Part A - Work Programme
A.1 General Data
Company name:Name of festival: / edition:
Dates of the event:
Type: global □ animation □ shorts □ documentaries □ new media □ young audience □ other □………... (tick as appropriate)
Principal location (town, country): / Other screeening location:
Useful links (related to activity/ies, brochures, etc.):
A.2 Festival Statistics
Please include information relating to the last 3 editions of the festival + provisional information for the edition for which support is requested. Reasonable estimations MUST be provided for the next edition.
programmingStatistics are requested on eligible programming detailed in the official catalogue and screened during the official festival period. The following cannot be counted: free screenings in the lounges, pre-selection screenings, and screenings focusing on any of the themes listed under point 5.4 of the guidelines.
Please ensure that the statistics provided are coherent with the catalogues.
Eligible films ONLY[1] / [Indicate year & edition] / [Indicate year & edition] / [Indicate year & edition] / [Indicate year & edition]
Total number of films in the catalogue
Total number of fictions
Total number of documentaries
Total number of animations
Total number of national premières (never screen in your territory)
Total number of unreleased films (not distributed commercially in your territory)
Total number of European films[2]
- total number of European feature films
- total number of European short films
Total number of European non-national films[3]
Total number of non-national films originating in a MEDIA country with a low audiovisual production capacity[4]
Total number of films originating in a non-MEDIA country
Number of MEDIA countries represented by films in the catalogue
Audience size in festival official location during the event
Overall audience (screenings, concerts, roundtables, conferences, etc…)
Audience at screenings (excluding open-air screenings)
Audience (at open-air screenings)
Single tickets sold to the public (for screenings and excluding tickets given to pass and accreditation holders)
Season tickets / day passes, etc. sold to the public
Professional accreditations
Audience in other locations and outside the main event (please detail audience size, date and location)
Part B – Festival Description
NO GLOBAL ANSWER !! Please answer each question on the form (write "not applicable" where questions are not relevant).
B.1 Festival DescriptionPlease briefly describe the festival edition for which a MEDIA support is sought, including the objectives and expected results (In English, maximum 25 lines).
B.2 Relevance
1. Please present the existing audience (demographics) of your festival and evaluate any potential new audience.
2. Please describe, if any, satellite events as well as year-long activities.
3. Please describe the activities towards the audience, notably the opportunities for the audience to meet the talents (Q&As, workshops, masterclass, etc.).
4. Please describe, if appropriate, audience development activities and the festival's outreach mechanisms, including the use of the latest digital technologies and tools (for example: social media, etc.).
5. Please describe any film literacy initiatives, for example film education. A distinction should be made between actions devoted to young audience and actions for the general public.
Please attach any didactic material edited as part of the film education activities of last festival edition.
B.3 Quality of the content and activities
1. Please describe the programme structure (sections, competitions, cartes blanches, tributes etc.) (maximum 1 page).
2. Please comment briefly on the evolution of European film programming over the last years and present any evolution foreseen.
3. Please describe briefly your strategy in exposing the European non-national films (how they are presented in the official programming).
4. Please detail any focus (a country, a film-maker, etc.) and/or themes that are already foreseen for the next edition (maximum 1 page).
B.4 Dissemination of project results and impact and sustainability
1. Please comment on the size of audience (evolution of the audience over the last years and method applied to measure the scale of the audience).
2. If an increase or a decrease is already foreseen, please detail.
3. Screening locations: please fill in the table below:
Name / Description / Maximum Capacity / Number of screeenings during last edition4. Please describe the mechanisms in place for the follow-up during and after the festival for the sale of the films presented and if any commercial or alternative forms of distribution have taken place.
5. Please describe the policies for the promotion of European talents (including special actions for young European professionals).
6. Please describe, if appropriate, any network the festival belongs to and/or actions to be put in place in collaboration with other festivals.
B.5 Organisation of the team
1. Please describe the structure of the organisation. Present the key members of the management team and describe their role in the festival (director, artistic director/programmer, general coordinator, responsible for audience activities, etc.).
[1] Eligible films = narrative audiovisual films, fictional or non fictional, presented to the public during the festival and detailed in the official catalogue. Together, they constitute the eligible programming. Commercial and promotional works, live broadcast events, music videos, videogames, amateur films, mobile phone films, and non-narrative artistic works are not considered as eligible films and are not taken into account in the analysis of the programming.
[2] European films = films produced in a country participating in the MEDIA Sub-programme.
[3] European non-national films = films produced in a country participating in the MEDIA Sub-Programme, to the exception of films produced in the country where the festival takes place.
[4] Films originating in a country participating in the MEDIA Sub-Programme with a low audiovisual production capacity = non-national films except films from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK. National films are excluded, even if your country has a low audiovisual production capacity.