Testimonials from previous VSV workshops:
From Parents:
“A great big thank you for organizing such a wonderful workshop!”
“…I learned so much from each child in the mini-private lesson.”
I learned “that the center of all of this (teaching, playing, listening) is (or should be) Love-Joy!”
“It was an uplifting day…
From Students:
…that touched my soul.”
“…I learned that playing the violin is fun.”
“The orchestra was amazing. It sounded so good…The orchestra was probably the best, even though everything was GREAT!”
this year’s Highlights:
Advanced Students Giant string quartet and master classes!!!
orchestra for all levels with Mike Hopkins!
Suzuki Groups and privates,
all levels, violin and cello!
michelle george!
Fiddle with Pete Sutherland
music adventure with Susan Reit
Art with vera ryersbach
yoga with Alison james
4:00 Saturday concert
The Classes:
Mini-Private Lessons:
Students attend an hour of lessons, learning both from
their own coaching, and from the others. There will be 2, 3 or 4 students per hour depending on your Suzuki book level.
Mini-privates will be offered Fri 3:30-6:30, Sat all day & Sunday 9-12.
Suzuki Violin & Cello Group Classes:
(see Repertoire Lists under Student Preparation)
Each level of group will rehearse separately and give its own presentation performance on Saturday at 4:00.
Advanced Students: (Book 7&up violin, book 5&up cello):
3:30 Fri & 11:00 Sat Advanced Group with Michelle George, Violin; Christine Lowe-Diemecke, Cello.
4:30-6:30 Fri & 9-11 Sat Giant String Quartet with Steve K.
1:30-3:30 Sat Advanced Master Classes with piano for 4 Advanced Students (2 from Maine and 2 from Vermont) to play and for ALL Advanced students to observe!
Orchestra: for Suzuki Violin Bks 1-6 + Cello bks 1-4 with Dr. Michael Hopkins. The Beginning Orchestra will be for beginning readers in bks 1 & 2 (with lots of open strings)! Each orchestra will meet for one hour on Sat and then perform on the 4:00 concert. Non-Reading Students will have Music Adventure Class with Susan!
Parent Session:
with Michelle George; a wonderful gift to attending parents;
a nurturing time for parents to delve more deeply into
the art and skill of being a Suzuki Parent
Saturday at 2:30 (while students are otherwise occupied!)
Schedule & Fees: Mini-privates will be held Fri, Sat and Sunday. For Students in Bks 1-6 violin and 1-4 cello, the rest of the workshop occurs on Saturday from 9:00 to 5:00. The fee for this Saturday workshop is $90, and includes mini-privates, group lessons, orchestra (or Music Adventure), and electives. If you choose to have your mini-private on Fri or Sun, you will have more times for electives on Saturday. This is recommended for people who live nearby!
Pre-Twinklers have an afternoon workshop only, from 1:30 till 5:00 for a fee of $30. This includes Group Class and Music Adventure, but does not include a mini-private, which would be an extra time & fee.
Advanced Students have a 2-day workshop Fri 3:30-6:30 and Saturday 9-5:00 for $140; mini-privates/master classes will be scheduled then or on Sunday. This includes the Giant String Quartet, 2 hours of Advanced Group, master class attendance and a mini-private with 2 students per hour. / Vermont Suzuki Violins, Inc.

for Violin & Cello
Students of all levels
Michelle George, Violin
Steve Kecskemethy, Violin
Christine Lowe-Diemecke, Cello
Michael Hopkins, Orchestra
& More!!!
Friday, November 13
Saturday, November 14
Sunday, November 15
Directed by Pam Reit

Student Preparation
Students bring a Polished Piece to the mini-private lesson. Usually about 3 pieces before your Working Piece, it is
chosen with your teacher and ready for performance.
We would like our guest teachers to have the opportunity
to add depth, beauty and excellence to your playing,
not to work on notes and bowings.
Violin Group Class Repertoire will be chosen from:
Bk 1:Twinkles to Perpetual Motion, Etude, Minuet 2, Happy Farmer
Bk 2: Chorus, Hunters’, Waltz, 2 Grenadiers, Lully Gavotte
Bk 3:Martini Gavotte, Becker Gavotte, Bach Bourrée
Bk 4:Seitz 2/3, Vivaldi am I, Bohm (from revised Bk 4), Bach Double
Suzuki Bk 5:unaccGavotte, Vivaldi gm I; Country Dance, Bach Double
Bk 6:La Folia
Bk 7:Bach Courante, Corelli Allegro
Bk 8: Eccles Sonata
& an Advanced Group piece TBA
Cello Group Class Repertoire: will be chosen from: Book 1: Twinkles to Rigadoon, Minuet in C Book 2: May Time, Minuet 3, Musette, Witches’, Gossec Book 3: Lully Gavotte, Webster Scherzo, Minuet 3, La Cinquaintaine Book 4: Breval Sonata 1st mvt, Chanson Triste Book 5: Vivaldi Largo, Danse Rustique Book 6 & up: TBA
Orchestra, Fiddle, Giant String Quartet and Advanced Group music will be sent, or given to your home teacher in advance.
Because VSV, Inc. is a non-profit organization, we are able to
offer scholarships, based on financial need. Please consider
a tax-deductible contribution to VSV. The tuition does not cover all of the workshop expenses (such as scholarships, space rental, printing, mailing, teacher travel, etc).
These are paid for by your generosity and by VSV Fundraising.
Special thanks to
the Burlington Violin Shop
(which will be on site at the workshop!)
for their sponsorship.
Michelle George, Violin Group Classes, Parent Talk, Teacher Enrichment and Mini-Privates; Connecticut
Steve Kecskemethy, Violin Master Classes, mini-privates, Giant String Quartet; Maine
Betsy Kobayashi, Violin Group, Mini-Privates; Maine
Ira Morris, Violin Advanced Mini-Privates; Vermont
Kathy Post, Violin Mini-Privates; Vermont
Signy Glendinning, Violin Mini-Privates; Quebec
Sofia Hirsch, Violin Mini-Privates, Vermont
Yasmin Vitalius, Violin Mini-Privates; Maine
Christine Lowe-Diemecke, Cello Group, Mini-Privates, Master Class; Ithaca, New York
Michael Hopkins, Orchestra; Vermont
Pete Sutherland, Fiddle; Vermont
Alison James, Yoga; Vermont
Vera Ryersbach, Art; Vermont
Susan Reit de Salas Music Games & Adventure, Vermont
and more!!!
This year, we will have many visiting students, parents and teachers from Maine and from other states. All local Vermont students will be asked to host as many people as possible for Friday night, which will enrich the workshop experience by creating Suzuki connections. Thank you for opening your doors and your hearts to our special visitors!