Star Wars: Darkness Within

“A storm is coming, Master Yoda…” Mace Windu said as he stared out of his quarters windows on to the vast city-planet, Coruscant. “This storm will bring down the Republic…and possibly the Jedi. I fear we are at the end of our time… and darkness is ahead.”

The small Jedi walked towards the window, to stand next to the tall, dark skinned man. His equal in many ways, yet the years Yoda had on Mace where centuries past even the Oldest Elder of a Wookie Tribe. “Hmmm, this vision has haunted me, it has…. emergence of the Sith and the possibility of the chosen one vexes me so, it does.” Master Yoda looked at the chrono in the far corner of the room. “It is time we leave, Master Windu…the Council meets.”

The two Jedi walked through the large corridor in silence. Both with the haunting vision that they are in for a dark, desperate future. Mace Windu has always looked to Master Yoda for guidance. Mace, 80 years old to Master Yoda’s 860 years seem to give him security that although considered quite equal on the Council circle, he still has someone to look to for the answers he too has no answer to.

It has been almost 10 years since the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn had died in a duel with a Dark Warrior who still remains nameless and has since been the only sign that a Sith Lord has existed in over a thousand years. Since that day, Jedi Scholars and the keepers of Sith Lore have studied the remains of the Sith Lord and have been baffled by their findings. The tattoos were like no other patterns ever seen before. His use of a double bladed Lightsaber and his mastery of such a weapon only reaffirms his skill. It was a weapon only used by the very cunning of warrior and his ability to fend off two Jedi as he did makes it only mean one thing, if he WAS the Apprentice… His Master must be a very powerful Sith and his presence in the galaxy could bring it to it’s knees.

The two Jedi masters entered the Main Council chamber and the other Masters were already seated, awaiting them. The look on their faces were just as their own. They knew what was ahead also. As they sat, Master Plo Koon spoke first, “My friends, I have news from Master Obi-Wan. He has requested he and the Padawan Skywalker be seen by us this evening.” Mace spoke first, a tinge of hope in his voice, “I feel Master Obi-Wan has proven excellence in his training of Skywalker…and If this boy is “the Chosen One”, I feel we may have hope if the Sith reemerge. Skywalker’s training has been well structured with assistance of all the Masters. All of you must feel as I do that it is important not to make a mistake in his training…one slip, and it could mean the fall of the Jedi.”

Anakin Skywalker was at it again. He sat in the room, kneeling to meditate and work on his exercises. Several objects were floating throughout the room. His eyes closed, Anakin envisoned where in the apartment he’d replace them. The small statue of an Twilek Dancer from the center table was moved to the far end table infront of the large transparasteel window looking towards the Center Spiral of the Jedi Temple. His teaching holocrons were being moved about all over…there were four and he tried his best to make sure that he moved the specific ‘cron to where he wanted to…it seemed to be his biggest problem.

Obi-Wan walked into the room silently, making not a sound. He rather enjoyed Anakin’s determination to master his skills, he felt it reassured him in his choice to train the boy. He hoped his Master was proud.

“You’re thinking of Master Qui-Gon…aren’t you?” Obi-Wan looked at his Padawan and smiled. “Yes, I was… Your skills are strong Anakin. But you must prepare, we’re meeting with the Council in one half past.” The objects slowly put themselves into place and Anakin stood. He was a sight Obi-Wan thought. It was but a short time ago he was a Small boy. Now he towered over Obi-Wan. “I am beginning to understand how master Yoda feels when he is walking with master Windu.” Anakin turned, with a cocksure look on his face, “ Well, thank goodness you’ve let your hair grown longer… Your ears are just like his too.” Obi-Wan simply rolled his eyes. “Get your cloak, we are leaving.”

The Taxi approached the landing platform of the main Spiral. Anakin stepped out then Obi-Wan, Anakin somewhat displeased. “I have had a speeder for three years now and you still won’t get in it with me. Why?”

“Because the way you pilot that ‘Hyperdrive with two seats’ will be the death of me, Padawan. Now, clear you mind. We need our focus on this meeting. I feel the Council will be pleased with what we have to propose.”

The Two Jedi entered the Council Chamber. They bowed to their Masters and were asked to step forward. Obi-Wan began to speak.

“ Master Yoda, Master Windu and Council… For ten years, we have been plagued with the knowledge that the Sith are amongst us. With nothing more then a body and a broken Lightsaber, we have no clue to whom this Sith Lord was. But My Padawan has a theory.” Master Yoda was the first to speak, “Anakin Skywalker, this theory, we must hear.” Anakin took a deep breath. This was his first time infront of all the Council members for more then a mere celebration or training exercise.

“I have been studying the Holocrons in the Jedi Archives. I have been looking through them the past few years and I have one way we could possibly discover not only who this Sith was…but discover who is Apprentice was, or”, He took a deep breath again, “His Master.”

