Parent/Guardian Information Letter 2016-2017

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to the Gar-Field Senior High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (MCJROTC) program. We are looking forward to a great year. The objectives of the program are to help cadets develop leadership skills, build character, promote citizenship and responsibility, and enhance self-discipline through the study and practical application of Marine Corps leadership traits and principles. Participation in the MCJROTC program incurs no obligation of future military service.

The MCJROTC program at Gar-Field Senior High School is a four year, four level, elective academic course which provides one credit for each year satisfactorily completed. For enrollment/continuance in the program, a student must: be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at Gar-Field Senior High School within the Prince William County Public School system, be in a grade above the 8th grade, be of good moral character as determined by the principal of the school and the MCJROTC staff, and be physically qualified to participate fully in the school's physical education program.

As outlined in the Cadet Handbook, cadets may be removed from the MCJROTC program for any of the following reasons: voluntary request, enrollment failure, poor attendance, academic failure, poor attitude, and misconduct. Additionally, MCJROTC cadets are expected to adhere to the established grooming standards, uniform wear and care requirements, and personal conduct outlined in the Cadet Handbook.

Overall MCJROTC grades for each cadet are determined by the MCJROTC instructional staff based on the cadet’s performance in the following areas: academics, military proficiency skills, leadership, and summative assessments as outlined in the Course Syllabus.

Cadets have the opportunity to participate in many extracurricular activities, to include the unit Drill Team, unit Color Guard/Honor Guard, unit Raider (physical fitness) Team, and unit Air Rifle Marksmanship Team. Cadets may also participate in community service projects, unit fundraisers, and orientation trips. The educational experience of each MCJROTC cadet will be significantly enhanced by participation in these important unit activities.

There are many benefits to the MCJROTC program for the cadets. The leadership skill, character development, self-confidence, and discipline obtained during participation in MCJROTC will give cadets a solid foundation for future success in college, the job market, or if desired, future military service.

In order for the year to get off to a good start, we need your help with the following three items:

- Along with your cadet, please read and sign all pertinent parts of the Cadet Processing Forms. Cadet Processing Forms are due to the MCJROTC instructional staff no later than Friday,

9 September 2016. Cadets who do NOT return their completed Cadet Processing Forms in by the due date may be removed from the MCJROTC program.

- The only fee that we are asking your assistance with is $20.00 for the unit T-shirt for each cadet. This is also considered our first unit fundraiser, as part of the proceeds will help us fund the events early in the instructional year. We would like the cadets to turn-in the $20.00 as soon as possible, but it is due no later than Friday, 30 September 2016. Cadets will wear their unit T-shirt on Friday, 16 September 2016 as part of our MCJROTC Spirit Night, and during regularly scheduled physical training and other scheduled extracurricular activities. Wearing the unit T-shirt is a graded event during these activities, so it is considered mandatory.

- We expect unit grooming standards (haircuts) for male cadets to be met by Tuesday, 13 September 2016. Unless the parent/guardian has contacted the MCJROTC instructional staff, male cadets who do not meet grooming standards may be removed from MCJROTC.

Extracurricular Activities begin within the next few weeks per the following schedule:

Color Guard Tryouts: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, September 6-8 and 13-15, 2016 (2:20-4:00 p.m.)

Air Rifle Team Tryouts: Saturday, September 10 or Saturday, September 17, 2016 (8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)

Drill Team Tryouts Begin: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 (2:20-4:00 p.m.)

Please mark the following dates for some of our upcoming activities during the first semester:

MCJROTC “Spirit Night” at Varsity Football Game - Friday, September 16, 2016 (mandatory)

Fuddruckers Fundraiser – Thursday, September 29, 2016 (voluntary)

Fall Field Meet Competition - Saturday, October 1, 2016 (mandatory)

Capture the Flag Tournament – Saturday, October 22, 2016 (mandatory)

Marine Corps Birthday Ball – Friday, 4 November 2016 (voluntary)

Please visit your cadet’s Classroom Web Page and the Gar-Field MCJROTC Webpage (located under "Special Programs" on the Gar-Field High School website - www.gar-field.org) often.

We are looking forward to teaming with you to make each cadet’s experience in MCJROTC a rewarding one. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the MCJROTC instructional staff.

Semper Fidelis,


Major, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)

Senior Marine Instructor

(571) 298-0410

2016-2017 Parent/Guardian Information Letter and Course Syllabus Acknowledgment Form

We have read the information contained in the Parent/Guardian Information Letter and the Course Syllabus.


(Print Parent/Guardian Name) (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)


(Print Cadet Name) (Cadet Signature) (Date)

If you are interested in being a CHAPERONE for Field Trips, please indicate here:


If you circled "YES", please provide your contact information below:

Telephone Number: ______

Email Address: ______