Equal Pay/Pay Gaps Reading List
The following is a selection of key books and journal articles onequal pay and pay gap issues.
Adams, L., Gore, K. and Shury, J. (2010) Gender Pay Gap Reporting Survey 2009. EHRC Research Report no. 55. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Adams, L. Hall, P. and Schafer, S. (2008) Equal Pay Reviews Survey 2008. EHRC Research Report no.2. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Alksnis, C., Desmarais, S. and Curtis, J. (2008) 'Workforce segregation and the gender wage gap: is "women's" work valued as highly as "men's"?' Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 6:1416-441.
Azmat, G. (2015) Gender Gaps in the UK Labour Market: Jobs, Pay and Family Friendly Policies. Centre for Economic Performance Paper no. EA027 (Election Economics Series). London: London School of Economics.
Barnard, A. (2008) ‘Modelling the gender pay gap in the UK: 1998 to 2006’, Economic and Labour Market Review, 2, 8: 18-24.
Britton, J., Shephard, N. and Vignoles, A. (2015) Comparing Sample Survey Measures of English Earnings of Graduates with Administrative Data During the Great Recession. IFS Working Paper WF15/28. London: Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Brynin, M. and Güveli, A. (2012) ‘Understanding the ethnic pay gap in Britain’,Work, Employment and Society, 26, 4: 574-87.
Brynin, M. and Perales, F. (2016) ‘Gender wage inequality: the de-gendering of the occupational structure’, European Sociological Review, 32, 1: 162-74.
Connolly, M. (2011) ‘The gender pay gap, hypothetical comparators and the Equality Act 2010’,Employment Law Bulletin 101 (February): 6-8.
Cory, G. and Stirling, A. (2016) Pay and Parenthood: An Analysis of Wage Inequality Between Mums and Dads. London: Trades Union Congress.
Crasnow, R. (2015) ‘Transparency or avoidance - update on equal pay legislation’, Equal Opportunities Review, 256, 16-18.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2014) Secondary Analysis of the Gender Pay Gap - Changes in the Gender Pay Gap over Time. London: Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Duggan, M. (2009) Equal Pay: Law and Practice. Bristol: Jordan Publishing Limited.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2009) Financial Services Inquiry: Sex Discrimination and Gender Pay Gap Report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010) Gender Pay Activity in Large Non-public Sector Organisations: Baseline Report 2009.Manchester: Equality & Human Rights Commission.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2016) Consultation Response: Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Reporting. Manchester:Equality and Human Rights Commission.
European Commission (2013). Tackling the Gender Pay Gap in the European Union.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Eveline, J. and Todd, P. (2009) ‘Gender mainstreaming: the Answer to the Gender Pay Gap?’Gender Work and Organization,16, 5: 536-58.
Fawcett Society (2014) The Time to Act is Now: Fawcett’s Gender Pay Gap Briefing.London: Fawcett Society.
Fredman, S. (2008) ‘Reforming equal pay laws’, Industrial Law Journal, 37, 3: 193–218.
Gillham, A., Taggart, A. and Lau, H. (2016) ‘A new dawn for equal value claims?’Employment Law Journal,169 (April): 5-7.
Government Equalities Office (2015) Closing the Gender Pay Gap- Government Consultation. London: Government Equalities Office.
Government Equalities Office (2016) Trailblazing Transparency: Mending the Gap. London: Government Equalities Office.
Godwin, K. (2008) ‘Equal pay reviews in action’. Equal Opportunities Review, 174: 8.
Goldin, C. (2014) ‘A grand gender convergence: its last chapter’,American Economic Review, 104, 4: 1091–1119.
Gow, L. and Middlemiss, S. (2011) ‘Equal pay legislation and its impact on the gender pay gap’,International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 11, 4: 164-86.
Grimshaw, D. and Rubery, J. (2001) The Gender Pay Gap: a Research Review. EOC Research Discussion Series. Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission.
Grimshaw, D.and Rubery, J. (2007) Undervaluing Women's Work. EOC Working
Paper Series no.53. Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission.
Income Data Services (2012) Equal Pay Cases and Pay Audits: A report for the Government Equalities Office.London: IDS.
IFF Research (2015) Company Reporting: Gender Pay Data. Prepared for Government Equalities Office.London: IFF Research.
Joshi, H., Makepeace, G. and Dolton, P. (2007) ‘More or less unequal? Evidence on the pay of men and women from the British Birth Cohort Studies’,Gender Work and Organization, 14, 1: 37-55.
Kaas, L. (2009) ‘Does equal pay legislation reduce labour market inequality?’, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111, 1: 51–71.
Leaker, D. (2008) ‘The gender pay gap in the UK’, Economic and Labour Market Review, 2, 4:19-24.
