Unit Theme: 6.1 Characters Facing ChallengesWeek: #:______

Teacher: Subject: Grade: ______Date:From ______to______20____

Desired Result
EQ3. How do I figure out a word I don’t know?
EU3. Readers use many tools to figure out unknown words.
EQ4. What makes great writing?
EU4. The writing process helps us more effectively communicate our own stories.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task): Sequencing Picture Books
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10
Standards / Reading / Reading, Speaking / Language / Listening, Writing / Reading
Expectations / 6. R.3L, 6 R 1 / 6.R 3L , 6.S.1 / 6 .LA.4b / 6L1d, 6.W.3 / 6R2L
Academic Strategy
Objective /
After presenting elements of a short story and traits of fiction, the students will review the concepts through a fill in the blanks. / Through the sample of character traits given, the students will describe and discuss their own traits. / Given the students examples of comparatives and superlatives, the students will use and describe the personality of his/her family. / After reading aloud the story, the students will plot out the timeline of the main events correctly. / After the explanation of the performance task, the students will know the steps to do the performance task.
InitialActivities / Brainstorming / Sample of character traits. / Introduce examples of adjectives using comparative and superlative suffixes. / Present the concept “timeline”. / Essential questions/enduring understandings
Development Activities /
  • Present the definition of concepts
  • Discuss each concept
  • Explain and discuss adjectives describing character traits
  • Review Suffixes (Comparative, superlative) using character traits
  • Students plot out the timeline of the main events of the story.
/ The teacher explains and demonstrates the performance task.
Closing Activities / Answer the fill in the blanks. / Students make a list of their own traits. / Activity: describe personality of his/her family / Story elements quiz / Clarify doubts about the performance task.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection