Date reviewed
08/12/17 / Issue No.
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To define the system for the preparation, authorisation, issue, distribution / circulation, amendments and archiving of controlled documents used within the Quality System. This will apply to:
1.Policies & Procedures - see Section 1 below
2.Job Descriptions - see Section 1 below
3.Forms – see Section 2 below
3. Quality Manual – see section 3 below
Home Manager, Quality Assurance Manager and Group Administration Coordinator
SECTION 1: Policies / Procedures & Job Descriptions.
1.1New Documents:
1.1.1All policies will be written, uploaded and stored in the Document Vault of the Hawkhurst House website.
1.1.2Policies will be numbered as per index and incorporated into one of twelve audit groups.
1.1.3Policies will be given an issue number (issue 1 being the first issue and changed sequentially at each review) and a reviewed date.
1.1.4This is the only CONTROLLED COPY
1.1.5Any new policies must be approved by the Directors and allocated with the above information.
1.1.6A paper copy is kept in the Quality Manual, in the RN office, but that and all other copies are deemed uncontrolled and may not be accurate.
1.2 Document Revisions / Amendments:
1.2.1Document Issue: The Manager or Group Quality Manager will
Amend the Quality Management System on the website as follows:
- Insert the document details into the appropriate document index section.
- Up load the document into the correct position on the document vault.This is deemed to be the only controlled copy.
- Print a copy of the document and place in Quality Manual in the RN office. This copy will not considered to be controlled.
1.3 Document Revisions /Amendments -Archiving & Disposals:
1.3.1All Policies & Procedures are controlled by review annually during
monthly audits in accordance with the annual audit plan. The auditor willmake the necessary amendments or notify Group Administration Coordinator that a policy requires amendment.
All reviewed policies will be reissued with date and revised issue number which will be recorded on the document list.
1.3.2Job descriptions will be reviewed and changed as required.
1.3.3Any changes made to policies on the Document Vault will recordautomatically on the system.
1.3.4All hard copies of policies removed from the Quality Manual, due to review or rewrite, must be placed in the “Archived Policy File” in the Managers office.
Archived policies will be kept for a minimum of 7 years.
SECTION 2: Forms.
1.1 New Documents:
1.3.5All new forms, specific to Hawkhurst House will be uploaded and stored on the document vault of Hawkhurst House.
1.3.6Forms will be indexed and numbered and dated.
1.3.7This is the only CONTROLLED COPY.
1.3.8Any new forms must be approved by the Home Manager and allocated with the above information.
1.3.9A paper copy is kept in the Quality Manual, in the RN office, but that and all other copies are deemed uncontrolled and may not be accurate.
1.4 Document Revisions / Amendments:
1.4.1The Manager or Group Administration Coordinator will amend the Quality Management System as follows:
- Insert the document details into the appropriate document index section.
- Up load the document into the correct position on the document vault.This is deemed to be the only controlled copy.
- Print a copy of the document and place in Quality Manual in the RN office. This copy will not considered to be controlled.
1.5 Document Revisions /Amendments -Archiving & Disposals:
1.5.1Forms will be will be reviewed and changed as required.
1.5.2Any changes made to forms on the Document Vault will record automatically on the system.
1.5.3All hard copies of the forms removed from the Quality Manual, due to review or rewrite, must be placed in the “Archived Forms file” in the Managers office.
Archived forms will be kept for a minimum of 7 years.
Section 3: Quality Manual
The Manual will hold the following information:
- ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
- Document Index – Listing Policy numbers, Policy title and Audit group, Issue date and Issue Number.
- Hard copy of all current policies – this is not a controlled copy.
- Hard copy of all forms – this is not a controlled copy
- Correspondence between ISO standards and policies
Any amendments to policies will be made on the Document Vault of the website and then printed and placed in the manual. All paper copies removed will be placed in the archive file in Managers office.