Longhi, S. and Platt, L (2009) Pay Gaps across Equality Areas. EHRC Research Report no.9. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Longhi, S., Nicoletti, C. and Platt, L. (2012) ‘Interpreting wage gaps of disabled men: the roles of productivity and of discrimination’,Southern Economic Journal, 78, 3: 931-53.
Longhi, S., Nicoletti, C. and Platt, L (2013) Explained and unexplained wage gaps across the main ethno-religious groups in Great Britain. Oxford Economic Papers, 65(2), pp. 471-493.
Malone, M. (2015) ‘Reforming equalpay law in Britain: some proposals’, Equal Opportunities Review, 256: 10-15.
Manning, A. and Petrongolo, B. (2008) ‘The part-time pay penalty for women in Britain’,The Economic Journal, 118, 526: F28–F51.
Manning, A. and Saidi, F. (2008) Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: What's Competition Got to Do with It? CEP Discussion Paper no.898. London: Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics.
Manning, A. and Swaffield, J. (2008) The Gender Pay Gap in Early Career Wage Growth.CEP Discussion Paper no.900. London: Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics.
Metcalf, H. (2009) Pay Gaps across the Equality Strands: a Review. EHRC Research Report no. 14. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Metcalf, H, and Rolfe, H. (2009) Employment and Earnings in the Finance Sector: a Gender Analysis. EHRC Research report no.17. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Mumford, K. and Smith, P.N. (2007) ‘The gender earnings gap in Britain: including the workplace’, Manchester School, 75, 6: 653-72.
Mumford, K. and Smith, P. (2009) ‘What determines the part-time and gender earnings gaps in Britain: evidence from the workplace’, Oxford Economic Papers, 61 (Supplement 1): 56-75.
Office for National Statistics (2015) Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 2015 Provisional Results. Office for National Statistics.
Olivetti, C. and Petrongolo, B. (2016) The Evolution of Gender Gaps in Industrialized Countries. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 21887.
Olsen, W. and Walby S. (2004) Modelling Gender Pay Gaps. EOC Working Paper Series no. 18. Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission.
Olsen, W., Gash, V., Vandecasteele, L., Walthery, P. and Heuvelman, H. (2010) The Gender Pay Gap in the UK: 1995-2007: Part 1 – Research Report. London: Government Equalities Office.
Olsen, W., Heuvelman, H., Gash, V. and Vandecasteele, L. (2010) The Gender Pay Gap in the UK: 1995-2007: Part 2 – Policy Related Factors Offsetting Women’s Low Pay in the UK, 2004-07. London: Government Equalities Office.
Perales, F. (2013) ‘Occupational feminization, specialized human capital and wages: evidence from the British labour market’, Work, Employment and Society, 27, 4: 600-20.
Perfect, D. (2012) Gender Pay Gaps 2012. Briefing Paper No.6, Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Phimister, E. and Theodossiou, I. (2009) Gender Differences in Low Pay Labour Mobility and the National Minimum Wage. Oxford Economic Papers New Series, Vol. 61: i122-i46.
Plantenga, J. andRemery. C. (2006) The Gender Pay Gap - Origins and Policy Responses: aComparative Review of 30 European Countries.Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006.
Robins, J. (2010) 'Mind the gap: forty years of the Equal Pay Act', New Law Journal, 160, 7416: 633.
Rubery, J. and Grimshaw, D. (2014) ‘The 40-year pursuit of equal pay: a case of constantly moving goalposts’,Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39, 2: 319-43.
Shamsee, K. (2016) ‘Mandatory gender pay gap reporting: a further step towards pay transparency’,Practical Law, 27, 2.
Steel, I. (2005) ‘Tracing the single source: choice of comparators in equal pay claims’, IndustrialLaw Journal, 34, 4: 338-44.
Weichselbaumer, D. and Winter-Ebmer, R. (2005) ‘A meta-analysis of the international gender wage gap’ Journal of Economic Surveys, 19, 3: 479-511.
Wild, S. (2014) ‘Think, Act, Report – innovation or duplication?’Equal Opportunities Review, 251 (October):11-12.
Wild, S. (2015) ‘Preparing for an audit’, Employers Law, November:18-19.
Wild, S. (2016) ‘Estimating the gender pay gap’, Equal Opportunities Review, 265 (February): 8-9.
Women and Equalities Committee (2016) Gender Pay Gap Inquiry: Report.
Woodhams, C., Lupton, B. and Cowling, M. (2015) ‘The snowballing penalty effect: multiple disadvantage and pay’,British Journal of Management, 26, 1: 63-77.
Woodhams, C., Lupton, B., Perkins, G. and Cowling, M. (2015) ‘Multiple disadvantage and wage growth: the effect of merit pay on pay gaps’,Human Resource Management, 54, 2: 283-301.
David Sparrow
Library & Information Services Manager
June 2016