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Multiple Answer Questions

The questions here are intended to call your attention to significant topics dealt with in the textbook. You can use them to test your recall of what you have read. More important, you can use them to guide your thinking about what you should get from your reading.

You may check your answer by clicking on the letter of your choice. For each question there may be more than one correct answer.

1. Which, if any, of these descriptions correctly characterize the geography of the continent of Africa?

a. fertile areas along Mediterranean sea and in the southernmost uplands.

b. more than a third barren desert.

c. more than a third fertile rain forest.

d. close to half grassy prairies.

2. The areas of Africa that have forests of trees include

a. more than one half of the continent.

b. more than one fifth of the continent.

c. the area along the southern coast of the western bulge of the continent.

d. the area along the eastern coast on the Indian Ocean .

3.The Sahara area of Africa

a. has always been a vast desert region.

b. at one time was green and flourishing with life.

c. became an important trade route linking the Mediterranean area to inland Africa.

d. started a process of desiccation at about the time of Carthage's founding.

4.The vast grasslands that border the great desert region of the Sahara are known as

a. savannas.

b. the Maghreb.

c. the Sudan.

d. Sahel.

5. The Axumite kingdom was created by

a. Semitic people from Egypt.

b. Bantu people migrating eastward from the west Africa Sudan.

c. Semitic people out of Arabia.

d. the Habushat people.

6. The most prosperous time of the Axumite kingdom occurred at the same time as the best times of the

a. Roman empire.

b. Han dynasty in China.

c. Maurya empire in India.

d. Gupta empire in India.

7. The Axumite kingdom established the Axumite empire by taking over the older Kushite kingdom at about the time when

a. Chandragupta I created the Gupta dynasty in India.

b. the Han dynasty in China collapsed.

c. emperor Constantine became a Christian.

d. Octavian Augustus established the pax romana.

8. Axumite merchants traded goods with

a. India.

b. the sub-Saharan interior.

c. the Roman empire.

d. China.

9. The Axumite kingdom adopted Christianity as the official state religion

a. during the reign of king Ezana.

b. after Constantine made Christianity the state religion of the Roman empire.

c. before most of Europe had become Christian.

d. in order to establish an alliance with the Roman empire.

10. Which, if any, of the following correctly state the results of the adoption of Christianity by the Axum kingdom?

a. Axum's commercial ties with the Near East were strengthened.

b. Axum was isolated religiously from most other Christians.

c. Axum became the missionary center from which Christianity spread across Sahara.

d. Axum was isolated from other African peoples.

11. The direct cultural heirs of the Axumite kingdom in subsequent centuries, down to modern times, were the

a. Ethiopians.

b. Bantu.

c. Egyptians.

d. Arabs.

12. The kind of Christianity that the Axumites and their successors maintained

a. was known as Coptic Christianity.

b. spread quickly through the Sudanic grasslands below the Sahara.

c. taught that Jesus as "son of God" was inferior to the eternal God.

d. taught that Jesus had a single nature combining deity and humanity.

13. The kind of Christianity that became the standard in most of Christendom rejected the beliefs of the Axumites and their successors that Jesus

a. was one person with both divine and human natures.

b. did not have a human father.

c. was the "son of God" and therefore inferior to the eternal God.

d. united human and divine qualities in an inseparable combination.

14. Most of Christendom of the Mediterranean and European area considered the Christianity of the Axumites to be in error because the Axumites did not accept the orthodox doctrine that Jesus

a. was one person with separate divine and human natures.

b. did not have a human father.

c. was the son of God.

d. had a single nature combining deity and humanity.

15. What was peculiar about the development of metallurgy in the west African Sahel?

a. African cultures did not pass beyond bronze metallurgy on their own.

b. African cultures had iron metallurgy before they had bronze and copper metallurgy.

c. African cultures had iron metallurgy before they had (known) direct contact with other iron age cultures.

d. African cultures mined iron directly from the ground.

16. The case for arguing that the development of iron working in West Africa was an example of "cultural diffusion"

a. includes the differences in iron working techniques between east and west Africa.

b. says that iron working spread from Meroe to west Africa.

c. involves reference to linguistic dissimilarity between Kush and west Africa.

d. remains unproven.

17. The case for arguing that the development of iron working in West Africa was an example of "parallel evolution"

a. includes the differences in iron working techniques between east and west Africa.

b. says that iron working spread from Meroe to west Africa.

c. involves reference to linguistic dissimilarity between Kush and west Africa.

d. remains unproven.

17. The Bantu

a. had an original homeland in western Africa (Nigeria).

b. were the ancestral people of Black Africans.

c. spread agricultural technology in Africa as an example of colonization.

d. drove hunter-gathers like the San to the fringes of agricultural societies.

