Start NOW list…
In order to succeed with your senior portfolio and senior exhibition, you must begin the following assignments ASAP:
- Prepare an information sheet (handwritten is ok, see the handbook p. 12) for a letter of recommendation and ask someone to write you a recommendation.
- Choose a career focus, and contact an industry expert in that field for an interview (see handbook p. 16).
- Compile examples of your best High School Work and polish them (due second quarter, see handbook p. 27).
Please understand that you will have computer access at most half the time. This means that much of your work must be hand written first, and then typed on the computer. We will require that your show us hand written work before giving you access to a computer. Although there will be times that you get to use a computer by yourself, expect to pair up with someone. What this means is that when you actually are on a computer, use the time to write final drafts and do necessary research for the project. Anyone using a computer for non-project work will be taken off the computer immediately for that day. This is your only warning.
As you work on this project, if you finish one assignment, immediately begin the next, as time will go by quickly and just like the real world, there are many deadlines that you must meet. Here are all the graded assignments, in order of due date:
- “COIN” Assessment 150 points, due Sept 12
- Autobiographical Essay 400 words 150 points, due Sept 21 (rough draft), Sept 28 (final draft)
- Current Resume 200 points, due Oct 3
- Letter of Recommendation & Personal Info Sheet 100 points, due Oct 5
- College and SAT Application, Apprenticeship Application, or Military Application andASVAB 100 points, due Oct 12
- College Field Trip Questionnaire and Reflection 50 points, due Oct 19
- Career ExpertInterview 150 points, due Oct 24
- Interview thank you letter 100 points, due Oct 26
- Scholarship Application 150 points, due Nov 14
- Managing Your Finances 100 points, due Dec 7
- Best work examples (3 total) 150 points, due Jan 4
- Senior Portfolio Reflection 250 words 50 points, due Jan 9
- Table of Contents and Completed Senior Portfolio 150 points, due Jan 16
- Senior Exhibition Power Point 200 points, due Jan 18
- Senior Exhibition Oral Presentation 200 points, on Jan 25, 26
We hope that through this project, you will become even more prepared for the world that awaits you after High School.