project limit date extension REQUEST
Date 2009-11-05 / ISO/TC 67/SC 4
Secretariat ANSI
ISO TPM Trevor Vyze

This form is to be used by committee secretariats when requesting a project limit-date extension.

The completed form shall be returned,at the latest 2-month prior to the automatic cancellation date,to the relevant ISOTechnical Programme Manager (TPM) for review prior to it being forwarded to the ISO/TMBsecretariat for consideration and decision.

Note 1: Requests for progressing to a larger development track timeframe (i.e.: from 'default' to 'extended') will be managed by TPM.

Note 2: This procedure applies to active projectsunder the 'development track' rules, and does not apply to projects under risk of cancellation under the two and five year rules.

Note 3: Reinstatement of an 'automatically cancelled' project is only possible subject to TMB approval. In such cases, the committee secretariat concerned shall provide justification for reinstatement as well as the result of a successful 3-month reinstatement ballot among committee P-members, applying the same criteria for justification and approval as for a NWIP as per 2.3 of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.

For further information please refer to the explanatorynotes on the Committee Work Programme at the following URL:


Current development track:

Limit dates:

Current / Proposed
DIS / + 1Year

Justification (to include committee resolutions and supporting documents as applicable):

TC67/SC4 Resolution 13 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests WG6 submit 13628-13 directly to DIS

TC67/SC4 Resolution 14 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that ISO CS extend the current timeline by 1 year for 13628-12 and 13628-13 due to global business needs for these products