Teacher: Abbott Subject: Language Arts pgs 1&2; Science pgs 3&4 Unit: 1
Dates: September 18-22, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayLearning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Obj Writing share realistic fiction story that builds the plot and contains details with peers and teacher; revise final draft in response to feedback; Spelling Lesson "Long eand o Pattern" / Obj Language using complete subjects and predicates in sentences / Obj. Writing evaluate the impact of sensory details and imagery in literary text recognizing the key features of poems that make use of sensory details and conventions of poems / Obj. Language –using complete subject and predicates in sentences to help identify subject nouns/pronouns and verbs; Sp. test #3 "Long eand o Pattern" / Obj. Writing evaluate the impact of sensory details and imagery in literary text recognizing the key features of poems that make use of sensory details and conventions of poems
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS 4.15D,E;4.16;4.20, 4.21; 4.22.D.1 / TEKS 4.20.B.1.2 / TEKS 4.8.A.1.A.2; 4.16.B / TEKS 4.20.B.1.2; 4.22.D.1 / TEKS 4.8.A.1.A.2; 4.16.B
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *students will continue to write (draft) and share/conference with peers and teacher then edit/revise final draft in response using checklist; then create a story cover copy with published story; (TE pg 81c ) *guided practice "Writer's Notebook pg. 66-#1,5,10,20 / -review sentence, noun, verb jingles *students will copy a sentence from board to model/guide students to understand how to divide a sentence into 2 parts-subject and predicate to define/determine the difference between each;create sentence parts using sentence strips after using left and right arms to understand how to divide parts / *students will review key features of poems like a limerick and shape poem on Writer's NB pg 110, 114; then create map for vocab terms rhyme,meter,stanza, line, onomatopoeia and alliteration / (TE pg 101e; 109c) *review sentences, noun, verb jingles (stud. Folders) *review subject/predicate parts of sentences using question and answer flow to identify subject nouns/pronouns and verbs / Wr. *students will finish a “Bio Poem” using lines and sensory details to describe themselves to create a free verse poem
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Wr.Using a narrative rubric, evaluate students writing for 4 of 6 traits-idea, organization, sentence fluency, and conventions: sp. students will complete pg 66 as homework / *students will then complete pg 100 as guided practice / *students will be introduced to a "Bio Poem" brainstorming 4 words to describe self / *Lang. students will complete test practice skill after reviewing test strategies for editing/revising sample on WNB pg 72; Sp.Test #3 "Long e and o" pattern / *students’ poems will be evaluated based on details written to create poem
Higher order thinking/questioning: / How can I use “CARTS” to improve my sentences? / How do we identify and use the subject and the predicate to create better sentences? / Why are poems written? / How do identifying nouns and verbs help writers connect ideas? / How do writers use sensory details to help readers interpret poems?
Academic Vocabulary: / Revise, edit, conventions / Complete subject and complete predicate / rhyme,meter,stanza, line, onomatopoeia and alliteration / Complete subject and complete predicate / Sensory details; author’s purpose; poetry; pt of view
Resources: / Writer’s NB / Writer’s NB / Writer’s NB; examples of other poems (posters) / Writer’s NB
Technology Integration: / Spelling City on computer
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Conferencing based on individual needs; sp(Enrichment) Writer's NB pg 71 / Intervention-complete practice handouts to identify subject and predicate parts of sentences / Conferencing; writing for the purpose to express/entertain the reader based on individual ideas
Dates: September 18-22, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Activity "Water on the Move"Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed using pictures / Changes from heat. Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations / Changes from heat. Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations / Changes from heat. Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations / Changes from heat. Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS 4.1;4.2; 4.3;4.5 / TEKS 4.1;4.2; 4.3;4.5 / TEKS 4.1;4.2; 4.3;4.5 / TEKS 4.1;4.2; 4.3;4.5 / TEKS 4.1;4.2; 4.3;4.5
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / viewing "Teacher Resource power point--The Impact of Changes by Heating or Cooling" connecting lab observation with movement of water in nature (water cycle) / to review changes in heat and temperature as states of matter change as a whole class / Review "How Can Matter Change State?" activity in sm cooperative groups / Review "How Can Matter Change State?" in notebook / Whole group instruction to model using reading strategies before reading, while reading, and after reading to connect expository reading sample “Changes in Heat” after completing activity “Heating/Cooling Matter”
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / *students will complete chart "Water on the Move" / *students will complete Vocabulary Development handout / *students will complete activity with colored water and ice in a metal container to view processes-melting, condensation, and evaporation / *students will complete "Science Cloze" handout from STEMSCOPE to review/understand processes of change- / *students will connect Reading/Science completing passage pgs 5-8 from Reading Literacy WB
Higher order thinking/questioning: / Why does the state of matter affect the movement of water in the water cycle? / How does matter change when heated and cooled? / How can matter change state? / How do these changes affect the water cycle? / How do the freezing/melting and boiling points affect matter?
Academic Vocabulary: / Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, water cycle / melting, condensation, and evaporation
Resources: / handout "Water on the Move" / using STEMscopedia handouts / using STEMSCOPE / using STEMSCOPE handouts / using STEMSCOPE Reading Literacy WB
Technology Integration: / "Teacher Resource power point--The Impact of Changes by Heating or Cooling"
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Use colors to demonstrate different processes of water cycle / Using vocabulary terms to connect ideas / Using test taking strategies for reading