“It would be judicious to act with magnanimity towards a prostrate foe.”

“Three strikes” laws do not promote justice.

The USFG should exempt military veterans from paying income taxes.

The NFL should expand to 36 teams.

We should cut the cord.

TIPDA Round 2

The USFG should defund Planned Parenthood.

The NCAA should permit Division I intercollegiate athletes to have jobs.

NASA should privatized.

Obesity should be a protected condition under the ADA.

“An honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable victory.”

TIPDA Round 3

“Good ball players make good citizens.”

Donations to religious organizations should not be tax deductible.

The USFG should decriminalize all Schedule III narcotics.

Children under 18 should not be permitted to participate in competitive MMA.

Superheroes shouldn’t have sidekicks.

TIPDA Round 4

A flat tax is the best tax.

NCAA athletes who enter pro drafts before graduating should be required to repay their scholarships.

The USFG should significantly increase the enforcement of immigration laws.

All online purchases should be subject to state sales taxes.

“We must dare to be great.”


“One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels.”

Gun-free zones represent a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

The USFG should significantly increase funding for the Near-Earth Object Program.

Roger Goodell should resign.

A flat tax is the best tax.

TIPDA Finals

The USFG should significantly increase funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Bull Moose are better than Know-Nothings.

Lotteries are a tax on the poor.

NCAA athletes should not own the rights of their names and likenesses for video games.

“Right after the game, say as little as possible.”

IPDA Round 1A

Pit bull ownership an unnecessary danger to communities.

Preoperative transgender athletes should be able to compete in the Olympics without restriction.

The NHSTA should require back-up cameras to be retrofitted on all vehicles.

Airlines should not serve alcohol on flights.

“The American Dream does not come to those who fall asleep.”

IPDA Round 2A

“The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed.”

Public safety should trump personal privacy.

Congress should remove the deadline for the ratification of the ERA.

The NBA should significantly increase the number of female referees.

Reddit is better than Facebook.

IPDA Round 2B

We place too great an emphasis on winning.

The Raiders are the best NFL option for Los Angeles.

The SCOTUS should permit the broadcast of its hearings.

We should abolish the 22nd Amendment.

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”

IPDA Round 3A

“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”

Antidrug policies should focus more on users rather than dealers.

Presidential elections should be solely funded with public dollars.

The NHL should significantly increase penalties for on-ice fights.

Open borders do more good than harm.

IPDA Round 3B

Isolationism is preferable to interventionism.

The NCAA should classify cheerleading as a sport.

The USFG should adopt the FairTax proposal.

We should buy electric cars.

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

IPDA Round 4A

“A little flattery will support a man through great fatigue.”

Standardized testing in schools does more harm than good.

The USFG should create a free national online university.

The Notre Dame football team is harmed by being an independent.

“White privilege” is a myth.

IPDA Round 4B

Title IX has failed.

Presidential Executive Order 11905 should be rescinded.

Private beaches should be abolished.

“One man with courage makes a majority.”

We should make love, not war.

IPDA Round 5A

“No one can catch a fish with anger.”

Children should not be permitted to use social media.

The FAA should require licensing for the use of aerial drones.

Felons should not be barred from voting.

The MLB should make Pete Rose eligible for the Hall of Fame.

IPDA Round 5B

Executive compensation should be limited to 12 times that of a company’s lowest paid worker.

The IOC should not permit participation by nations that do not recognize LGBT rights.

Lotteries should not be used to fund public schools.

“Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.”

We are better off than our parents’ generation.

IPDA Round 6A

“Never waste a minute thinking about people you don’t like.”

Access to potable water should be a basic human right.

States should have the right to secede.

The US Congress should eliminate the franking privilege for its members.

LeBron James > Michael Jordan

IPDA Round 6B

The Iran nuclear deal will do more harm than good.

Executive Orders by the POTUS are bad for democracy.

Equestrian sports are inhumane to animals.

“Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.”

Legalization is superior to decriminalization.

IPDA Round 7A

The UN should significantly increase the number of Peacekeepers in its Syrian mission.

“To prepare for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

Judicial activism is bad for democracy.

#alllivesmatter misses the point.

Fantasy sports have jumped the shark.

IPDA Round 7B

Bashar al-Assad is a bigger threat to Middle East peace than ISIS.

A college degree should be a prerequisite to be President.

“Above all, tell the truth.”

The Fed should not raise interest rates.

The NCAA should no longer permit red-shirting.

IPDA Octofinals

Exotic animals should not be permitted to be owned as pets.

Fiorina is the best choice.

The POTUS should be limited to two weeks of vacation per year.

The SEC should expand its number of teams.

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble.”

IPDA Quarterfinals

The NHL should expand to Houston.

“All war is a symptom of man’s failure

The USFG should appropriate significant funding for the creation of a nationwide Hyperloop system.

Voting should be mandatory.

We are a nation of imitators.

IPDA Semifinals

The USOC should significantly increase stipends for Olympians during training.

Professional responsibilities trump religious beliefs.

Broadcast television has become irrelevant.

The highest goal of government should be to promote a strong economy.

“If you’re going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.”

IPDA Finals

The NFL should disallow players with more than three concussion across their career from competition.

Open carry is better than concealed carry.

“The first duty of man is to think for himself.”

The EPA should significantly increase restrictions on hydraulic fracturing.

We didn’t start the fire.