Township Association meeting notice for May 2013.

May 13, 2013 Ohio EPA-OCAPP listserve update.

The Northeast Ohio Township Association meeting notice for May 30, 2013 in the Bainbridge Township Hall.

A schedule of Immunization Clinics and appointment availability by the Lorain County General Health District.

Elyria Township Zoning Board of Appeals April 16, 2013 meeting minutes.

An announcement of the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District CAB Trailer program.

List of real estate foreclosures in ElyriaTownship for April/May 2013.

May 10, 2013 Legislative Alert.

An announcement from the Lorain County General Health District of available funds for residential lead removal.

May 9, 2013 ElyriaTownship E-News.

First quarter Workers Compensation claims from Careworks.

May 6, 2013 ElyriaTownship E-News.


Bill Hrivnak, township resident, registered a complaint about high grass, and other nuisance items on a neighboring property. Mr. Hrivnak was urged to file an official complaint which would give legal position to the Elyria Township Zoning Inspector to follow up on the complaint.


Road Department, Tim Van Dyke:

The Murray Ridge Road ditch was cleaned last week.

Requested the status of the EPA Seminar. Bill Holtzman indicated there were no additional seminars needing township attendance at this time.

There has been a request for tree removal by a West Rambler resident. ElyriaTownship only removes dead trees that are in the public right of way. Tim Van Dyke feels the trees in question are not dead.

A price for sealing the fire station building roof has been requested from Sibley Roofing.

Requested approval to purchase road crack filler material.

Requested approval to rent a boom suspended mower to clean some ditch areas that the township mower cannot be used on.

The surface run-off drain tile on Haven Driveneeds to be replaced.

Presented cost figures received from Newman Signs on the purchase of identification signs for the walking trails on the Preserve.

Fire Department, Steve Holtzman:

See attached report.

Hydrant flushing is scheduled to begin soon.

The new squad is at a shop waiting to be lettered.

Zoning Department, Tom Blaz:

See attached report.

Rob Scheithauer initiated a question on whether the Sugar Ridge Towing business was properly identified as a conditional use facility. After much discussion the subject was tabled to a later date not presently defined.

Webmaster: No report.

ElyriaTownship Citizens Advisory Committee: None.


Minutes of May 20, 2013 continued, page 3/3

9/11 Memorial Committee:

A discussion was held on the present status of the Memorial design. Also a request was made by the Committee for Board Approval of using the gratis services of architect Mark Lesner.


R. Scheithauer made a motion to approve the request of the 9/11 Memorial Committee to utilize the gratis services of architect Mark Lesner in the completion of the Memorial design. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.

R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 052013-01 authorizing a payment of $1,185.00 to Pro-Air for renewal of the maintenance contract on the Elyria Township Fire Department’s air compressor. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman.Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.

B. Holtzman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 052013-02 authorizing the purchase of road crack filler and equipment rental from DJL Materials & Supply at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Motion seconded by R. Hutman. Roll call: R. Hutman: yes; B. Holtzman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.

B. Holtzman reported on the results of the bid opening for the 2013 Murray Ridge Road resurfacing project. See attached report.

R. Scheithauer reported on the Pride Day activity on the Preserve enjoyed by 11 township residents.

R. Scheithauer shared the availability and costs for personalizing shirts with the ElyriaTownship logo and the wearers name and title. He also recommended the Preserve Partners duck logo be digitized at a cost of $55.00.

R. Hutman made a motion to digitize the Preserve Partners duck logo by Signs and Ship at a cost of $55.00. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.

R. Scheithauer reported the cost of the Spring Newsletter (see attached cost sheet).

R. Scheithauer reported the ElyriaTownship emergency siren hookup will be completed within the week.


R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 052013-03 authorizing the expenditure of no more than $3,000.00 for rental of a boom mounted mower. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Holtzman: yes; R. Hutman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.

R. Hutman reported he is researching information on the possibility of contracting with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for fish management assistance in the PreserveLake. Curt Wagner, a fish biologist from Ohio Department of Natural Resources, will visit the lake on June 10th at 4:00 p.m. as a start.

R. Scheithauer reported the next Community Day Committee meeting will be held May 28th at 6:00 p.m.

R. Hutman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 052013-04 authorizing the expenditure of no more than $1,200.00 to purchase the Preserve walking trails signs from Newman Sign. Motion seconded by R. Scheithauer. Roll call: R. Holtzman: yes; R. Hutman: yes; R. Scheithauer: yes.

R. Hutman made a motion to sign checks and documents followed by adjournment. Motion seconded by B. Holtzman. Vote: 3 ayes, no dissent. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Rick Hutman, Chairman Robert J. Repas, Fiscal Officer

William Holtzman, Vice ChairmanRob Scheithauer, Trustee