Senatorial Scholarship Application


(Please print clearly or type)

Do not mail your application until ALL of the following have been included:

  1. Completed application questionnaire
  2. FAFSA for the year of application (go to your online FAFSA, log in, print copy and include with your application)
  3. Minimum of two (2) letters of recommendation
  4. Most recent year of official transcripts



Birthdate ______Marital Status______Maiden Name ______

(If applicable)

Home Address______

Number and Street (Apt or other if applicable)

____________City, State, Zip

Do you live in Sen. Cassilly’s legislative district (District 34)? To find your election district, visit : ______

Are you a registered Maryland Voter? ______

Home phone ______Email ______

Have you received a Senatorial Scholarship previously? If so, when and for what amount? ____________

Are you applying as an undergraduate or graduate student? ______

Maryland Colleges/Universities you have applied to ______,

______, ______

(Senatorial scholarships may only be used in Maryland public institutions)

Current school ______Current GPA ______

Full or part time status ______Credit hours/ semester ______

Degree desired ______Major ______

Have you been granted Unique Major status by MHEC? ______

Current employer(If applicable)


Hours per week ______Job Title ______

Will you work during the academic year for which you are applying for a scholarship? ______

If so, how many hours per week? ______

If you reside with parents or guardians, please complete the following:

Father or Guardian first and last name: ______

Father or Guardian occupation and employer: ______

Mother or Guardian first and last name: ______

Mother or Guardian occupation and employer: ______

How many siblings do you have living in the household? ______

Ages ______Are they enrolled at the college level? ______


List all school activities, sports, clubs, honors and offices you have held





List all community, church or club activities in which you participate


List special interests or talents





List all loans, scholarships, grants, awards or any other financial aid and amounts you have been awarded for the 2017-18 academic yearOR any previous year, from whom and how much:


Please explain any additional information you believe the scholarship committee should be aware of when considering your application:



Please state why you feel you should receive a Maryland Senatorial Scholarship:


Signature Date

Please return to my office by April 30, 2017.

If you have any questions, you may contact my office at 410- 841- 3158 or email

Dear Guidance Counselors,

Sen. Cassilly is pleased to announce that his 2017-18 Senatorial scholarship program is now OPEN for applicants! Any students who reside in District 34 are encouraged to examine the application, and if eligible, apply for funds. Students who do not reside in District 34 are encouraged to contact their elected Delegates and Senators to inquire about the programs offered for their legislative district.

To check which Senator and Delegate(s) represent a student, they may enter their address into the following website:

Attached, please find a copy of our application. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Our Annapolis office may be reached for scholarship questions at 410-841-3158 or .

Additionally, we will be distributing posters to all schools in District 34 to announce the scholarship program over the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for these, and we hope they help spread the word!

We look forward to working with you and your students in furthering their higher education goals!

All the best,


Sam Kahl

Chief of Staff

Senator Bob Cassilly (Harford, District 34)

443-502-0583 (Apr-Dec)

410-841-3158 (Jan-Mar)