Booth Participation Sign-Up Form

Fall Festival 2010is fast approaching, and we look forward to your participation! This MLWGS PTSA sponsored event, now in its14thyear, celebrates our school’s international focus and offersclubs and classes a lively, enjoyable venue for fund-raising. Allofficially recognized,approved schoolclubs or organizations with faculty sponsors are eligible to reserve andoperate a booth to recruit new members, display talents, educate visitors, and raise $$’s!

Mark your calendar now for the Festival, held this year on Friday, October 8nd(rain date TBA), and complete this form to describe your club’s booth plans and needs. Use a separate Entertainment Participation form (found in the Fall Festival kiosk located in the Bluestone lobby) to request /schedule a stage performance.

Please Note: Faculty club sponsors must approve and sign this booth formbefore submitting it to the Fall Festival Committee. Sponsors of multiple clubs need to complete separate forms for each group.

Place completed forms in either the Fall Festival Booth Box next to the faculty mailboxes upstairs or in the “Completed Forms” slot in the Fall Festival kiosk inthe Bluestone lobby by Thursday, September 23th (earlier is better!). After September 23th,your group surrenders “squatter’s rights” to last year’s activity.


Download this form from Smoke & Scales, or Facebok,, and return to Julie Copeland via email.

MLWGS Club / Organization______

Faculty Sponsor Name______Phone Ext. ______

Faculty Sponsor Signature

Last Year’s Activity______

____Yes, we would like to do the same thing this year.

____Yes, we are going to participate, but please change our booth activity to:


(This means another groupcan use your activity from last year.)

____We did not participate last year, but plan to participate this year. Our booth activity will be


____Please call me at #______. We need some ideas for how we might participate.

Note: Participation fee is $20, for any group either reserving a booth or raising money through other activities. You will be provided with one table and two chairs. Extra tables are $10each. The payment will be deducted from your proceeds at the end of the evening. Do not submit money with this form.

Number of Tables Requested: ______Amount you will owe:______

Will your group be usingelectricity? ______Note:“Yes” reserves power hook-up, but you must bring extension cords!!

Will your group be serving food? ______Note: Food booths must provide appliances, serving items, coolers,andcanopies!!

IMPORTANT NOTES:Food boothsneed to comply withhealth / safety regulations. Please submit this form andalso contact JulieCopeland at toensure you are planning correctly. All food booths need to bring their own canopies, covered serving containers, and coolers. The PTSA may be able to provideacanopyupon request for a$10set-up fee. (Remember: Food and food areas must be covered!)We strongly suggest that you bring a battery-powered lantern to shed light on your table after dark. Also, you must bring your own change and money box to use throughout the evening. Don’t Forget The best designed/decorated booth will win a $30 prize awarded by the PTSA!


Questions?? Contact Julie Copeland at