Social Determinant of Health (EPI/HSERV 590N)

Winter 2003 Reading List

Topic and Readings
Use of Conceptual Frameworks in Studying the Social Determinants of Health
Background Readings
Evans RG, Stoddart GL. Producing health, consuming health care. In Why are Some People Healthy and Others Not? The Determinants of Health in Populations. Evans RG, Barer ML, Marmor TR, eds. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994. P 27-66.
Krieger, N. Epidemiology and the web of causation: has anyone seen the spider? Soc Sci Med 1994;39:887-903.
Link BG, Phelan J. Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease. J Health Soc Behav 1995;Spec No:80-94.
Discussion Reading
O'Campo P, Xue X, Wang MC, Caughy M. Neighborhood risk factors for low birthweight in Baltimore: a multilevel analysis. Am J Public Health 1997;87:1113-8.
Inferring Causation (examples from social networks and socioeconomic position literatures)
Background Readings
Kaufman JS, Cooper RS. Seeking causal explanations in social epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:113-120.
Krieger N, Smith GD. Letter to the editor: Seeking causal explanations in social epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 2000;151:831-832.
Kaufman JS, Cooper RS. Authors reply: Seeking causal explanations in social epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 2000;151:832-833.
Discussion Readings
Glass TA, de Leon CM, Marottoli RA, Berkman LF. Population based study of social and productive activities as predictors of survival among elderly Americans. BMJ 1999 Aug 21;319(7208):478-83.
Wamala SP, Lynch J, Kaplan GA. Women's exposure to early and later life socioeconomic disadvantage and coronary heart disease risk: the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study. Int J Epidemiol 2001;30:275-84.
Measuring Social Determinants (examples from social capital literature)
Background Reading
Harpham T, Grant E, Thomas E. Measuring social capital within health surveys: key issues. Health Policy Plan 2002 Mar;17(1):106-11.
Lochner K, Kawachi I, Kennedy BP. Social capital: a guide to its measurement. Health Place 1999;5:259-70.
Discussion Readings
Weitzman ER, Kawachi I. Giving means receiving: the protective effect of social capital on binge drinking on college campuses. Am J Public Health 2000 Dec;90(12):1936-9.
Hemenway D, Kennedy BP, Kawachi I, Putnam RD. Firearm prevalence and social capital. Ann Epidemiol 2001 Oct;11(7):484-90.
Ecologic Study Designs (examples from socioeconomic position and income inequality literatures)
Background Readings
Greenland S. Ecologic versus individual-level sources of bias in ecologic estimates of contextual health effects. Int J Epidemiol 2001;30:1343-50.
Discussion Readings
Karpati A, Galea S, Awerbuch T, Levins R. Variability and vulnerability at the ecological level: implications for understanding the social determinants of health. Am J Public Health 2002 Nov;92(11):1768-72.
Gold R, Kawachi I, Kennedy BP, Lynch JW, Connell FA. Ecological analysis of teen birth rates: association with community income and income inequality. Matern Child Health J 2001 Sep;5(3):161-7.
Multilevel Modeling (examples from place-of-residence literature)
Background Readings
Diez Roux AV. A glossary for multilevel analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health 2002;56:588-94.
Diez-Roux AV. Multilevel analysis in public health research. Ann Rev Public Health 2000;21:171-192.
Discussion Readings
Subramanian SV, Kawachi I, Kennedy BP. Does the state you live in make a difference? Multilevel analysis of self-reported health in the US. Soc Sci Med 2001;53:9-19.
Diez Roux AV, Merkin SS, Arnett D, Chambless L, Massing M, Nieto FJ, Sorlie P, Szklo M, Tyroler HA, Watson RL. Neighborhood of residence and incidence of coronary heart disease. N Engl J Med 2001;345:99-106.