Student Services Finance Committee
508 Memorial Union ● 265-9020
SSFC Chair, Rachelle Stone,
· Your SSFC budget has supported the purchase of significant office supplies such as furniture/computers/printers/lap tops/other non-consumable equipment over the past several years. SSFC is requesting that prior to any new purchases, you provide them with information about your current computers and equipment. This will assist SSFC in developing a computer inventory record to be updated on an annual basis and to be made available to the full SSFC committee as future budget decisions are made for your organization. It will also provide a record for the DoIT funded technology staff to provide maintenance on computer related equipment.
· Please also be aware that although this equipment, furniture or non-consumable supplies were purchased for your organization, it belongs to SSFC. SSFC will be responsible for any disposal of property purchased from their funds. Please contact the SSFC Financial Specialist, for disposal procedures.
· If you do not have annual computer/furniture purchases, please be aware that you must provide SSFC with updated computer information each June 1 prior to the release of the next fiscal year’s funds.
· If any equipment is to be loaned out, you must keep a log tracking who is using the equipment.
· On the line item break down of the inventory, please include the year each item was purchased.
· In addition this Equipment Inventory is to be turned in with your End of the Year Report.
SSFC Funded Organization Name ______
Organization Representative’s Name ______(Please Print)
Organization Address ______
As the representative of the above named organization, I attest that the information provided below is a complete and accurate inventory of computers/furniture/non-consumable equipment for my organization.
Signature of above representative ______(date)
Type of Machine (e.g. furniture,server, printer, lap top, etc.) / Vendor Name or Make (e.g. Dell, IBM, Gateway, etc.) / Type or Model of Machinery (BATC, Optiplex, Dimension, etc.) / Memory Capacity(if applicable) / Machine Serial Number (if applicable) / Operating Systems (NT 4.0, RH 6.9.5, Win 98, etc.if applicable) and all other software