Review Questions

Please indicate your answer by filling in the correct oval on the scantron form provided. Be sure to read each question completely.

1.  Maintaining a state of biological balance is termed

a. assimilation c. homeostasis

b. anabolism d. catabolism

2.  If the low-power field has a diameter of 2000 micrometers and 5 cells can be seen across the field then each cell is how large?

a. 10,000um c. 4,000um

b. 400 um d. 100,000 um

3.  The basic unit of matter is the

a. proton c. neutron

b. atom d. electron

4.  The nucleus of an atom contains

a. electrons c. energy levels

b. energy d. neutrons

5.  If an atom has 5 protons, 7 neutrons, and 5 electrons, the atomic number of that atom is

a. 4 c. 7 45

b. 12 d. 5

6.  In covalent bonds, atoms ______their electrons

a. transfer c. destroy

b. share d. lose

7.  In ionic bonds, atoms ______their electrons

a. transfer c. destroy

b. share d. lose

8.  In a solution of salt water, the water would be the:

a. solvent c. suspension

b. solute d. solution

9.  A strong acid has a pH of

a. 2 c. 7

b. 4 d. 10

10.  Which of these is not a characteristic of life

a. respiration c. breathing

b. growth d. reproduction

11.  Carbohydrates are used for:

a. growth c. genetic transfer

b. energy d. structural integrity

12.  Another name for a simple sugar is a

a. monosaccharide c. double sugar

b. disaccharide d. polysaccharide

13.  A lipid is a term for

a. sugar c. fat

b. starch d. enzyme

14.  Dehydration synthesis links monomers by the removal of

a. carbon c. hydrogen

b. water d. acids

15.  An important monosaccharide (C6 H12 O6) is

a. glucose c. maltose

b. sucrose d. fat

16.  The monomers of proteins are

a. monosaccharides c. disaccharides

b. nitrogenous bases d. amino acids

17.  All acids can be identified by which functional group

a. hydroxyl (OH) c. carboxyl (COOH)

b. Amino (NH2) d. methyl (CH3)

18.  A substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction

a. protein c. atom

b. molecule d. catalyst

19.  A macromolecule made of many smaller units is called a :

a. monomer c. polymer

b. monosaccharide d. amino acid

20.  DNA is a type of:

a. amino acid c. protein

b. lipid d. nucleic acid

21.  Amino acids can be told apart from one another by their

a. Amino Groups c. Carbon chains

b. R- groups d. glycerol molecules

22.  A substrate binds to the enzyme at the

a. binding site c. chemical site

b. key-lock d. active site

23.  Amino Acids are linked together by ______bonds

a. peptide bonds c. glycosidic linkage

b. Nitrification d. amino acid synthesis

24.  A compound that produces H+ ions is called a

a. acid c. ion

b. base d. organic molecule

25.  Almost every enzyme is a

a. carbohydrate c. protein

b. lipid d. nucleic acid

26.  What is the basic unit of structure and function in living things?

a. protein c. Nucleus

b. vacuole d. cell

27.  The process by which substances move from regions of high concentration to low concentration is

a. phagocytosis c. active transport

b. diffusion d. endocytosis

28.  The movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane is known as

a. facilitated diffusion c. osmosis

b. diffusion d. active transport

29.  The movement of a substance from an area of low concentration to one of high concentration is

a. passive transport c. absorption

b. active transport d. diffusion

30.  Prokaryotes

a.  have a nucleus

b.  are always multicellular

c.  do not have an organized nucleus

d.  do not have a cellular membrane

31.  Which structure may be descended from independent organisms?

a.  mitochondria and chloroplasts

b.  mitochondria and lysosomes

c.  chloroplasts and ribosomes

d.  vacuoles and lysosomes

32.  Which cell structures are most directly involved in protein synthesis?

a.  endoplasmic reticulum and cell wall

b.  Chloroplast and centriole

c.  Nucleus and ribosome

d.  Cell membrane and lysosomes

33.  Which organelle contains hereditary factors and controls most cell activities?

a. vacuole c. cell membrane

b. nucleus d. endoplasmic reticulum

34.  Which structures are found in every living cell?

a. a cell wall and nucleus c. vacuoles and a nucleus

b. chloroplasts and mitochondria d. a plasma membrane and cytoplasm

35.  Which statement best describes the plasma membrane of a living plant cell?

a.  It has the same permeability to all substances found inside or outside the cell

b.  It selectively regulates the passage of substances into and out of the cell

c.  It is composed of proteins and carbohydrates only

d.  It is a double protein layer with floating lipid molecules

36.  Which statements below are associated with the cell theory

i.  Cells are the basic units of structure in living things

ii. Cells are the basic units of function in living things

iii.  Cells come from pre-existing cells.

