Instructor: Ms. Marsha Sanford

Office Hours: M-F from 8:15 – 8:45 am; an appointment is in the student’s best interest.

Office: O-118

E-mail: – preferred method of communication



Modern Biology. Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston.


See separate sheet.


Student grades will be based on a percentage of total accumulated points earned for the course. Points will be acquired through quizzes, tests/exams, laboratory work, mini-projects, reading assignments and a comprehensive mid-term and final exam.


100%-90% = A 69% - 60% = D

89% - 80% = B Below 59% = F

79% - 70% = C

Percent of each assignment type:

Tests and Quizzes: 70%

Laboratory Work/Projects Homework/Classwork: 30%


All projects or assignments must be turned in within 1 minute after the tardy bell rings. Assignments turned in late or halfway through the class period will not be accepted as an “on time” assignment. Assignments must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Any assignments turned in late will lose 40% of the grade on the first day and 5% off each day thereafter; until a grade of zero is reached. Each student must keep a notebook of all assignments completed. Your notebook will be your study guide for mid-term and final exams.


Tests and quizzes will be given in different formats such as multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, or short essay. Students are expected to use proper English, punctuation and spelling. If the handwriting is too illegible, then a student will have to re-write the written portion. If I cannot read it, I cannot grade the work fairly.


This is a forty-five minute class lasting 36 weeks. Frequent absences, for reasons other than serious personal or family illness causes a disruption in your learning process. If you are not in class, it will be hard to participate and could result in lowering your understanding of the material being presented. The Allen D. Nease Discipline Policy will be enforced for tardies (late to class), excused, and unexcused absences. Student grades can suffer with too many unnecessary absences.


Please take note of the guidelines set for my classroom. These guidelines are in place to provide you with a safe and effective learning environment. They are as follows:


You must be in your seats, pencils sharpened, books and notebooks open, and ready to work by the time the bell rings. If you are not in this classroom when the bell rings, then you will be considered tardy. The definition of inside the classroom is as follows “Your entire body must be over the threshold of the door, otherwise you will be considered tardy”. The consequences for multiple tardies will be followed as per the Nease Student Handbook/Student Planner.

Dress code including hats

The dress code according to the District and Nease High School policies will be followed. Proper dress for lab work must be followed. No hats or ball caps are allowed inside any school building, therefore, no hats or ball caps will be allowed in this classroom. The definition of “No hats inside the classroom” is as follows “You must remove your hat as you cross the threshold of the classroom”. Any hat worn inside the building will be confiscated and you will be given a dress code violation. Consequences for dress code violations will be followed as per the Nease Student Handbook/Student Planner.

Cell phones, I-pods, etc.

No cell phones, or personal electronic equipment (I-pods, etc.) will be permitted in the classroom. If any of these items are seen or heard during class, they will be confiscated and turned into the Dean’s office. Again, consequences for not adhering to the cell phone, pager, or electronic equipment policy will be followed per the Nease Handbook/Student Planner. If you have any questions, review your Nease Student Handbook or speak to your appropriate Dean.


No gum, food, coffee or soft drink cups, profanity, plagiarism or cheating of any type will be tolerated. You may have a water bottle that has a screw top, only. See the Academic Integrity handout regarding plagiarism and cheating. Power Hour will be used for help and makeup work.


If a student is absent on the day of an exam or quiz, it must be made up immediately upon your return to school. Exams are always announced in advance. A “pop” quiz can be given at any time therefore you will be expected to take the “pop” quiz the day you return to school. Students should plan on making up the work immediately upon their return to school. If you have an unexcused absence, you can make up a test or quiz for 50% of the grade. If you have an unexcused absence during a lab period, you will receive a zero for the lab. If needed, an alternative assignment will be given and will be given in a different format than the original assignment. See the Allen D. Nease High School Student Handbook.


Students will be expected to participate in all laboratory experiences. Missed labs are extremely difficult to make-up and it is recommended never to miss a lab or a lab exam. If a dissection is missed, you will be unable to make-up the lab. The supplies are limited and there are no “extras” to be dissected by an individual. During lab days we always work in group settings.

All safety rules (as outlined in the safety contract and lab procedure handout) must be followed! During lab time please use “whisper mode” when working with your lab partners. No open-toed shoes will be allowed during lab time. Please bring a pair of closed-toed shoes for lab days. If you are not wearing the appropriate lab attire, your grade will be a zero for the day.

All classroom procedures will be followed during lab time. If you have any questions regarding school policies, please refer to the Nease Student Handbook/Student Planner.

COMMON COURTESY – The Golden Rule:

The following description was developed from the Golden Rule - act towards others as you want them to act towards you.

1. It is disrespectful to get up from my seat when someone is speaking or I have an assignment to do. I will ask permission to get out of my seat.

2. It is disrespectful to speak when someone else is speaking. I will not interrupt others; I will wait until called upon or until it is my turn.

3. I do not have the right to use or handle other people’s property. I will not touch school property (faucets, outlets, pictures on the wall, etc.) or the personal property of others without permission.

4. It is important to have the right tools for the job. I will have my book, notebook, paper, pen or pencil and other required supplies every day.

5. It is important to be on time.

6. I am aware of the school dress code, tardy policy, I-pod/cell phone use and hat policy and I will abide by it.

7. Until I graduate from high school, school is my job. Treat “this job” like you would any other “job” you will have now or later in life.