The Council looked hopeful but could not understand what this Padawan could have found that the Scholars overlooked. “Tell us Young Skywalker, we are intrigued.” Mace Windu was at the edge of his seat. Anakin became more confident. Looked into the Masters eyes and asked, “Have you ever heard of the Meignleas?” Master Yoda’s eye’s widened. The rest of the Council were in shock. “Young Padawan…where did you discover this information?” Plo Koon spoke first, for it seemed the rest of the Council could not.

“I discovered a Holocron in Master Qui-Gon’s quarters a few years ago. It took me all this time to study the contents. It held in it the key to the theory of Meighleas and what it is capable of. I know it’s theory and teaching’s have been banned by the Rep-“ Anakin was interrupted by Master Windu, “the Republic and the Jedi altogether. This Theory was attempted once before, long before the birth of Master Yoda and it only proved costly to those who attempt it. Some paid with their lives, and they were the lucky ones.” “Yes, this theory has it’s price, it does”, Yoda finally spoke,” To enter the mind of the dead. Especially that of Sith, insane it is. No matter what knowledge it brings forth…the life of a Jedi it is NOT worth.”

“But Master Yoda, please listen…I have studied the theory…I have discovered it’s flaws and I know I can do what needs to be done. It could be our hope to finding out the truth behind Master Qui-Gon’s killer… and reveal the Sith’s plans.”

Master Yoda looked at Mace Windu. He too was as puzzled as Yoda. This was not just a simple solution. This was the Meignleas. The theory is that when a Jedi or anyone who was strong with the Force was to die before their time, their spirit would walk along the “Meignleas Plane”. The theory mostly was surrounded by the deaths of the Sith. Their greed and hatred is said to have created this “dimension” of the afterlife. Much like elder Jedi welcome the next stage of the Force, the Sith dreaded the Meignleas. For it was a fate worse then that of death.

The Jedi that exist on this plane were not fully in-touch with the Force. Used it for personal gain and not to serve the Order. Those unaware of their power would not be cast to this place since they had no knowledge of their abilities and did not use them against the true ways of the Force.

“We will meet again tomorrow evening, an answer we will have.” Yoda bowed to the two Jedi. Returning the bow, Anakin felt as though he has impressed the Council with his motivation, but also sensed their fear of what he has been studying. Mace Windu stood, “Young Skywalker…are you not forgetting something?” Anakin looked perplexed. “the Holocron dealing with the Meignleas. Please hand it to us so it can be cataloged in the Archives.” Anakin was disappointed, but understood. “I do not have the Holocron in my possession, Master. With your permission, could I bring it to you this evening?”

“Yes, thank you, Padawan… and come alone.” Obi-Wan looked in the direction of Master Windu. “Master Obi-Wan, I wish to discuss the matter with Padawan Skywalker myself.” Obi-Wan bowed in respect, “As you wish.”

The door opened to Master Windu’s quarters. Anakin always was impressed with the simplicity of its design, but also how bold and stunning it was. The large windows had a view of Coruscant that rivaled the Jedi Council main chamber.

“Come in Padawan Skywalker. Please sit.” Master Windu was always a gracious host and poured Anakin a refreshment. “Will ask that I have the Holocron before we speak. It’s not that I question your intensions, Young Anakin…but I will feel more at ease with it in my possession.” Anakin nodded, “I understand Master.” He placed the Holocron on the table between the two of them. The Jedi master simply stared at it for a moment. It held information that was thought to be lost for hundreds of years, and now, here it was. He was now realizing just how close it had been for many years now. “My only relief is that such a loyal Jedi as Master Qui-Gon had it in his care. He was and still is, one of our greatest protectors of the living Force. But you can also understand our shock to know you’ve been studying the Meignleas for so long, Anakin. It’s a dangerous time for you in your training. Your abilities are far stronger then the Council or I even wanted to believe and with the Sith possibly looming over all we stand for and protect… it’s a time when your skills will be tested and you must not fail.”

His words were striking. Master Windu was someone Anakin held in the highest regard, second only to his Master. His words were forceful, but not invading. At no point did Anakin feel as if Master Windu was threatening him. Infact, when he spoke to him, he could almost envision Master Qui-Gon and that he’d say the same. Anakin nodded, “I understand Master. I also understand that the Jedi are at a pivotal time. With the Sith emergence and our inability to discover the identity of Qui-Gon’s killer. We have no other options but the Meignleas. We could finally get the secrets we need to find or enemy and to deal with it with the Force.”

Master Windu was pleased. Anakin has come a long way since that one afternoon ten years ago. He not only sensed Anakin’s sincerity, but his passion for the Force and what it stands for. “I will let you know my decision tomorrow with the rest of the Council members.” Anakin bowed as he stood and left. Looked out the window. “It may be the only way.” He said as the traffic in the distance glowed like thousands of stars shooting through the sky, “It may be the only way.”