a. B and C c. A and C

c. A, B, and C d. A and B

37.  Who was the first person to identify and see cells?

a.  Anton van Leeuwenhook

b.  Robert Hooke

c.  Matthias Schleiden

d.  Rudolf Virchow

38.  The cell membrane is made up of

a.  lipids and proteins only

b.  phospholipids and carbohydrates only

c.  lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and other compounds

d.  proteins, carbohydrates, and other compounds

39.  If you were to place a cell in a hypotonic solution, what would happen to the cell

a. shrink c. stay the same

b. explode d. change shape

40.  Which of the following are not true about facilitated diffusion

a.  it does not require energy

b.  substances move down the concentration gradient

c.  movement requires the help of a protein channel

d.  always causes a cell to shrink

41.  If a cell is placed in water with a higher concentration of oxygen molecules inside the cell than outside the cell, the solution is said to be______

a. isotonic c. hypotonic

b. hypertonic d. gin and tonic

42.  The difference between an area of high and low concentrations is called a

a. concentration gradient c. isotonic solution

b. active transport d. pinocytosis

43.  Which structure is found in the cells of plants but not in animals

a. cell membrane c. mitochondria

b. cell wall d. lysosome

44.  Which organelles harvest energy from the sunlight (photosynthesis)?

a. lysosome c. chloroplast

b. mitochondria d. ribosomes

45.  Which organelles are responsible for producing energy (respiration) in the cell

a. lysosome c. chloroplast

b. mitochondria d. ribosomes

46.  What two things are required for the light-dependent reactions to take place?

a.  ATP and sunlight c. Carbon dioxide and water

b.  Water and sunlight d. Oxygen and water

47.  What is the name of the location where water is split by the energy of the sun

a. photosystem I c. grana

b. Photosystem II d. thylakoid

48.  The process by which high energy electrons give off their energy to allow the formation of ATP from ADP is called

a. electron transport chain c. synthesis

b. photophosphorylation d. autotrophic behavior

49.  Which of the following molecules is given off as a waste product of the light reactions.

a. water c. ATP

b. NADPH d. O2

50.  What is the name given to an organism that uses light to produce its own food?

a. autotroph c. photoautotroph

b. chemo-autotroph d. photographic

51.  What is the name of the organelle responsible for photosynthesis?

a. chloroplast c. chlorophyll A

b. Carotene d. Chlorophyll B

52.  Clusters of chlorophyll molecules where solar energy is absorbed and electrons are excited are called

a. photosystems c. grana

b. cristae d. stroma

53.  One result of the light dependent reactions is

a. glucose c. ATP

b. ADP d. H2O

54.  In order for an electron to maintain its energy to move into the dark reactions it must be bound to a carrier molecule called

a. ATP c. ADP

b. NADP d. AMP

55.  The light independent reactions of photosynthesis require

a. NADP+ c. Glucose

b. ADP d. CO2

56.  What is a product of the Calvin Cycle

a.  Carbon Dioxide c. high-energy sugar

b.  ATP d. NADPH

57.  Which of the following is not an example of a heterotroph

a. mushroom c. grass

b. leopard d. human

58.  What is the carrier molecule that transports electrons during photosynthesis?

a. NADP+ c. Glucose

b. ADP d. CO2

59.  How many molecules of ATP are produced in the Electron Transport chain of cellular respiration?

a. 2 ATP c. 32ATP

b. 4 ATP d. 36 ATP

60.  Which chemical is necessary to remove the high energy electrons from NADH and FADH at the end of the electron transport chain in respiration?

a. Hydrogen c. Carbon

b. Helium d. Oxygen

61.  This process proceeds both anaerobic and aerobic respiration

a. Krebs Cycle c. Glycolysis

b. citric acid cycle d. electron transport chain

62.  The net ATP result of glycolysis is

a. 36 ATP c. 4 ATP

b. 2 ATP d. 38 ATP

63.  Anaerobic respiration:

a. requires oxygen c. Occurs without oxygen

b. results from exercise d. all of these

64.  The result of glycolysis is

a. citric acid and NAD+ c. lactic acid and NADH

b. alcohol, ATP, and CO2 d. Pyruvic acid and NADH

65.  The direct purpose of the Kreb’s /Citric Acid Cycle is to produce

a. Glucose c. NAD+ and ADP

b. NADH and ATP d. Acetyl-Coenzyme A

66.  What is the name of the molecule which results from the binding of a 2 Carbon molecule (Acetyl) to Co-enzyme A in the first step of the citric acid cycle