18. The Bantu migration carried from the Sudanic grasslands (Sahel) to most of the rest of sub-Saharan Africa

a. the black population of Africa.

b. urban civilization.

c. iron-making technology.

d. agriculture.

19. Which, if any, of the following correctly describe the Bantu migration in Africa?

a. The Bantu migration carried civilization from Nubia (Kush) to sub-Saharan Africa.

b. The Bantu migration probably was successful because the migrants possessed iron.

c. The Bantu migration began as a response to the arrival of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa.

d. The Bantu migration provided the base for a common culture of "Africanity" in sub-Saharan Africa.


Put the following locations that are named in the chapter on the map. You should be able to locate the following places on a map and explain the role in the history of world civilization of each of these places.

Teotihuacan / Chavin de Huantar
Moche / Chaco

21. The civilization of the Maya was centered in

a. Mesoamerica.

b. the lowlands of the Yucatan peninsula.

c. the Andean uplands.

d. the upland plateau of central Mexico.

22. The Maya civilization

a. had no system of writing.

b. developed the first alphabetic writing system in the Americas.

c. used a language that modern scholars cannot yet read.

d. left written biographies of their rulers.

23. Maya science and technology included the use of

a. zero.

b. the wheel.

c. a system of numerals.

d. a complicated astronomical calendar.

24. The Maya civilization probably declined because of

a. economic distress.

b. largely unknown reasons.

c. violent storms.

d. foreign invasion.

25. The civilization of Teotihuacan was centered in

a. Mesoamerica.

b. the lowlands of the Yucatan peninsula.

c. the Andean uplands.

d. the upland plateau of central Mexico.

26. The city of Teotihuacan was

a. called "the abode of the gods."

b. a well planned city.

c. one of the largest in the world at about the year 500.

d. a thriving city for over 700 years.

27. The Teotihuacanos attributed special religious significance to the

a. moon.

b. planet Venus.

c. sun.

d. planet Mars.

28. The two enormous pyramids in the city of Teotihucan were dedicated to the

a. moon.

b. planet Venus.

c. sun.

d. planet Mars.

29. The civilization of the Chavin was similar to civilizations that developed in Eurasia in having

a. a system of writing.

b. the wheel.

c. an irrigation system.

d. pyramidal structures.

30. The religion of the Chavin was similar to that of the Olmecs in having

a. a feline deity.

b. human sacrifice.

c. a belief about immortality.

d. pyramidal temples.

31. The earliest agricultural societies within the territory now occupied by the United States probably appeared before the time of Christ in the

a. dry southwest region, north of current-day Mexico.

b. semitropical southeast region of current-day Florida and Georgia.

c. temperate climate of the central region of the Ohio river valley.

d. alluvial flood plains of the Mississippi-Missouri river system.

32. The earliest agricultural villages within the territory now occupied by the United States probably appeared among the people called

a. Mogollon.

b. Mochica.

c. Adena.

d. Teotihuacano.

33. The vegetables that constituted the basic Amerindian crops included

a. corn.

b. squash.

c. yams.

d. wheat.

41. Animals available to Amerindians before they had contact with Europeans included

a. llamas.

b. cows.

c. horses.

d. donkeys.

34. The agriculture practiced by the Anasazi people

a. cultivated crops imported from Mesoamerica.

b. used domesticated animals to pull plows.

c. raised corn and squash.

d. used the first irrigation systems developed in America north of Mexico.

35. Distinctive characteristics associated with the Anasazi included the

a. pueblo.

b. kiva.

c. ceremonial mound.

d. quipu.

36. Complexes of ceremonial mounds like Cahokia were built in the territories of present-day

a. Mexico.

b. Illinois.

c. Arizona and New Mexico.

d. Florida.

Study guide prepared by Paul D. Steeves; all rights reserved


1.  How did the history of Meroë and Axum reflect interaction with neighboring civilizations?

2.  How does the experience of the Niger Valley challenge conventional notions of “civilization”?

3.  In what ways did the arrival of Bantu-speaking peoples stimulate cross-cultural interaction?

4.  With what Eurasian civilizations might the Maya be compared?

5.  In what ways did Teotihuacán shape the history of Mesoamerica?

6.  What kind of influence did Chavín exert in the Andes region?

7.  What features of Moche life characterize it as a civilization?

8.  In what ways were the histories of the Ancestral Pueblo and the Mound Builders similar to each other, and how did they differ?


1.  “The histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era largely resemble those of Eurasia.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain why or why not.

2.  What generated change in the histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era?

3.  “The particular cultures and societies of Africa and of the Americas discussed in this chapter developed largely in isolation from one another.” What evidence would support this statement, and what might challenge it?