If you are in doubt don’t wear it out:

Meaning: If you are questioning whether your outfit is appropriate for school then make the choice not to wear it to school.

The Dilemma: Leggings, Jeggings, Stretch pants and Skinny Jeans.

If you wear them ↑ you need to have on a loose fitting shirt that is fingertip length without having to constantly pull/tug/fix/adjust your clothing to make it appear longer. (Refers to tops and bottoms)

Normally….if your pants have functioning pockets in both the front and back they are usually considered jeans. Bottom line: if in doubt don’t wear it to school.

The Solution: Don’t wear it. If it’s too revealing, too tight or too loose it’s inappropriate. (front, back, and side must be fingertip length).

You should always be able to do the following movement(s) with ease without making adjustments to your clothing: (This refers to both tops and bottoms)




Reaching (without revealing skin or undergarments)

·  No see through tops (wear another dress code appropriate shirt underneath)

·  No tank tops and/or Jerseys unless there is a full T-shirt underneath

(3 finger rule does not apply to tank tops and/or Jerseys)

·  No side skin showing- like underneath your arm pits

·  No shirts with your backs out

·  No lace tops

·  No spaghetti straps (adhere to 3+ finger width for tops)

·  No brassiere straps

·  No clothing that is restricting in movement

·  No underwear lines showing

But wait there’s more…..

·  No low cut shirts: (V neck shirts should rise above chest bone and back bone). Wear a tank top underneath your top that appropriately covers.

·  No Norts: Nike shorts with the spanks (all shorts must be the proper length). Not even when wearing one short over top of another pair of shorts.

·  No short shorts, spanks or above your finger tip shorts

·  No bandanas (not even on hair as a headband)

Bottom Length: Clothing should be fingertip length all the way around: (front, back and sides). Pay attention while standing as well as sitting.

Top Length: Most shirts the 3 fingertip rule applies if it covers you in the front, back, side and underneath your armpits). Of course when you reach up or bend over it should be long enough so no skin shows.

Shoes: Open toe shoes are NOT acceptable when you are on the playground/PE/Outside Recess/ Play Park… (If in doubt simply ask your teacher ahead of time). During these times you are to wear closed toe shoes. Bring sneakers on days you know you need them.

Phones: There is NO reason a cellular phone should be turned on or on your person from school arrival to departure.

Your phone should not be on your person, in your pocket or purse at any time. However, it can be stored in your locker or book bag turned OFF until the end of the day off campus. If in doubt ask your teacher. Unfortunately, your phones will be confiscated and given to an administrator if it is not in your book bag or locker.

Let’s strive to display on the outside

the characteristics that you already display on the inside.