Patterson PTA Meeting Agenda

March 9, 2010

I. Call to Order

A. Review and approval of February ‘10 minutes. Motion to approve minutes by Cheryl Pastore and second by Donna Widmann. Motion passes.

II. President’s Report

A. Nominating Committee

1. The nominating committee formally presents the following for the 2010/2011 Executive Board:

Lisa Pearce, President

Donna Widmann, VP of Administration

Eileen Boffa, VP of Enrichment

Cheryl Pastore, VP of Finance

Terri Maas, Treasurer

Janet Juarez, Secretary.

Motion to approve the nominating slate as written by Maria Neufeld, second by Gretchen Greever. Motion passes.

B. Just a reminder that at our April meeting Michele Frost will be discussing how teachers and classes are selected for our children for the next year.

C. Budget Crisis

1. We will know more after 3/22 school board meeting.

2. Check newspapers and look online before the April meeting to learn of the outcome on how the District plans to handle this budget crisis.

D. Committee openings

1. There are several committee openings.

2. If anyone is interested in volunteering for a committee or has specific questions regarding a committee please contact Lisa Pearce.

E. Facebook page

1. Join our Facebook page and learn of exciting things happening at Patterson.

III. Principal’s Report

A. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Phone) - The transfer of the phones was successful.

1. Attendance Number: You will now call the mail number (428-6500) and then press #3 to report an absence.

2. If you experience any problems with the new phone system, please contact the front office and let them know. That is the only way that we will be aware of any problems.

III. Principals Report (Continued)

B. Chartwell’s

1. New hot food equipment has been installed in the building. This should keep the food hotter for the kids rather than the old warming trays.

2. There is a concern with the later lunch hours running out of food.

a. Everyone is aware of the problem.

b. Problem possibly students switching their lunch pick after their original order in the morning.

c. Students being reminded.

d. Back up plan (ticket system) has been developed if the problem does not remedy itself.

3. The food service equipment is available for PTA events and can be signed out from Chartwell’s.

C. Walkers and Albert Hall Court

1. If your son or daughter is a walker or bike rider, please remind them to stay on the sidewalks. Albert Hall Court homeowners are noticing their lawns taking abuse from those students who are walking and riding through their lawns.

D. ISAT’s are done.

1. Thank you to everyone for getting their kids to school on time and for not scheduling any appointments during this past week.

2. Results will be provided in the Fall.

E. Young Author’s Café – March 23

1. Two classes this year with 100% participation – Congratulations to 4A and 1R!

F. 5th Graders going on field trip to Naper Settlement today and tomorrow.

G. Band and Orchestra Concert will be held on March 24 at Crone. All are welcome to attend.

H. Choir concert tomorrow at Patterson. All are welcome to attend. Children will have a concert in the afternoon tomorrow for students as well

I. End of 3rd Quarter is March 19th. Report cards go home the Friday before Spring Break on 3/26.

J. Budget

1. The School District will know more after School Board meeting scheduled for March 22.

2. Write to your state politicians!

3. School Board meetings are open to the public and are available online.

III. Principals Report (Continued)

K. Kindergarten Registration

1. If you know of anyone with an incoming kindergartener please ask if they have contacted the school.

2. If they have not contacted Patterson yet please ask that they do so immediately to get registered.

IV. Treasurer’s Report

A. Receipts – Yearbook Sales, and Alternative Funding as per Treasurer report dated 3/9/10.

B. Disbursements – Sock Hop, Room Parties, Teacher Enrichment – Grade Level and Administrative Expenses as per Treasurer’s report dated 3/9/10.

C. Repro expenses are being billed several months behind.

V. Executive & Committee Reports

A. Administration

1. 5th Grade Celebration

a. 5th grade forms going out Friday.

b. Full report next month.

2. Field Day

a. Looking at venders for popsicles.

3. Teacher Appreciation Week

a. Collecting gift cards again this year in $5 amounts.

b. Box in the front office where gift cards are being collected.

c. Collection will run through 3/18.

4. Community service

a. Thanks you’s from the organizations are on display in the foyer of the school.

B. Finance

1. Alternative Funding

a. Traverso’s Night was a huge success. Thank you for everyone’s patience that evening.

b. Summer bridge book order forms online and in the Press.

2. Gift Wrap –

a. In the process of interviewing the different gift- wrap companies.

b. We are not interviewing Innisbrook this year due to service issues in the past.

3. School Supply Kits

a. Have interviewed a few different companies.

b. Will be using Carlson again for the 2010/11 school year.

V. Executive & Committee Reports (Continued)

C. Enrichment

1. Variety Show

a. Practice Thursday, March 18, and Friday, March 19.

b. Practices will be after school rather than Friday a.m. as originally scheduled.

2. Art Awareness starts up again this month.

3. BBBB ends next week.

4. Earth Day celebrated during school on April 23rd.

a. Dave Champion will be showing all lunch hours the worms/vermicomposter.

VI. New Business – None

VII. Old Business – None

VIII. Adjourned – 10:01

Members in Attendance:

Lisa Pearce Janet Juarez

Donna Widmann Cheryl Pastore

Colleen Garrison Debbie D’Ambrose

Laura McDonnell Dave Champion

Aysel Golbahar-Agun Maria Neufeld

Stephanie Cartwright Karen Amundsen

Gretchen Greever Terri Maas

Eileen Boffa Debbi Ruter