Parents and Track and Field participants,

The CHS-Trafton Academy JH Track and Field Season Opener will be held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at Covington High School.I’m still working on event placement.

The field events will begin at 3:00 p.m. and the running events will begin at 4:00/5:00 p.m. Students will need to get picked up from school no later than 2 o’clock to get to the meet by 2:30. Get snacks/eat etc. on way. Fielders report to CHS at 2:30. Runners report to CHS for 3:30. If you cannot get checked out, and you are a runner, leave in regular car line and be at Covington High for 3:30.

People needing a ride with someone from school to the meet will need a written note from your parent.Students will sign out in front of the school with Mrs. Williams on a clipboard, not in the office.

Admission will be $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Concessions will be available at Covington High School.
The following teams will participating in this year’s meet: Trafton Academy, St. Paul’s, St. Scholastica Academy, Denham Springs, Boyet, St. Tammany JH, Slidell JH, Hammond JH, Mandeville JH, Fontainebleau JH, Monteleone JH, Fifth Ward, Clearwood, Madisonville and Ponchatoula JH

Track meet expectations:

  • Athletes will sit together where the CHS band usually sits to the left facing the bleachers from the field. There will be no tolerance for horse-play or and misbehavior. Be safe, organized, always kind and respectful! 
  • Athletes will pay close attention to when the event they are participating in is called for check in and will report on the field promptly to check in at the table.
  • Athletes will provide their own snacks, water, Gatorade and will clean up the area during and after the meet. Do not leave trash on the bleachers or the field.
  • Change into cleats only when you get called to report for your event.
  • Touch base with one of the coaches if you need to leave the meet early.
  • Cheer for your teammates as they compete in the various events. We will more than likely adjust the events for the next meet. This is a practice meet to get to know strengths.

Field Events Schedule

Coaches in charge from:

3:00 PMJH Girls and JH Boys Long Jump TA-DSJH-Mand JH

JH Girls High Jump St.Paul-Boyet

JH Girls Shot Put Slidell JH-Fifth Ward

JH Boys Discus Mont JH-SSA-Madisonville

Opening Height Girls High Jump (3-8)

4:00 PMJH Boys High Jump St.Paul-Boyet-MDS

JH Boys Shot Put HJH-Clearwood.

JH Girls Discus Mont JH-SSA-Southside

Opening Height Boys High Jump (4-8)

Follows Long Jump:

JH Girls and JH Boys Triple JumpFontainebleau JH-Ponch JH

2015 CHS-TA JH Track and Field Invitational

Running Events Schedule

4:00 PM3200 Meters

4:40 PM3200 Meter Relay

5:15 PM 800 Meter Relay

1600 Meters

100 Meter Hurdles (JH Girls 30”)

100 Meter Hurdles (JH Boys 33”)

100 Meters

800 Meters

400 Meter Relay

400 Meters

300 Meter Hurdles(30” Girls/Boys)

200 Meters

1600 Meter Relay

UPDATED 2/24/15

F Ann Marie Alessi
100m dash NM
4x100m relay A
F JohunBagent
200m dash NM
discus throw NM
shot put NM
F Kristen Baham
discus throw NM
F Brea Beauchamp
4x200m relay A
F Kaitlyn Conway
800m run NM
4x400m relay A
F Hannah Cummings
400m dash NM
4x400m relay A
F Kaitlyn Doyle
400m dash NM
4x200m relay A
F EannFruge
100m dash NM
F GabbiGioia
200m dash NM
100m hurdles NM
high jump NM
F Shani Griffin
100m dash NM
long jump NM
F Ashley Gros
200m dash NM
F Savannah Hetler
discus throw NM
shot put NM
F Madeline Lacombe
discus throw NM
F Ellie Latiolais
400m dash NM
4x100m relay A
4x200m relay A
F Sarah McField
100m dash NM
4x100m relay A
F Alyssa Moore
200m dash NM
F DonjanaiNavaare
4x200m relay A
F Aubrey Olin
1600m run NM
4x400m relay A
F TaelorRahn
long jump NM
triple jump NM
shot put NM
F Emma Robison
F Bridget Seghers
400m dash NM
300m hurdles NM
triple jump NM
4x400m relay A
F Payton Vince
100m hurdles NM
300m hurdles NM
long jump NM
4x100m relay A
F Cassidy Waltman
4x100m relay A
F 4x100m relay
A NM: Ann Marie Alessi, Cassidy Waltman, Payton Vince, Sarah McField, Ellie Latiolais
F 4x200m relay
A NM: Brea Beauchamp, DonjanaiNavaare, Ellie Latiolais, Kaitlyn Doyle
F 4x400m relay
A NM: Aubrey Olin, Bridget Seghers, Hannah Cummings, Kaitlyn Conway / BOYS:
M Julian Bonnell
100m dash NM
4x100m relay A
M Reggie Burris
100m dash NM
long jump NM
4x100m relay A
M Ian Chavin
3200m run NM
M BraydenCornette
4x800m relay A
M Isaiah Courville
1600m run NM
4x200m relay A
4x400m relay A
M Caleb Delacruz
triple jump NM
4x400m relay A
M Jeremiah Driver
100m dash NM
long jump NM
4x100m relay A
M Merrill Faciane
800m run NM
4x400m relay A
M Austin Firmin
discus throw NM
4x100m relay A
M Nelson Garcia
110m hurdles NM
300m hurdles NM
high jump NM
M Seth Gourdon
200m dash NM
4x200m relay A
M Seth Hardesty
400m dash NM
M Kamon Henry
1600m run NM
4x100m relay A
M Matthew Hicks
shot put NM
M Jonah Jacob
4x200m relay A
4x400m relay A
M Collin Johnston
400m dash NM
4x200m relay A
M Ian Lovas
800m run NM
M John Michael McNeil
400m dash NM
M Matthew Miley
200m dash NM
long jump NM
high jump NM
M Logan Pennington
3200m run NM
triple jump NM
M Robert Primes
discus throw NM
M Ben Richardson
long jump NM
triple jump NM
4x400m relay A
4x800m relay A
M Matt Richardson
4x800m relay A
M Bryce Ryan
200m dash NM
M Beau Tadolock
shot put NM
M Alex Tirado
high jump NM
4x200m relay A
M Nathaniel Wrobel
4x800m relay A
M 4x100m relay
A NM: Jeremiah Driver, Julian Bonnell, Kamon Henry, Reggie Burris, Austin Firman
M 4x200m relay
A NM: Alex Tirado, Collin Johnston, Jonah Jacob, Seth Gourdon, Isaiah Courville
M 4x400m relay
A NM: Ben Richardson, Caleb Delacruz, Jonah Jacob, Merrill Faciane, Isaiah Courville
M 4x800m relay
A : Ben Richardson, BraydenCornette, Matt Richardson, Nathaniel Wrobel