School Name: Please type in header

Name of Course(s): Please type in header

The Association of Real Estate License Law Officials

Distance Education
Primary Provider ApplicationFor First Time Applicants or New Delivery Methods

Updated December 2010
This application is for those seeking certification for the first time or for a course taught via a new delivery method not already certified. If you already have courses certified via the same delivery method, use the Primary Provider Application for Subsequent Course Submissions.


Directions for Provider: place an X (or where necessary, place an n/a) in the appropriate box to attest the following standard and/or policy has been addressed. Limit your entry to the column labeled “Provider Checklist” that is colored green. / ARELLO Use Only / Provider Checklist
Course access instruction review notes: / Yes / No / Confirm the following
Mission Statement
-The mission statement of the organization and associated standards are in compliance.
Course Design
- Objectives provided in measurable terms.
- Learning model clearly defined (typically mastery based learning)
-LMS has capability to track time spent in course. (This is not mandating seat time.)
-Instructional strategies are appropriate for distance education delivery.
-Qualified individuals are involved in design and planning of the courses.
-Course meets standards regarding reference material provided to learner.
-Procedures for ensuring course content is accurate and timely are in place.
-Interactivity is sufficiently implemented by learning strategies throughout the course.
Course Delivery
-Course(s) supported by qualified individuals.
-Instructors are numerically sufficient and qualified to instructionally support the course.
-Written policies are provided for course instructors.
-Course is free from technical malfunctions (based upon the limited review.)
Equipment and Learning Environment
-Course(s) are in compliance with standards for equipment and learning environment.
Student Support Services
-School polices are available prior to student enrollment and comply with standards.
-Course meets standards for instructional AND technical support availability.
-Instructors are qualified to support the course and offer instruction.
-Instructors associated with the course(s) have earned the CDEI™ designation.
Evaluation and Assessment
- Incremental assessments meet standards(required)
- Summative assessments meet standards(final exams optional, if present, must meet standard.)
- Assessment bank implementation meets minimum standards.
- Remediation is present
- Remediation does not blatantly give student answers on summative assessments, or give them an immediate opportunity to retake an identical question.
- Assessments are designed appropriately (not over populated T/F or knowledge level questions.)
- Assessments consider multiple competencies (not required but a factor for type of course)
- Assessments items appropriately and proportionally map to objectives.
- Provider submitted or provided access to all assessments items used in the course:
- The course it to be offered in multiple jurisdiction with and without a final exam? If so, notate in public notes of course record.
- Comments:
Time Studies
- Two professionals (must have experience with content AND instructional design.) OR
- Ten students from sample audience(must be of the appropriate audience.)
- Is there a mandatory timing device in the course?E.g. Student must spend X time in the course. If so, reviewer will verify and will indicate such on the certificate.
- Will this course be offered in some jurisdictions without the timing device?
Other observations, deficiencies, or review notes:
Notes to reviewer from provider:


oIf you are a primary provider or course developer, please complete the application below. ARELLO reserves the right to “classify” providers and delivery methods based on the information supplied.

oUse this application to submit one or more courses of a particular delivery method. Answer each question as completely as possible. Answer NA (not applicable) for any question that does not apply to your course(s). Please include and identify supplemental documentation as necessary. If you are submitting multiple courses via different delivery methods, you should use one application for each delivery method. Review fees still apply on a per course basis.

oTo submit your application and supporting documentation, go to and click “Log In” in the navigation bar. Choose your organization’s name from the drop down list and enter your password. This will log you in to the course management system (CMS). If you forget your password you can have it emailed to the designee on file with ARELLO. If your organization’s name does not appear in the list, contact ARELLO at (334)260-2928 to setup an account. Once logged in to the CMS, click “New Submission”and follow the directions through the course submission wizard. When using the CMS to submit a course you will also have the opportunity to pay the fees via credit card or check. The CMS will provide you with directions on where and how to send the course materials and check. Your application will not be fully processed unless application fees are paid in full and all applicable documentation has been received. Prior to using the CMS for the first time, providersneed to read the “CMS Read Me” file located on the login page of the CMS. This will provide an overview of how the CMS will be used to process courses.

oApplications must be submitted electronicallyvia the ARELLO online course management system. Applications must be completed electronically in a standard word processor like Microsoft Word®. Accompanying documentation can be provided in PDF® or other standard electronic document format. If you are submitting a CBT course, or DVDs provide one copy of the media. If sending physical media make sure to use the “Media mailing instructions” link on the “View Submission” page in the CMS.This creates a mailing label for you.

oIt is highly recommended you obtain a copy of the ARELLO Distance Education Standards Manualand review the “Distance Education Program Policies and Procedures” prior to completing this application. You can obtain both resources at

o Once your fee has been paid, and the application along with accompanying documentation is uploaded (sent) via the course management system, a certification number will be assigned and you will receive confirmation the submission has been received by ARELLO. The results of the initial review will be posted in the course management system and sent to you via email within 30 days of submission.


