This memorandum is in response to your request for access to the Cambridge Structural Database System (CSD System) which is mounted at .

If you wish to obtain a user ID to the CSD System please complete this form and return to the Administrative Office of the Network Centre.

...... Name

...... Email

...... Address






The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), who own the copyright and database rights of the CSD System, make the CSD System available to Academic Users who undertake to abide by the following conditions;

1. The CSD System shall not be used in conjunction with any joint or consulting project with any non-academic Organisations without written permission of the CCDC. Academic Users are defined as members of an Academic Organisation, which is an organisation that is a not-for-profit, or charitable organisation supported by private, charitable or Government funding, whose staff may freely publish the results of scientific research through the normal academic channels.

2. The CSD System shall be used exclusively for the purposes of scientific research. The results of such research may be published through the normal academic channels provided the relevant reference is quoted from here:

3. The data held in the CSD, or information derived by the use of the CSD System, is not distributed or exploited on a for-profit basis whether in printed, computer readable or other form, without prior written permission of the CCDC. This restriction applies in particular, but not exclusively, to data compilations, educational aids, fragment libraries and software systems.

4. The user does not develop, for distribution, software to interface the CSD or the CSD System or subfiles derived thereof, without prior written permission to the CCDC.

5. The user does not copy the CSD System (including the data) or the documentation supplied in whole or in part.

6. The user will comply with and abide by the terms of licence of access made between CCDC and the Network Centre, from whom a copy is available for inspection.

I have read the above memorandum and agree to abide by the conditions detailed therein. I understand that the User ID is for my personal use only. I warrant that I am an Academic User by being a member of an Academic Organisation as defined in the memorandum. I understand that the provision of this memorandum shall remain in force even after the expiry of my User ID.

...... Signed

...... Name

...... Date

Network Centre/Academic User/ Page XXX of 1