a. Rubisco c. Citric acidase

b. Acetyl Coenzyme A d. Lactic Acid

67.  Once pyruvic acid enters the Kreb’s cycle it is processed by giving off Carbon molecules in the form of….

a. oxygen c. Carbon dioxide

b. glucose d. citric acid

68.  During the process of fermentation, High energy electrons are passed back and forth for what reason

a.  So the Krebs cycle may begin

b.  So fermentation can stop

c.  To prevent cramping

d.  To allow glycolysis to continue

69.  Which of the following are not a stage of aerobic cellular respiration

a. glycolysis c. Citric Acid Cycle

b. Fermentation d. Electron Transport chain

70.  Which is the correct formula for cellular respiration?

a.  6O2 + C6H12O6------6CO2+ 6H2O+ Energy

b.  6O2 + C6H12O6+ Energy ------6CO2+ 6H2O

c.  6CO2+ 6H2O ----- 6O2+ C6H12O6 + Energy

d.  6CO2+ 6H2O + Energy----- 6O2+ C6H12O6

71.  Lactic Acid fermentation occurs in

a. milk c. muscle cells

b. any environment containing O2 d. mitochondria

72.  Which of the following passes high energy electrons to the electron transport chain

a. NADH c. citric acid

b. ATP and ADP d. Acetyl-CoA

73.  An Olympic sprinter uses which metabolic pathway when competing

a. aerobic respiration c. photosynthesis

b. Kreb’s Cycle d. anaerobic respiration

74.  How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes

a.  Photosynthesis releases energy, Respiration restores it

b.  Photosynthesis removes CO2 from the atmosphere, and respiration restores it

c.  Photosynthesis removes O2 from the atmosphere and respiration puts it back

d.  All of the above

75.  Photosynthesis is to chloroplasts as respiration is to

a. chloroplast c. mitochondria

b. cytoplasm d. nuclei

76.  Which of the following acts as an electron carrier in respiration

a. ATP c. lactic acid

b. glucose d. NAD+

77.  Cellular respiration (not including glycolysis) uses 1 molecule of glucose to produce

a. 2 ATP c. 34 ATP

b. 36ATP d. 4ATP

78.  In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is followed by…

a. lactic acid fermentation c. photosynthesis

b. alcoholic fermentation d. the Kreb’s cycle

79.  The Kreb’s/CAC does not occur if

a. oxygen is present c. glycolysis occurs

b. fermentation occurs d. carbon dioxide is present

80.  The starting molecule for the Kreb’s Cycle is

a. glucose c. pyruvic acid

b. citric acid d. coenzyme A

81.  A waste product of cellular respiration is

a. oxygen c. ATP

b. Water d. carbon dioxide

82.  One cause of muscle soreness is

a.  alcoholic fermentation

b.  glycolysis

c.  lactic acid fermentation

d.  the Krebs cycle

83.  Breathing heavily after running a race is your body’s way of

a.  making more citric acid

b.  repaying an oxygen debt

c.  restarting glycolysis

d.  recharging the electron transport chain

84.  All of the followinig are sources of energy during exercise except

a. stored ATP

b. lactic acid fermentation

c. cellular respiration

d. alcoholic respiration

85.  A normal human cell has how many chromosomes

a. 23 c. 4

b. 46 d. 92

86.  Another name for sex cells is

a. gametes c. chromosomes

b. zygote d. embryo

87.  The male sex cell is called the

a. egg c. sperm

b. fertilization d. pollen

88.  In human sex cells there are ______chromosomes

a. 23 c. 92

b. 46 d. 104

89.  During which phase of meiosis do chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell

a. metaphase I c. Anaphase II

b. Telophase II d. Prophase II

90.  A diploid cell has ______chromosomes as a haploid cell

a. half as many c. double the number of

b. 4 times as many d. the same number of

91.  The first thing that happens to a cell in mitosis is

a. nuclear membrane disappears

b. Cell membrane begins to split

c. DNA is replicated

d. Chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell

92.  G1, G2, and S phases are often called

a. interphase c. metaphase

b. prophase d. telophase

93.  Each chromosome contains two strands called

a. centromeres c. chromatids

b. centrioles d. microtubules

94.  The cytoplasm divides during

a. telophase c. anaphase

b. metaphase d. cytokenesis

95.  The products of mitosis are

a. two cells with half the number of chromosomes

b. two cells that are genetically identical

c. four cells with half the number of chromosomes

d. four cells that are genetically identical