I hereby give the ARELLO and its agents permission to respond to inquiries from ARELLO members regarding the status of this application as follows:

1.If this application is pending

2.If the course(s) has/have been certified or not

3.The date the course(s) was/were certified

I further understand that ARELLO jurisdictions will be notified should there be a change in the certification status or if it is discontinued for any reason.

By submitting this application, I hereby attest that:

  • All information contained in this form is true and correct and that I have read and am familiar with the ARELLO Distance Education Standards and course review policies.
  • The instructors designated for this course have reviewed the course and are familiar with its instructional design and content.
  • I understand that providing any inaccurate information on this form will disqualify me from having any courses certified by ARELLO or from being an instructor for any ARELLO certified course.
  • I understand that if I earn certification for this course, substantial changes must be reported to ARELLO prior to implementation. This includes assessment questions that are substantially altered or other design changes, even those considered to be an “improvement” to the course, must be submitted to ARELLO and archived in the course record.
  • I understand my course may be audited at anytime during the certification period to verify the course is offered as certified.
  • My organization will not represent a course that has been substantially altered, from what was originally certified, to a regulatory agency as “certified” even if the jurisdiction does not require the certification.
  • My organization will not offer the course outside the parameters (including courses hours and exam requirements) listed on the summary certificate when representing the course as certified.
  • My organization’s learning management system used for these courses is capable of tracking the amount of time it is taking students to complete the courses(s).

ARELLO reserves the right to make contacts as necessary to verify the integrity of any of the information provided in this application.


  1. Name of Course(s):
  2. Number of Clock Hours:
    (The provider MUST submit independent time studies that verify course hours. Providers must use the Time Study Participant Form located in the Downloads Area of to report independent time studies. For an explanation of what constitutes an acceptable independent study, please see the ARELLO Distance Education Policy document available free at wwwARELLO.NET. The Time Study Participant Form also contains required guidelines that must be followed for participants.)
  3. Provide course access instructions for our reviewers here.
    For Internet courses include a fully functional URL and access instructions to the web site. For CBT or other delivery methods containing deliverables, send one copy of the media using the “Media Mailing Instructions” located in the Submission Area of the CMS. For synchronous courses, provide a detailed description of your delivery method below. Include all usernames and passwords here.
  4. How do you wish to classify the difficulty level of this course? (check one)
    (Note: any course labeled as intermediate or advanced should utilize higher level learning strategies appropriate for the sample audience.)
  1. If this course is going to bedelivered in different jurisdictions, please list the jurisdictions (states or provinces) where you intend to seek approval.Note: if you intend to seek approval in all jurisdictions please state such without defining the each jurisdiction.
  1. If you are a primary provider that will be reselling your courses to secondary providers, please include a copy of your support manual for secondary providers. Is the Support Manual provided with this submission? If so, where?(See ARELLO Course Review Policy Document item 6.1 for more information. Providers that are not reselling courses to secondary providers do not need to provide this document. For your convenience, you can place this file in the Common-Provider Files Area of the course management system and then simply reference its presence on all future submissions.)
  2. Please provide documentation showing this course had the ability to track the amount of time students spend in the course. This is not mandating seat time, but ensuring the LMS can appropriately report how long students are spending in the course. Documentation could be a screen shot from the LMS or other similar reports indicating such.


  • Standard 1. The course or program is guided by a clear mission appropriate for career education, the community of interests served, and the resources available. This mission statement must be clearly stated and publicly available (Jurisdictional level such as State and Province).
    (See Standards Manual - Mission Statement Standard 1.)
  • Standard 2. Mission statements are not static. Mission statements must be reviewed by appropriate decision-makers on a regular basis.
    (See Standards Manual - Mission Statement Standard 2.)

1.1What is the mission statement for your school or program?

