
By Bram Stoker

My reflection:

Surprisingly, the book, “Dracula” can give me a sense of excitement. It is like watching a horror action film. Every chapter in the book is closely related. It is always fantastic to be filled with a tense atmosphere when reading a fiction.


Imagine you go back to a few centuries ago and you need to work abroad. However, you are required to live with a horrible creature for a short while. Do you dare to do so if you know his identity? The main character, Jonathan Harker travelled to a castle and had a meeting with Count Dracula. He would stay at Dracula’s castle for several days, but something strange happened. Harker was imprisoned by Dracula due to his discovery of the Dracula’s secret --- Dracula, a vampire. Panic Harker was in danger! What Count Dracula would do in order to cover up his secret? Could Mr. Harker escape from the horrifying castle and save those victims captured by Dracula?

Things learnt:

The legend of vampires is still widespread. It is especially so in Transylvania and Hungary in Eastern Europe, where Dracula lives and these historical legends are considered as facts by the locals. From the book, people believe that vampires are evil and they can be killed by using a wooden stake. However, is this legend true? It is still a myth.

Written by Jacky Shum, 6S


By Bram Stoker

The story is mysterious and conveys a sense of horror. When I had read half of the book, I didn’t want to continue my reading. The plot is very tense and unimaginable. Also, the characters’ personalities are written vividly. Luckily, I’m a Christian so I dare to finish my reading.

Jonathan Harker was a hard-working young man. He left England on business. He came to a large stone castle. It was dark and quiet. It seemed empty. He knocked on the door and a tall man dressed in black came out. He was holding a silver lantern. His face was pale. His dark eyes glittered. He invited Jonathan into his house. Was it the right decision for Jonathan to enter the castle? What would happen next? Just read this book and find out the answer on your own!

Written by Paul Leung, 4A


by Bram Stoker

I felt scared while I was reading the book. It is quite horrible if you read it at night. Although it is frightening enough for me, it is exciting and engrossing and is worth reading.

In the story, there are two parts which attract me to find out what happens to the characters. First, while Jonathan Harker was shaving his beard, he found something mysterious. There was no reflection of Count Dracula in the mirror. He was so shocked by it that he cut himself with his razor and bled immediately. So what would happen next? What was the real identity of Dracula?

I’m sure you couldn’t put the book down in order to find out the answer. Besides, there were two girls, Mina and Lucy. Their blood was sucked by Count Dracula. So, what do you think would happen to the girls? What is the final result of the vampire? We are all looking forward to what would happen to the girls and the vampire at the end of the story.

Written by Angela Tsang, 4S1


by Bram Stoker

Every time when I look at the cover page of “Dracula”, a sense of horror will suddenly flood into my mind. The night, the castle and the vampire…. All these things make me tremble with fear.

The content and the plots in “Dracula” are really wonderful and fantastic. There are many scenes that are exciting and amazing. The most unforgettable part of the book is when the main character, Jonathan, shaved his beard. One night, while Jonathan was shaving in one of the castle rooms, he cut himself and bled. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. He looked at the mirror and could find no one in the mirror. When he looked back, he saw Dracula standing behind him, intending to attack him. It is the most unforgettable part in the book.

I have learnt a lot from the book. I think we should pay more attention and be more alert when we try to get help from others.

I am sure students who love thrillers will find it very exciting and captivating. This is the best book I have ever read.

Written by Chiu Sze Kit, Joe, 4S1


by Bram Stoker

Have you ever watched a film about vampires? What do you think about those scriptwriters? I really appreciate the creativity of the writer, Bram Stoker. He is a truly extraordinary writer because he has created this brilliantly imaginative story. I was totally captivated. It seemed that I was actually in the scene, thinking and feeling in line with those characters. I am sure that you will also be completely captivated when you start reading the story for a few days.

The story begins with a lawyer, Jonathan. Once, he had a meeting with a weird person, Count Dracula. When Jonathan reached Dracula’s house, he found things were unusual. For heaven’s sake, he realized he was living with a vampire! How did he find it out? He could not see Dracula in the mirror. Dracula slept in a wooden coffin and feared to see a cross. The scariest thing was that Dracula crawled down the castle wall like a spider. Even worse, Dracula stated clearly that he was going to drink Jonathan’s blood. How did he run away for his life and what would happen next in the story? Read it and you will experience the thrilling horror.

Written by Stephanie Chiu, 6S