Reinforce sportsmanship and respect for other competitors or club members wherever possible.

Support their participation in trampolining in any way possible e.g.:

- transport them to and from training where necessary.

- help them to learn routines.

- offer to watch them at competitions or training.

- encourage them to be organised for training or competitions e.g. wear correct clothing, do not

wear any jewellery, bring a suitable drink (preferably water), packed lunch for competitions etc.

- get involved with the club e.g. volunteer to help set out equipment, become a qualified judge,

help with fund raising efforts/ideas etc.

Encourage healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

Facilitate regular attendance and a punctual arrival at both training and competitions.

Help them to recognise the importance of good performance and not just focus on results.

Encourage and guide them to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.

Provide genuine praise for their efforts and progress.

If they make a mistake or perform below their best at a competition, avoid being negative! It is

unlikely they deliberately made a mistake and will be hard enough on themselves for the error.

Try to find something positive in the performance e.g. possibly the first time they have included

a new skill in their routine in a competition environment, achieved good marks for 1 routine etc.

Do not dismiss errors as unimportant “It doesn’t matter ….” The likelihood is, that it does matter

a great deal to the performer at the time, who has probably put a lot of time into training for that

particular competition. Just acknowledge the mistake and try to find something positive to credit.

Never push them to compete or participate if they do not wish to. The motivation must come from

from the individual in the long term.

All the above will help to enhance self confidence and motivation, these are crucial qualities for

successful and enjoyable participation in trampolining and all sports.


Pay fees on time or discuss promptly if there are any issues regarding payment.

Inform the coach of any medical problems that your child may have recently experienced.

Inform the coach of any changes to emergency contact details, especially mobile numbers.

Discreetly make the coach aware of any other problems your child may be experiencing currently

that could affect performance but which they may feel uncomfortable explaining themselves e.g.

issues at school, family problems etc.

Communicate clearly with the coach at appropriate times. Any concerns, questions or comments

should be raised at the end of a training session or the parent should arrange an alternative meeting

time with the coach. If the problem concerns your child’s coach, then approach the club welfare

officer to discuss the issue as this is part of their role.

Maintain a respectful relationship with the coach.

Spectate from a safe distance such as a viewing gallery, where there is no risk of distracting your

child from training or becoming a hazard (if untrained) around the trampoline area.

Please refrain from getting involved in any coaching issues during training sessions when

watching your child’s session . If you have any issues, they must be raised in the appropriate way

and times as laid out above.

Observing the guidelines set out above will help to create a positive atmosphere between all individuals involved in the club, and foster the type of outlook that sport should help to develop.