Sport, Leisure and the Arts Accreditation Scheme

Dear Colleague

Good to Go – East Lothian’s Sport, Leisure and Arts Accreditation Scheme

The Council recognises that sport and the arts can and does have a positive influence on children but these positive effects can only be achieved if the activity is led by an organisation that places the welfare of children first.

The aim of our new ‘Good to Go’ Scheme is to ensure that clubs and organisations in East Lothian, offering sport, leisure and arts activities that include young people (0-18yrs), are run in a safe and well organised manner.

The national agency for sport, sportscotland, in partnership with CHILDREN 1ST, has established a set of minimum standards, known as Minimum Operating Requirements (MOR), to protect the welfare of children while they participate in sport.

East Lothian Council,Enjoyleisure and FES Fm ltd would now like to work with your organisation to ensure the same high standards exist in all organisations that utilise our facilities. Our new Scheme uses these MOR as its basis and Clubs will therefore be required to provide the following :

  1. Adopt a Child Protection Policy at management/committee/board level within your organisation.
  2. Get all adults working with children in your organisation to sign up to a Code of Conduct for working with children.
  3. Adopt and use an effective ‘recruitment and selection’ procedure to make sure new staff/volunteers have been carefully considered and vetted to do regulated work with children.
  4. Adopt ‘responding to concerns’ procedures to ensure that staff/volunteers get the appropriate help with a child or challenge inappropriate conduct of any adults within your organisation.
  5. Adopt a ‘disciplinary’ procedure to review any child protection concerns which have arisen to ensure procedures are followed and appropriate action taken in the best interests of the child.
  6. Adopt a procedure for reviewing the management of concerns about poor practice, misconduct and child abuse and includes provision for referrals to the Childrens List.
  7. Adopt a named contact to co-ordinate child protection within your organisation who has attended ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ or other basic child protection awareness training and ‘In Safe Hands – Club Child Protection Officer’ workshop
  8. Support all adults working with children in your organisation to attend ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ or other basic child protection awareness workshops.
  9. Adopt a full Policy Procedures document which include ‘Safe in Care’ guidelines which are appropriate to your organisation’s activities e.g. trips away from home, physical contact, adult to child ratios, ICT and social media.

Please do not worry if you don’t have the necessary documents/procedures in place. The manager of the facility where your activity takes place or appropriate contact will be able to provide you with support in areas where your club does not have existing procedures and practices.

Your organisation will need to have these procedures and practices in place in order to renew any extended let at any facility in East Lothian.

Please complete the attached Accreditation Application form and checklist and return to the facility when making your extended let.

Yours faithfully

Kirsty Preston

Recreation and Physical Activity Officer

East Lothian Council

‘Good to Go’

Sports, Leisure and the Arts Accreditation

Application form

In relation to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. Good to Go requires written confirmation that suitable measures are in place for the supervision and/or protection of young people participating in Sports, Leisure or the Arts delivered within East Lothian

Please complete the following application form as part of the letting process.

Name of Applicant
Purpose of Let:
Current Accreditation Number (if this is the first application to the accreditation scheme this number will be allocated upon satisfactory completion of this process)


/ Is the Group currently registered on the Sports, Leisure and the Arts Club Accreditation Scheme? If yes please proceed to The Group details section on page 2. If No please see the attached checklist and Q 2-4
Q2 / Does the group have appropriate insurance cover for the activity?
Q3 / Are the group’s PVG scheme memberships independently verified by a local or national body? If so please provide details of that body:
Q4 / If the group is registered with an appropriate national body please give details i.e. Scottish Governing Body, Girl Guiding UK etc.

If the answer is No to Q1 – Please complete the attached checklist. If the club does not have the required documentation templates can be provided by your facility manager or named contact.

If the answer is No to Q2 – you should consider the possible consequences of accidents to group members’ and/or damage to property for which you may be held responsible. You should consider the need for third party liability insurance covering the activities of the group.

Q3 – A ‘Local Body’ can also include the individual who runs a club/organisation if they have been approved as a signatory or umbrella body by the CRBS.

Group Details

If the group does not operate under the terms and conditions of a constitution and with an elected management committee please provide details of how the group is managed:

Training venue

Playing venue

Does your club have a senior section (over 18’s)Yes / No

If yes, please provide contact details for the contact person for this section of the club.


Contact No.

E mail address
Does your club have a junior section (under 18’s)Yes / No

If yes, please provide contact details for the contact person for this section of the club.


Contact No.


E mail address

Please list the names and positions of Office bearers’ e .g. Chair Person; Secretary; Child Protection Officer.

Name / Office Held / Contact No. / Email

Please use an additional sheet if required and attach to the application form

Sport, Leisure and the Arts Accreditation Scheme

Please list the names of the club coaches and verify if all coaching qualifications are up to date along with their PVG registration number.

Name / Details of Qualification / Renewal Date / PVG Registration number / Contact No / Email

Please use an additional sheet if required and attach to the application form


Minimum Operating Requirements for Clubs

Policies/Procedures / In
Place / Not
in Place / Date to be completed by
Adopt a Child Protection Policy at management/committee/board level within your organisation
Get all adults working with children in your organisation to sign up to a Code of Conduct for working with children.
Adopt and use an effective ‘recruitment and selection’ procedure to make sure new staff/volunteers have been carefully considered and vetted to do regulated work with children
Adopt ‘responding to concerns’ procedures to ensure that staff/volunteers get the appropriate help with a child or challenge inappropriate conduct of any adults within your organisation.
Adopt a ‘disciplinary’ procedure to review any child protection concerns which have arisen to ensure procedures are followed and appropriate action taken in the best interests of the child
Adopt a procedure for reviewing the management of concerns about poor practice, misconduct and child abuse and includes provision for referrals to the Childrens List.
Adopt a named contact to co-ordinate child protection within your organisation who has attended ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ or other basic child protection awareness training and ‘In Safe Hands – Club Child Protection Officer’ workshop
Support all adults working with children in your organisation to attend ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ or other basic child protection awareness workshops.
Adopt a full Policy Procedures document which include ‘Safe in Care’ guidelines which are appropriate to your organisation’s activities e.g. trips away from home, physical contact, adult to child ratios, ICT and social media.



The information contained in this document is provided by the club or organisation signatory and neither the Council, Enjoyleisure nor FES make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, factual accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information provided by the club or organisation signatory herein for any purpose. In no event shall the Council, Enjoyleisure or FES be liable for any injury, loss or damage, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, reliance on the information provided by the club or organisation signatory herein, in respect of any legal action in which it is admitted or proved that the injury, loss or damage is due, in whole or in part, to the fact that club or organisation signatory has provided false or inaccurate information herein and does not have in place some or all of the policies and procedures claimed by them to be in place in terms of the information provided by them herein.