Name ______


Determine if each conditional statement is true or false. If false, give a counterexample.

1) If a number is odd, then it is divisible by 3. True False


2) If this month is September, then next month will be October. True False


3) If an angle is obtuse, then is has a measure of 1000. True False


4) If the object has two wheels, then it is a bicycle. True False


5) If two angles are acute, then they are congruent. True False


6) If two planes intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point. True False


7) If given the picture to the right, then points B, A and C are coplanar. True False


8) If given two intersecting lines that are coplanar, then points C, H, and D are non-collinear. True False




Use Inductive reasoning to make a conjecture.

1) Given the following set of numbers: 3, 6, 9, 12,…….

Describe the pattern______

What number comes next in the pattern? _____

Week # / Mile time
1 / 8:15
2 / 8:10
3 / 8:05

2) Mrs. Ashton created the following data table for one of her cross country runners.

Which of the following is a conjecture Mrs. Ashton could make about this runner’s time?

a) This runner is a girl.

b) This runner will run a 7:50 mile by week #7.

c) This runner will win next week.

d) This runner will run a 7:50 mile by week #6

3) Given the following series: July, September, November, ………

Describe the pattern______

What month comes next in the pattern? ______

4) Given the following set of values: (13)(2) = 26, (14)(2) = 28, (15)(2) = 30 ………..

Describe the pattern______

What equation and solution comes next in the pattern? ______

5)Given the following pattern:

Describe the pattern______

Draw the next shape in the pattern? ______

6) Given the follow statement: The square of a negative number ______.

Give four examples for the statement above and solve.______

What is the conclusion to the statement? ______

Name ______


Identify the hypothesis and conclusion for each conditional statement.

Underline the Hypothesis and Box the conclusion.

1) If a person is at least 16 years old, then the person can drive a car.

2) A figure is a parallelogram if it is a rectangle.

3) If three points form the vertices of a triangle, then they lie in the same plane.

4) Four angles are formed if two lines cross.

5) If an angle is obtuse, then it measure is greater then 900.

Write your own conditional statement and Underline the Hypothesis and Box the conclusion.

6) ______




8)Which set of statements represents a valid deductive argument? An argument based on definitions and facts.

(Hint: if you can find a counterexample, then the statement is NOT valid)

a) If and are adjacent angles and = 1800, then and form a linear pair.

b) If all rectangles are quadrilaterals and all squares are quadrilaterals, then all rectangles are squares.

c) If all triangles have 3 angles and all equilateral triangles have 3 angles, then all triangles are equilateral.

d) If and are congruent and all vertical angles are congruent, then and are vertical angles.

9) Was the conclusion a result of Inductive or Deductive reasoning? Circle one INDUCTIVE DEDUCTIVE

The United states Census Bureau collects data on the earnings of American citizens. Using data for the three years from 2001 to 2003, the bureau concluded that the national average income for a four-person family was $43,527.

10)Was the conclusion a result of Inductive or Deductive reasoning?Circle one INDUCTIVE DEDUCTIVE

A speeding ticket costs $40 plus $5 per mi/h over the speed limit. Lynne mentions to Frank that she was given a ticket for $75. Frank concludes that Lynne was driving 7 mi/h over the speed limit.

Name ______


Write a conditional statement from each VENN diagram.

1) If an animal is a ______, then it is a ______.

( be specific)(be general)

2) If an animal is a ______, then it is a ______.

(be specific) (be general)

3) If I was born in ______, then I am a ______.

4) If I am a ______, then I am a______.

5) If the shape is a ______, then it is also a ______.


If a number is ______,

then it is also ______.



1) Write the INVERSE of “If it is Saturday, then it is the weekend”.


2) Write the CONTRPOSITIVE of “If an angle measure is 900, then it is a right angle”.


3) Write the CONVERSE of “If two angles form a linear pair, then they are adjacent”.


4) Write a CONDITIONAL statement in the “IF …., then …” format from this sentence.

Vertical angles are formed when two lines cross.


_____ ~ p ~ q / A. Conditional Statement
_____ q p / B. Contrapositive Statement
_____ ~ q ~ p / C. Converse Statement
_____ p q / D. Inverse Statement

5) Match the symbols with the vocabulary.6) Whichstatement is the INVERSE of this conditional statement?



1) Copy line segment AB.

2) Copy angle FGK.

3) Find the midpoint of your new line segment in #1.

4) Bisect the new angle you created in problem #2.