Friday, October 27, 2017

: I, Melanie Mangum, as Town Clerk of Royalston, do hereby certify that the following are the actions taken at the Special Town Meeting of October 27, 2017

:town seal

Melanie A. Mangum, Town Clerk

Moderator George Northrop called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. There were 35 voters present at this town meeting.

Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to enact Article XXII of the Town of Royalston General Bylaws, entitled, “Stretch Energy Code” for the purpose of regulating the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy, pursuant to Appendix 115.AA of the Massachusetts Building Code, 780 CMR, the Stretch Energy Code, including future editions, amendments or modifications thereto, with an effective date of January 1, 2018, a copy of which is printed on the special town meeting handout titled “Proposed Bylaw Adopting the Stretch Energy Code,” dated October 10, 2017, and on file with the Town Clerk, or take any other action thereon.


To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Royalston General Bylaws, by adding Article XXII, “Stretch Energy Code”, for the purpose of regulating the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy, pursuant to Appendix 115.AA of the Massachusetts Building Code, 780 CMR, the Stretch Energy Code, including future editions, amendments or modifications thereto, with an effective date of January 1, 2018, a copy of which is printed on the Special Town Meeting handout titled “Proposed Bylaw Adopting the Stretch Energy Code,” dated October 10, 2017, and on file with the Town Clerk.

Motion seconded. Discussion. Presentation by Christine Long, Select Board Chair. Article as moved PASSED 23 in favor, 11 opposed.

Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure from Mark J. Gladstone and Alan H. Rothman, d.b.a. Stoneman Financial Associates, or the then current owner, pursuant to the provisions of G.L. Chapter 60, Section 77C, a parcel of land located at 1 School Street, identified as Parcel 255/022.0-0027-0000.0 and recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds as Registered land in Registration Book 63, Certificate No. 12583, which is subject to a tax taking held by the Treasurer for unpaid real estate taxes, said parcel to be under the care, custody, control and management of the Select Board for general municipal purposes, and to authorize the Select Board to record the deed, provided the Select Board determines that the deed and the acceptance shall comply with the provisions of G.L. Chapter 60, Section 77C; or take any action thereon.


To see if the Town will vote to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure from Mark J. Gladstone and Alan H. Rothman, d/b/a. Stoneman Financial Associates, or the then current owner(s), pursuant to the provisions of G.L. Chapter 60, Section 77C, to a parcel of land located at 1 School Street, identified by the Assessors as Parcel 255/022.0-0027-0000.0, said property described with the Worcester Registry District of the Land Court in Certificate of Title 12583, which is subject to tax takings held by the Treasurer for unpaid real estate taxes, said parcel to be under the care, custody, control and management of the Select Board for general municipal purposes, and to authorize the Select Board to record the deed, provided the Select Board determines that the deed and the acceptance shall comply with the provisions of G.L. Chapter 60, Section 77C;.

Motion seconded, discussion. Article as moved PASSED Unanimously.

Motion to adjourn at 7:43, seconded. Passed Unanimously. Meeting adjourned.