Obi-Wan sat in the main parlor of the apartment when Anakin arrived home. Looking over the Holonet, Obi-Wan decided to make small talk rather then ask of his meeting with Master Windu.

“the Chancellor has approved the second phase in of Clone Technology. I have not decided weither or not that is a good idea.” Anakin opened the refresher bar and pulled out a container of juice. Obi-Wan sensed his frustrations and hoped Anakin would say what he was feeling without having to prompt him to. Obi-Wan always liked when Anakin opened up and exposed his feelings. It was vital to him becoming a Jedi.

“I think Master Windu will vote in favor of me using the Meignleas… but he’s still not 100% sure that I’ll be successful.” Obi-Wan was relieved Anakin had spoken. “I’m not 100% sure about this Anakin. It’s a dangerous proposition. You may have studied the Meignleas, but you cannot be certain it will work, or more importantly, if it does, weither or not you’ll survive to tell us what you’ve discovered. It is bold and brave venture. But a foolish one.”

“But who’s the more foolish, Master? The Fool… or the Fool who follows him?”

Tension was high in the Main Chamber. All of the Jedi have met separately and altogether for most of the day prior to this moment. Anakin Skywalker and his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi stand before them. Mace Windu speaks.

“the Council has approved the use of the Meignleas,” Anakin’s reaction was calm, but Obi-Wan sensed the excitement in his Padawan Learner. Mace Windu continued,” But you have one hour of time to enter the Meignleas plane, find this Warrior and retrieve the information. Beyond that time, we fear you could be lost.”

Anakin nodded, “Yes Master, I will not fail you… I’m not afraid.” Master Yoda looked at Anakin, “Beware Young Skywalker, for the Meignleas is a domain of evil it is. Hate, pain and suffering lie within. And help you if you are in trouble, we cannot.”

Anakin nodded to the Jedi Master, “I know Master Yoda, I will be mindful. But I feel I must enter the Meignleas at first light. I will also request that I perform the ritual here, in the main Council Chamber with the Council present.

The Jedi all looked onto Master Yoda, they all nodded in agreement. Yoda then turned to Master Windu and nodded. “We agree to your terms. At first light…you will enter the Meignleas. We will notify the Scholars to bring the remains of the warrior here for the ritual. Now you, Young Skywalker…you must rest… for an hour in the Meignleas, is worth a short lifetime in pain.”

That evening was long. Anakin meditated most of the night in order to become one with the Force. He hoped it would help shield him from what the Meignleas contained. He will face something most Jedi fear, the Sith.

Yes, his Master had killed this Dark Warrior, but beyond that…no other Jedi has faced a Sith Lord and in the Meignleas…they were all Sith Lords. From Exar Kun to Darth Bane, the Meignleas was hate. The Meignleas was Fear. The meignleas was the Darkside of the Force concentrated in one singular place that nothing has ever escaped and returned the same way. This will be the test of tests for the one called “the Chosen One”.

As he looked on, Obi-Wan was simply in awe of what the young man before him was becoming. The Jedi had learned from Master Qui-Gon Jinn. A man considered the keeper of the Living Force by his equals. He used the Force to meet the needs of the situation, even if the Council deemed it irresponsible or dangerous. Qui-Gon saw in this boy what no one else was able to, but Obi-Wan was starting to see the greatness in him. The hope and dreams of a young slave boy were becoming reality with every passing day, and his eagerness to take on such a task as the Meignleas was proof Qui-Gon was not soothsaying. But as his Master, Obi-Wan was obligated to ask the Padawan if this was truly what needed to be done.

“Anakin, this mission is to be considered suicide by most standards. Why are you so sure you can complete it successfully?” Anakin opened his eyes, turned to his Master and said, “Because I know where the others went wrong. They allowed themselves to be touched by the Darkside. Their weakness is my strength. I know what I will allow my mind to see and what my body will feel. They allowed the Darkside to invade their mind…I won’t.”

Obi-Wan nodded, “Get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow… as do we all.”

The Jedi Council had the room prepared by their staff to hold the ritual known as the Meignleas. The ritual was difficult and it’s secrets even taboo to speak of. The fact the Holocron with all it’s knowledge had been forgotten due to it’s nightmarish effects. The body of the mysterious Sith Warrior lay on a table in the center of the room. The pieces of his weapon lay beside him. It was at this time, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker entered the room. The Council had prepared a seat for Master Obi-Wan. His presence was vital due to his years spent with Anakin, and should something go wrong… Obi-Wan would need to be close by. Also present was Chancellor Palpatine. He was seated beside Mace Windu. Palpatine’s aide, Sly Moore, a bald, pale skinned female stood behind him.