Lancaster County Emergency Planning Committee

Regular Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2012

The regular meeting of the Lancaster County LEPC was held Tuesday, May 1, 2012.

LEPC Member Present:

Lancaster County Water & Sewer – Stephen White

Founders Federal Credit Union- Crystal Sellers

Lancaster City Fire – Chuck Small

USC- Lancaster – John Rutledge

Lancaster County Emergency Management – Morris Russell

Lancaster County Emergency Management – Darren Player

Lancaster County Emergency Management – Patrick Helms

Lancaster County Fire Service – Keith Wilson

Lancaster County Fire Service – Stephen Blackwelder

Lancaster County Fire Service – Billy Lloyd


Lancaster City Fire – Justin McClellan

Lancaster County Fire Service – Britt Blackmon

Lancaster County Fire Service – Tony Gainer

Welcome to Members and Guests (Introductions): Chairman Chuck Small called the meeting to order and welcomed members and guests.

Approval of May 1, 2012 Minutes: Motion was made and seconded that the minutes from the May meeting be approved as read. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Information Items:

1.  Patrick showed a video by the Chemical Safety Board titled: Emergency Preparedness: Findings from CSB Accident Investigations.

The video stressed three important aspects of preparedness required so that incidents can be mitigated with the best outcome possible: training, communication, and planning.

·  Chemical users and manufacturers should notify emergency response agencies of potential threats and have contingency plans that they share with emergency response agencies. Notifications through Tier II submissions, site plans, MSDS, and participation in local LEPCs are ways local industry can share information and assist with emergency planning efforts that help prepare everyone for emergency incidents.

·  Using information supplied by chemical users and manufacturers, emergency response agencies should develop plans to respond to identified threats. This includes training first responders, developing response plans, and purchasing specialized equipment as needed.

·  First Responders should be trained and equipped to deal with potential problems safely. Tours and inspections of chemical and industrial facilities will help with the development of pre-plans and possibly help first responders understand the potential hazards they may face.

·  In the event of an incident, the free flow of information between responders and industry is imperative for the safety of employees, the public and responders.

2.  There was a general discussion about preparedness and the sharing of information. This included information that not all chemical users report and some such as those in the agricultural industry are exempt from reporting all together even though they use Extremely Hazardous Substances. Chairman Small requested a search of records be performed and a list developed of companies that have reported in the past but may have failed to report since.

The next meeting of the LEPC was initially scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Since this Election Day it was decided to move the meeting to Tuesday, November 13, at 12:00 p.m. Lancaster County Water & Sewer has agreed to host the meeting at their new facility located at 1400 Pageland Hwy.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

For the Committee,

Patrick Helms