1.2Where are your mission and objectives stated? Check all that apply:

Printed materials? Please list and supply copies of printed materials which contain the mission statement.
Internet: (please provide Internet address)
Other: (Please explain)

2.1When was the last time you conducted a review of your mission statement and curricular objectives? Date:


Standard 1. Subject-matter content and learning activities are consistent with the program mission statement; specific course objectives must be stated in performance terms. (See Standards Manual - Course Design Standard 1.)

3.1Includecourse objectives (learned outcomes) stated in performance/behavioral terms for each course in the submission: (The document should be named “Course Objectives [course name]”.) Note: course objectives must be stated in behavioral terms or they will not be accepted.

3.2Where are these objectives listed in the course?

Course Outline
(Include a separate document/file in your submission called
“Course Outline [name of course]”. The course outline and course objectives may be the same document. For your convenience, you may paste your objectives below.)
Other course materials
(Please be specific and provide copies as applicable.)
  • Standard 2. Course design must be clearly defined. The course should be based on sound learning approaches such as mastery-based learning.
    (See Standards Manual – Course Design Standard 2.)

4.1One what basis is this course sequenced/organized? (Check one)

Other (explain)

4.2 Is the mastery-based learning model used in this course? If no explain.

Other (explain)

4.3 For Internet and CBT delivery methods, please provide URLs (links) for the following or an explanation of where these things are located in the course or provider’s web site: (If you do not have one or more of these items, please provide an explanation.)

Item / URL (Link to the resource. Please providea fully functional URL. For example,
-Provider name and contact information
-Mission statement
-Instructor name and contact information(This includes an unambiguous instructional support statement proactively notifying students that if they have questions about the course content, they can contact an instructor for a prompt response. )
-Refund policy
-How long student has to complete the course
-Testing information

Explanations as needed:

4.4What communication tools are used(check all that apply)?

Bulletin boards
Check here if bulletin boards are moderated
Check here if list-serves are moderated

4.5 What methods are utilized to test the learner for proficiency in the use of the

technology the learner must use?

Part of introduction to the course
Browser checks

4.6How is the course content updated?

Part of annual course review
Author’s updates
Other (explain)

4.7 How are links to supplemental resources kept updated to ensure they stay in working order?

instructor checks monthly
school employee checks monthly
students’ reports to instructor
web master checks monthly

4.8 What are your backup systems? Be specific. What media is used and where and

how is it stored?

continuous back-up system on site
web host provides backup
independent contractor provided back up
no backup systems in place

4.9What security measures are utilized? This question is asking for specifics on measures that are taken to maintain Internet security.

4.10What is the nature and extent of your computer managed course system (LMS)? If you use a commercial product or third party to provide this, please list what or who?(Check all that apply and list others has necessary)

Tracks learner progress
Maintains grades
Stores historical information
Tracks and stores student completion data
Maintains payment information
Other (list)

4.11 As of September 30, 2009, all LMSs for Internet and CBT courses must have the ability to track the amount of time students spend in a course. Does the course LMS have the ability to track/quantify how long students are spending in the course? Please provide details on what reports your LMS can produce regarding the amount of time students are spending in a course? Note: this does not mean providers must mandate students spend a certain amount of time in the course.

Standard 3. The distance education delivery mode and instructionalstrategies are appropriate for the courses utilizing distanceeducation delivery.(See Standards Manual – Course Design Standard 3.)

5.1Indicate which of the following reasons (if any) provide the rationale

or basis for offering this course via a distance method: (check all that apply)

Efficiencies in terms of cost
More effective than traditional classroom delivery
Considered more student-centered or student-friendly
The nature of the content
Part of the school and/or program mission statement
Meeting student demand for this mode of instruction
Efficiency in terms of access
Appropriateness in sequencing of course topics
Other (list):

Standard 4. Evidence that qualified individuals are involved in the design and planning of distance learning courses. (See Standards Manual – Course Design Standard 4.)

6.1List the instructional designers, who designed this course and provide a brief description of their qualifications to do so. Instructional design is defined as systematically organizing a body of information and developing a plan for course implementation. The generally accepted model for the instructional development process is as follows: analyze, design, develop, evaluate and revise. Some items considered important in the person who designs the course are:

Experience – Has the course designer developed other courses? Was he/she using this or another delivery method?

Educational Background appropriate to task; i.e., what course work/training has prepared the course designer for this project?

Provide references complete with contact information for the course designer regarding other work done of a similar nature.

List of the content experts used to develop the course and provide a brief description of their qualifications to do so. Content experts and course designers are rarely the same people. They require very different skills. The content expert may or may not also be the instructor for the course. For content expert, ensure the description of their qualifications include at minimum the following: